diff --git a/ChaosMod/ChaosMod.vcxproj b/ChaosMod/ChaosMod.vcxproj
index d7740d2cb..6119d022a 100644
--- a/ChaosMod/ChaosMod.vcxproj
+++ b/ChaosMod/ChaosMod.vcxproj
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
diff --git a/ChaosMod/Effects/db/Misc/MiscSpawnController.cpp b/ChaosMod/Effects/db/Misc/MiscSpawnController.cpp
index 888e7c742..c5aa579c9 100644
--- a/ChaosMod/Effects/db/Misc/MiscSpawnController.cpp
+++ b/ChaosMod/Effects/db/Misc/MiscSpawnController.cpp
@@ -11,27 +11,15 @@ static void SpawnProp(const char* propName)
-static void OnStartUFO()
- SpawnProp("p_spinning_anus_s");
-static RegisterEffect registerEffect(EFFECT_SPAWN_UFO, OnStartUFO, EffectInfo
- {
- .Name = "Spawn UFO",
- .Id = "misc_spawnufo",
- .EEffectGroupType = EEffectGroupType::SpawnGeneric
- }
static void OnStartFerrisWheel()
-static RegisterEffect registerEffect2(EFFECT_SPAWN_FERRISWHEEL, OnStartFerrisWheel, EffectInfo
+static RegisterEffect registerEffect(EFFECT_SPAWN_FERRISWHEEL, OnStartFerrisWheel, EffectInfo
.Name = "Spawn Ferris Wheel",
.Id = "misc_spawnferriswheel",
.EEffectGroupType = EEffectGroupType::SpawnGeneric
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ChaosMod/Effects/db/Misc/MiscSpawnUfo.cpp b/ChaosMod/Effects/db/Misc/MiscSpawnUfo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5229edb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChaosMod/Effects/db/Misc/MiscSpawnUfo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+ Author: Kanawanagasaki
+#include "Memory/Physics.h"
+#include "Util/Text.h"
+struct UfoData
+ Object prop;
+ Ped target;
+ Vector3 destination = Vector3();
+ Vector3 prevDestination = Vector3();
+ Vector3 velocity = Vector3();
+ Vector3 acceleration = Vector3();
+ bool isElevating = false;
+ bool isRunningAway = false;
+ bool fadeOut = false;
+ int opacity = 255;
+const float UFO_RADIUS = 26.f;
+const int MAX_UFO_AMOUNT = 3;
+const int SPAWN_INTERVAL = 13000;
+static Vector3 DROP_POS = Vector3(-1130.f, 4925.f, 350.f);
+static std::vector ufoList = {};
+static int prevTick = 0;
+static int prevSpawnTick = 0;
+static Camera ufoCamera = 0;
+static Ped GetPedForUfo()
+ Ped player = PLAYER_PED_ID();
+ // 10% chance to select a player
+ if (g_Random.GetRandomInt(1, 10) == 1)
+ {
+ for (auto ufo : ufoList)
+ if (ufo.target == player)
+ return 0;
+ return player;
+ }
+ // ped should be closest to player
+ Vector3 playerPos = GET_ENTITY_COORDS(player, false);
+ auto peds = GetAllPeds().ToArray();
+ Ped ret = 0;
+ float minDist = 1000.f;
+ for (Ped ped : peds)
+ {
+ // ped shouldn't be a player
+ if (ped == player)
+ continue;
+ Vector3 pedPos = GET_ENTITY_COORDS(ped, false);
+ // ped shouldn't be in range (ignoring z) of another ufo so ufos not end up being in each other, also ped
+ // shouldn't be targeted already
+ for (auto ufo : ufoList)
+ {
+ Vector3 ufoPos = GET_ENTITY_COORDS(ufo.prop, false);
+ float distanceToUfo =
+ GET_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_COORDS(pedPos.x, pedPos.y, pedPos.z, ufoPos.x, ufoPos.y, ufoPos.z, 0);
+ if (distanceToUfo < UFO_RADIUS * 2)
+ continue;
+ if (ufo.target == ped)
+ continue;
+ }
+ float distance =
+ GET_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_COORDS(pedPos.x, pedPos.y, pedPos.z, playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z, 0);
+ if (distance < minDist)
+ {
+ ret = ped;
+ minDist = distance;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void OnStart()
+ prevTick = GET_GAME_TIMER();
+static Object ufoTest = 0;
+static void OnTick()
+ int currTick = GET_GAME_TIMER();
+ Vector3 playerPos = GET_ENTITY_COORDS(PLAYER_PED_ID(), false);
