Releases: grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway
Releases · grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway
v1.7.0 (2019-01-23)
Closed issues:
- Error to build project with go module #846
- Result of gateway's Stream response is wrapped with "result" #579
Merged pull requests:
- Use ForMessage and fix CI from not rebasing #857 (mechinn)
- marshal_jsonpb: add check for slice sub types implementing proto.Message #856 (abice)
- Added WithDisablePathLengthFallback option (to fix issue #447) #855 (UladzimirTrehubenka)
- marshal_jsonpb: Added nil slice default value #854 (abice)
- Add flag 'allow_repeated_fields_in_body' to protoc-gen-swagger #853 (abice)
- Adding support for default and required swagger annotation fields. #852 (fahernandez)
- make generated swagger json match gateway behavior for server streams #850 (mechinn)
- test: "fill attributes of swagger schema if provided for messages" #849 (srenatus)
- Fix the generated URL in the changelog #845 (johanbrandhorst)
v1.6.4 (2019-01-08)
Closed issues:
- feature request: opt-out fieldmask behaviour in patch #839
- gRPC streaming keepAlive doesn't work with docker swarm #838
Merged pull requests:
- Generate changelog for 1.6.4 #843 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update bazel dependencies #841 (achew22)
- gengateway: allow opting out patch feature #840 (glerchundi)
- Fix the url of gRPC timeouts on #836 (royeo)
v1.6.3 (2018-12-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Comments of rpc method gets copied if multiple services are present in a proto file. #746
Closed issues:
- Issue with google.protobuf.Empty representation in swagger file #831
Merged pull requests:
- Regenerate changelog for 1.6.3 #835 (johanbrandhorst)
- protoc-gen-swagger: check typeIndex when typeName is Method #833 (hexfusion)
- Replace complicated circle CI release with goreleaser. #828 (johanbrandhorst)
- Stop the publishing recursion #827 (achew22)
Write version to intermediate file for release publish
Write version to intermediate file for release publish
v1.6.0 with automatic Patch translation
v1.6.0 (2018-12-07)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot return HTTP header using "Grpc-Metadata-" prefix #782
- protoc-gen-swagger throws the error: Any JSON doesn't have '@type' #771
- proto-gen-swagger: provide default description for HTTP 200 responses #766
Closed issues:
- Please release the repo, IOReaderFactory is not available on the latest release! #823
- Unable to add protobuf wrappers in url template option #808
- Class 'GPBMetadata\ProtocGenSwagger\Options\Annotations' not found #794
- REST gateway over RPCS? #789
- Why the rctx is substituted by a new empty context? #788
- grpc gateway intercepter #785
- "error" and "message" fields in error response #768
- Go1.11: http.CloseNotifier is deprecated #736
- Access to raw post body #652
Merged pull requests:
- Add filegroup for options proto files #821 (kellycampbell)
- Added support for more WKT #816 (mayankcpdixit)
- Fix protobuf repository's owner name on #814 (micnncim)
- Revert "Adding support for more well known types in descriptor" #813 (johanbrandhorst)
- Feature/patch2 rebased #812 (razamiDev)
- Correct wellKnownTypeConv function references #811 (johanbrandhorst)
- Adding support for more well known types in descriptor #809 (mayankcpdixit)
- Make Bazel CI failures clearer #807 (drigz)
- fix bug: the resource name of custom method doesn't be retained #805 (ch3rub1m)
- Update rules_go and gazelle #802 (drigz)
- Use newer Bazel repo rules #798 (drigz)
- Run buildifer on Bazel files #797 (drigz)
- protoc-gen-swagger: Fix formatting of license field definition. #796 (ivucica)
- Remove http.CloseNotifier code from Go >= 1.7 builds #795 (SpikesDivZero)
- ci: add job for building binaries for releases #793 (johanbrandhorst)
- Add documentation to the rest of methods on the examples #791 (rvegas)
- fix #782 Cannot return HTTP header using "Grpc-Metadata-" prefix #784 (joelclouddistrict)
- Fix CircleCI configuration #777 (johanbrandhorst)
- tests: s/iotuil/ioutil/ typo #775 (srenatus)
- Replace travis with CircleCI for easier testing #772 (johanbrandhorst)
Implemented enhancements:
