- xgboost fix output_margin parameter #834
- Downgrade LightGBM to last stable version(2.2.x)
- Random state seed for matrix factorization #803
- Update xgboost while keeping an old version(0.9) to allow convert old pickled model #822
- Update lightgbm
- Remove a lot dependencies and make them less strict #826 #800
- CUDA-10.1 support
- Various bug fixes and dependencies update
- Fix K-means demo for multi-GPU #630
- CUDA-10
- Use gcc to build LightGBM on ppc64le
- Fix memory leak #175 #204
- Static linking with CUDA dependencies
- CUDA forward compatibility
- Update NCCL to 2.4
- Update arrow to 0.12.0
- Update XGBoost
- Update numpy, scipy and scikit-learn
- Add experimental Matrix Factorization #729
- Conda build added
- Power 8 and Power 9 builds
- cuda8, cuda9, cuda92 builds
- Include LightGBM in cpu and gpu modes
- Update XGBoost
- Updates for pygdf/arrow and update associated demo notebooks
- Various bug fixes
- Intel DAAL initial support
- tSVD improvements
New algorithms:
- Truncated SVD
Improvements to existing algorithms:
- KMeans|| for KMeans
- Performance improvements for KMeans
- Performance improvements for XGBoost