Welcome to the Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Working Group! This is an open, public working group (WG) welcoming anyone who would like to help identify cloud native best practices for networking applications. We're glad you're here!
To learn about this working group, read the CNF WG charter.
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this repo is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (local copy), and any code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (local copy). See more at LICENSE.md.
Contributors are encouraged to collaborate using the following resources:
- Weekly public community meetings
- Review past meetings on YouTube
- CNCF Slack (get an invite here)
- CNF WG mailing list
- Discussion board on GitHub
- Pull Requests
- Issue Tracker
We welcome many different types of contributions including:
- General improvements to documentation
- Use cases and user stories
- Definitions
- eg. Actors and Roles
- Requirements
- Classification
- Common - eg. fast per-packet networking
- Special - eg. integration with specific protocols
- Levels/structuring
- From high-level business requirement to specific technology features
- eg. policy and regulation -> segmentation of traffic -> multiple L2 networks -> multiple host interfaces -> CNI -> MyFavoriteCNI
- See Networking Requirements for CNFs GitHub discussion
- Classification
- Gap Analysis
- CNF Examples
- Best Practices
- Go to the GitHub Discussion board
- Participate in existing discussions
- Add new discussion topics
- Reference Issues, PRs, and existing content from the CNF WG repo
Review, contribute to, create new GitHub issues.
Pull Requests are always welcome, even for small fixes like typos.
Reviews and comments on open Pull Requests are also appreciated.
The CNF WG charter contains a list of organizations that are interested in these efforts. To add your organization name, please submit a Pull Request to edit the interested parties section of the charter.
The CNF WG community follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.
Thank you for your participation. We appreciate your help and look forward to collaborating with you!