Help us make rendseq better!
If you are planning to make a larger change (eg add a new feature please open an issue/add some comments so we know that you are working on it/we can provide feedback and make sure no one else is working on the same thing!)
Otherwise our workflow follows the general Github Work Flow, ie:
- Make a new Fork of the rendseq repository
- Add your changes
- If needed - please add some new tests to test the change you made
- Verify that your code doesn't break any pre-existing test cases
- Make sure your code follows good style conventions. We use PEP 8 style conventions. We run flake8, black and pydocstyle on all our files. If you want to check your code for style compliance, we recommend you install pre-commit in your fork of the repo! :)
- Submit a pull request.
By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under our MIT License.