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File metadata and controls

153 lines (128 loc) · 7.71 KB

File structure

The installation has subdirectories as follows:

  • audio contains audio samples
  • css contains style sheets
    • css/default contains the default theme. Other subdirectories contain files that can override all or some of the default css.
  • dictionaries contains all the dictionaries
  • editions contains the edition specifications
  • games contains the database of games (initially empty)
  • html has the html for the user interfaces, games.html for the control panel, and game.html for the game itself.
  • i18n contains the master English en.json, qqq documentation, and any other contributed translations of the interface.
  • images contains images used by the game
  • js has all the source code
    • js/common has generic code shared between server and browser
    • js/dawg is generation and management of DAWGs
    • js/design is the Valett program
    • js/game has game code shared between browser and server
    • js/i18n has the translations checker
    • js/browser is the browser code
    • js/server has the server code
  • test has all the unit tests and fixtures

Building your own dictionary

Dictionaries are stored in the dictionaries directory in the form of a DAWG (Directed Acyclic Word Graph), which is generated from a lexicon (list of words) using a processor based on Daniel Weck's DAWG_Compressor program. To build a new dictionary, follow the instructions given when you run:

$ node js/dawg/compressor.js

js/dawg/explore.js can be used to explore the generated DAWG(s) e.g.

$ node js/dawg/explore.js SOWPODS_English --anagrams scrabble

Run it with no parameters for help.

If you are extending an existing dictionary with new words, you don't need to run the compressor. If there is a file in the dictionaries folder with the same name as the dictionary and the extension .white it will be read and the words in it loaded into the dictionary when the server starts. It will affect the performance of the dictionary, so you are recommended to run the compressor every so often to incorporate those words.

Flow of Control

Players access / on the server. This will load the games interface, which is used to view available games and create new games.

A game is joined by opening a URL which identifies the game and player (GET /join/gameKey/playerKey). The server adds the player to the game and responds with the gameKey and playerKey. The games interface then opens a new window on html/game.html, which loads the UI. When the document is ready, it executes js/game.js, which creates the UI.

Construction of the UI object asks the server for the state of the game using a GET /game/gameKey URI. The server recognises this as a request for JSON, and serves up the game, as serialised by js/game/Freeze.js. The UI thaws this data and loads the game, then manually connects the WebSocket, attaching handlers for managing the socket.

Once construction is complete, the UI will listen for events coming over the socket from the server and modify the client local copy of the game accordingly. It will also listen for events coming from the user, and will POST messages using the /command route to reflect user actions: makeMove, challenge, swap, takeBack, pass, confirmGameOver, pause and unpause.

Information about a play is passed to the server in a Move object, and results are broadcast asynchronously as turn events parameterised by Turn objects. A single play will usually result in a single Turn object being broadcast, but there is no theoretical limit on the number of Turn objects that might be broadcast for a single interactive play. For example, a robot play following a human play will result in a sequence of turns. Turn objects are recorded in the game history, allowing a full replay of game events at a later date (e.g. when refreshing the Ui.)

A complete list of the routes handled by the server can be found in the code documentation for the Server class.


The test subdirectory contains unit tests for the server written using the mocha framework. Run them using npm run test.

Also supported is test coverage analysis using istanbul; run npm run coverage. Coverage statistics are outout in the coverage directory.

You can also run eslint on the code using npm run lint.


Xanado uses the Wikimedia jQuery.i18n framework to support translations. Currently translation files are provided for English, (une très mauvaise traduction en) French, and (eine schlechte Übersetzung ins) German. To generate your own translation, copy /i18n/en.json to a file using your language code (e.g. it for Italian) and edit the new file to provide the translation. You can use npm run tx to check the completeness of your translations.


The code is documented using jsdoc. The documentation is automatically built when a new version is pushed to github, and can be found on github pages.

For development, npm run doc will generate the documentation in the doc directory. You can read the doc in a browser by opening file:///..../doc/index.html or, if the game server is running, by loading http://localhost:9093/doc/index.html (adjust URL to suit your install)


Dockerfile can be used for building local docker images (assuming you have a docker server running).

npm run docker

will build an image using Dockerfile

$ docker run -p9093:9093 xword

will run the image, mapping localhost port 9093 to port 9093 on the docker image. The docker image is automatically built when a new version is checked in to github.


The github repository has a list of issues that need to be addressed, including a number of enhancements. Here are some other enhancements that you might like to explore.

Designing your own game

Game definitions can be found in the editions directory. Each definition describes the layout of the lower-right quadrant of the board (it is assumed to be mirrored), the contents of the bag, the number of tiles on the rack, the number of tiles that can be swapped in a play, and the bonuses for playing certain numbers of tiles in one play.


Choosing point values for tiles, and the number of tiles of each letter, can be difficult to get right. Included is a version of Joshua Lewis' Valett program which analyses a word corpus and recommends tile values and counts for the letter combinations encountered in the corpus based on probability (the corpus can be any big list of words, or it can simply be a lexicon). Run the program node js/design/valett.js for help.


The DAWG support is designed to be reusable in other games. It might be fun to implement Wordle, for example, or the word search game often found in newspapers where you try to make as many words as possible from a 9 letter anagram. The js/dawg/explore.js program is a basic command-line tool for exploring a DAWG.

Public Server

It would be nice to see a truly public server that anyone could sign in to and play against other random people. However this would have to be done with great care.

  • there are already a number of security features, such as simple XSS avoidance (thanks to @pkolano) and use of HTTPS, but it has some potential holes that might be exploited by an evil person. An audit is required.
  • would also have to address things like the size and performance of the database, and the performance of the robot.
  • the games interface would be unusable without some sort of grouping of users and/or games - for example, into "rooms".