+ // attempt to create more UFOs
+ if (ufoList.size() < MAX_UFO_AMOUNT && currTick - prevSpawnTick >= SPAWN_INTERVAL)
+ {
+ Ped ped = GetPedForUfo();
+ if (ped)
+ {
+ Vector3 pedPos = GET_ENTITY_COORDS(ped, false);
+ float angle = g_Random.GetRandomFloat(0, 6.28318f);
+ Hash model = GET_HASH_KEY("p_spinning_anus_s");
+ Object prop =
+ CreatePoolProp(model, pedPos.x + cos(angle) * 100, pedPos.y + sin(angle) * 100, pedPos.z + 200, true);
+ SET_ENTITY_COLLISION(prop, false, false);
+ ufoList.push_back(UfoData{ prop, ped, Vector3(pedPos.x, pedPos.y, pedPos.z + 100.f) });
+ }
+ prevSpawnTick = currTick;
+ }
+ // seconds between ticks
+ float timeDiff = static_cast(currTick - prevTick) / 1000.f;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ufoList.size(); i++)
+ {
+ UfoData& ufo = ufoList[i];
+ if (!DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(ufo.prop))
+ {
+ ufoList.erase(ufoList.begin() + i);
+ i--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ Vector3 ufoPos = GET_ENTITY_COORDS(ufo.prop, false);
+ // despawn ufo if it is far away
+ if (GET_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_COORDS(ufoPos.x, ufoPos.y, ufoPos.z, playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z, 0) > 1000)
+ {
+ DELETE_OBJECT(&ufo.prop);
+ ufoList.erase(ufoList.begin() + i);
+ i--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // trying to get another ped in case the ped despawned
+ if (!DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(ufo.target))
+ {
+ Ped ped = GetPedForUfo();
+ if (ped == 0)
+ continue;
+ ufo.target = ped;
+ ufo.isElevating = false;
+ ufo.isRunningAway = false;
+ ufo.fadeOut = false;
+ }
+ Entity target = ufo.target;
+ Vector3 targetPos;
+ if (IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(ufo.target, false))
+ {
+ Vehicle vehicle = GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_IN(ufo.target, false);
+ targetPos = GET_ENTITY_COORDS(vehicle, false);
+ target = vehicle;
+ }
+ else
+ targetPos = GET_ENTITY_COORDS(ufo.target, false);
+ ufo.acceleration = ufo.destination - ufo.velocity * 1.5 - ufoPos;
+ ufo.velocity = ufo.velocity + ufo.acceleration * timeDiff;
+ ufoPos = ufoPos + ufo.velocity * timeDiff;
+ SET_ENTITY_COORDS(ufo.prop, ufoPos.x, ufoPos.y, ufoPos.z, false, false, false, false);
+ Vector3 distance = ufo.destination - ufoPos;
+ // ufo logic
+ // fade out is the last stage, after we drop the ped into the cannibal camp
+ if (ufo.fadeOut)
+ {
+ if (ufo.opacity > 0)
+ {
+ ufo.opacity--;
+ SET_ENTITY_ALPHA(ufo.prop, ufo.opacity, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DELETE_OBJECT(&ufo.prop);
+ ufoList.erase(ufoList.begin() + i);
+ i--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // isRunningAway is a stage when the ufo picked up a ped and is now flying to the cannibal camp
+ else if (ufo.isRunningAway)
+ {
+ Vector3 toDropPosVec = DROP_POS - ufo.destination;
+ if (toDropPosVec.Length() < 400)
+ ufo.destination = DROP_POS;
+ else
+ ufo.destination = ufo.destination + toDropPosVec * (350.f / toDropPosVec.Length()) * timeDiff;
+ if (IS_ENTITY_A_PED(target) && !IS_PED_RAGDOLL(target))
+ SET_PED_TO_RAGDOLL(target, 5000, 5000, 0, true, true, false);
+ float fullPathLen = GET_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_COORDS(DROP_POS.x, DROP_POS.y, DROP_POS.z, ufo.prevDestination.x,
+ ufo.prevDestination.y, ufo.prevDestination.z, 0);
+ float restPathLen =
+ GET_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_COORDS(DROP_POS.x, DROP_POS.y, DROP_POS.z, ufoPos.x, ufoPos.y, ufoPos.z, 0);
+ float progress = 1 - restPathLen / fullPathLen;