- protobuf well known types aren't represented in swagger output correctly #160
Fixed bugs:
- URLs using verb no longer work after upgrading to v1.5.0 #760
- protoc-gen-swagger doesn't generate any request objects for GET/DELETE #747
Closed issues:
- how to get proper fields name for method #745
- Make a new release #733
- how to provide interface type inside proto for grpc-gateway #723
- Is there any way we can remove fields from the response json in grpc-gateway? #710
- How to write tests for the gateway? #699
- protoc-gen-swagger: No comments for path parameters #694
- Can you differentiate between an empty map vs field not provided? #552
Merged pull requests:
- Revert #708 since it breaks backwards compatibility #761 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update #757 (wora)
- Added camelCase Example #751 (srikrsna)
- Add more guidance to issue template #750 (johanbrandhorst)
Fixed bugs:
- 404s using colons in the middle of the last path segment #224
- forwarding binary metadata is broken #218
Closed issues:
- something wrong with service #748
- Support for repeated path parameters #741
- Uint64 is represented as type:"string" in the swagger docs. #735
- autoregister all provided services #732
go get -u
fails on clean environment #731- format tool #729
- Client grabbing errors #728
- how to do tls auth in grpc+grpc-gateway #727
- Let service choose it's own marshaller #725
- why gateway proxy can not distribute the http request to local server? prompt 404 #722
- enc.SetIndent undefined (type *json.Encoder has no field or method SetIndent) #717
- Travis CI fails on master branch #714
- google/protobuf/descriptor.proto: File not found. ? #713
- APIs with grpc-gateway (S3,WebDav) #709
- FR: Promote a field in the returned JSON message to a top-level returned value #707
- Does grpc-gateway support the HTTP 2.0 protocol? #703
- The swagger plugin couldn’t distinguish two rpcs if we use the resource name design style. #702
- Handling of optional parameters #697
- Vendor dependencies #689
- Output swagger seems incorrect #688
- how to use this in java? #685
- r #684
- url query parameters should support semicolon in value field #680
- how to install [email protected]? #670
- Merging swagger specs fails to use rpc comments #664
- Impossible to use gogo/protobuf registered types in gRPC Status errors #576
- Path parameters can't have URL encoded values #566
- docs: show example of tracing over http->grpc boundary #348
- Response codes and descriptions in Swagger docs #304
Merged pull requests:
- Add missing modules to browser example #743 (johanbrandhorst)
- Added support for path param repeated fields #742 (maros7)
- Add support for enum path parameters #738 (maros7)
- Add support to forward grpc binary metadata #737 (timonwong)
- Lock versions to tags where possible #724 (johanbrandhorst)
- install-protoc was checking version from wrong executable path #721 (temoto)
- Fix naming convention of JSON Schema didn't matched with the spec #719 (co3k)
- Add message field to the error message emitted by grpc-gateway #718 (ffredsh)
- Fix up examples #715 (achew22)
- Support HttpRule with field response #712 (doroginin)
- Make support paths option #711 (izumin5210)
- Add test case and proposed fix for path component with trailing colon (and string) #708 (jfhamlin)
- add OpenTracing support to docs #705 (theRealWardo)
- add support for resource name in swagger plugin (#702) #704 (ch3rub1m)
- Add explicit dependency versions #696 (johanbrandhorst)
- protoc-gen-swagger: support all well-known wrapper types #695 (jriecken)
- runtime: add support for time types in query parameters #693 (johanbrandhorst)
- Populate swagger method parameter description from message comments #692 (co3k)
- Updated doc and comments to reflect Permanent HTTP header keys prefixing #691 (crozzy)
- protoc-gen-swagger: support JSON Schema Validation properties and add openapiv2_field option #687 (co3k)
- Bazel expose protoc-gen-grpc-gateway #668 (afking)
- Fix protoc-gen-swagger to output gRPC method summary and descriptions as Swagger's them #667 (co3k)
- Allow explicit empty security definition to overwrite existing definitions #666 (co3k)
- protoc-gen-swagger: Add ability to specify custom response objects #663 (johanbrandhorst)