+ SET_ENTITY_COORDS(target, ufoPos.x, ufoPos.y, ufoPos.z, false, false, false, false);
+ SET_ENTITY_COORDS(ufo.prop, ufoPos.x, ufoPos.y,
+ ufo.prevDestination.z + (DROP_POS.z - ufo.prevDestination.z) * progress
+ + sin(progress * 3.14159f) * 500.f,
+ false, false, false, false);
+ if (distance.Length() < 10.f && ufo.velocity.Length() < 15.f)
+ {
+ ufo.isRunningAway = false;
+ ufo.fadeOut = true;
+ if (ufoCamera && PLAYER_PED_ID() == ufo.target)
+ {
+ CAM::SET_CAM_ACTIVE(ufoCamera, false);
+ CAM::RENDER_SCRIPT_CAMS(false, true, 700, 1, 1, 1);
+ CAM::DESTROY_CAM(ufoCamera, true);
+ ufoCamera = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ufoCamera && PLAYER_PED_ID() == ufo.target)
+ {
+ CAM::SET_CAM_ACTIVE(ufoCamera, true);
+ Vector3 rot = CAM::GET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_ROT(2);
+ Vector3 rotRad = rot / 180.f * 3.14159f;
+ Vector3 camDir = Vector3(-sin(rotRad.z) * cos(rotRad.x), cos(rotRad.z) * cos(rotRad.x), sin(rotRad.x));
+ Vector3 coords = ufoPos - camDir * 100.f;
+ float fov = CAM::GET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_FOV();
+ CAM::SET_CAM_PARAMS(ufoCamera, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, fov, 700, 0, 0, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ // isElevating is a stage when the ufo hovers above the target ped and elevates it inside itself
+ else if (ufo.isElevating)
+ {
+ if (IS_ENTITY_A_PED(target) && !IS_PED_RAGDOLL(target))
+ SET_PED_TO_RAGDOLL(target, 5000, 5000, 0, true, true, false);
+ float zForce = .50f;
+ if (ufoPos.z <= targetPos.z)
+ zForce = -.75f;
+ Memory::ApplyForceToEntity(target, 3, (ufoPos.x - targetPos.x) * 4 * timeDiff,
+ (ufoPos.y - targetPos.y) * 4 * timeDiff, zForce, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
+ true, false, true);
+ Vector3 ufoPedDir = targetPos - ufoPos;
+ if (ufoPedDir.Length() < 7)
+ {
+ Vector3 toDropPosVec = DROP_POS - ufoPos;
+ ufo.isElevating = false;
+ ufo.isRunningAway = true;
+ ufo.prevDestination = ufo.destination;
+ ufo.destination = ufoPos + toDropPosVec * (200.f / toDropPosVec.Length());
+ SET_ENTITY_COLLISION(target, true, false);
+ SET_ENTITY_COLLISION(ufo.target, true, false);
+ if (PLAYER_PED_ID() == ufo.target)
+ {
+ CAM::RENDER_SCRIPT_CAMS(true, true, 700, 1, 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ DRAW_SPOT_LIGHT(ufoPos.x, ufoPos.y, ufoPos.z, ufoPedDir.x, ufoPedDir.y, ufoPedDir.z, 255, 255, 255, 500,
+ 1.f, 0.f, 7.f, 1.f);
+ }
+ // first stage, ufo trying to position itself above the target ped
+ else
+ {
+ if (distance.Length() < 10)
+ {
+ ufo.isElevating = true;
+ SET_ENTITY_COLLISION(target, false, false);
+ }
+ else
+ ufo.destination = Vector3(targetPos.x, targetPos.y, targetPos.z + 75.f);
+ }
+ }
+ prevTick = currTick;
+static void OnStop()
+ for (int i = 0; i < ufoList.size(); i++)
+ {
+ UfoData& ufo = ufoList[i];
+ Object& prop = ufo.prop;
+ SET_ENTITY_COLLISION(ufo.target, true, false);
+ if (IS_ENTITY_A_PED(ufo.target) && IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(ufo.target, false))
+ {
+ Vehicle vehicle = GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_IN(ufo.target, false);
+ SET_ENTITY_COLLISION(vehicle, true, false);
+ }
+ if (DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(prop))
+ }
+ ufoList.clear();
+ if (ufoCamera)
+ {
+ CAM::SET_CAM_ACTIVE(ufoCamera, false);
+ CAM::RENDER_SCRIPT_CAMS(false, true, 700, 1, 1, 1);
+ CAM::DESTROY_CAM(ufoCamera, true);
+ ufoCamera = 0;
+ }
+static RegisterEffect registerEffect(EFFECT_SPAWN_UFO, OnStart, OnStop, OnTick, EffectInfo
+ {
+ .Name = "Spawn UFO",
+ .Id = "misc_spawnufo",
+ .EEffectGroupType = EEffectGroupType::SpawnGeneric
+ }