C++ openFrameworks addon for simple and very quick to setup GUI based on Todd Vanderlin's ofxSimpleGui. It uses a very similar (almost identical) API, but with a rewritten backend.
The code in this repository is available under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Memo Akten, www.memo.tv
The Mega Super Awesome Visuals Company
Copy to your openFrameworks/addons folder.
- ofxMSAInteractiveObject
- ofxXmlSettings
- compatible with OF0072
- renamed (uppercase) MSA namespace to (lowercase) msa. (kept MSA as an alias for backwards compatibility)
- page::saveToXML() pushed the tag so control::saveToXML() didn't need to check that tag, whereas page::loadFromXML() didn't push the tag so control::loadFromXML() did. Wasn't consistent so now all controls can assume that we are already inside the tag.
- fixed keyboard support (any control which the mouse is hovering over, now receives the events: keyPressed(int key), keyReleased(int key), onKeyUp(), onKeyDown(), onKeyLeft(), onKeyRight(), onKeyEnter()
- lots of thing, can't remember. whoops.
- changed license to revised BSD (a lot more more permissive than GPL)
- initial version
- changes from original ofxSimpleGui
- added pages (tabs), controls are added to pages
- when controls reach bottom of page (customizable using page.height property) controls flow to the right
- ability to customize spacing / sizes / colors etc. using a configuration class
- everything on a grid
- addFrame has been renamed to addContent and manages any class type which extends ofBaseDraws
- saved in xml using 'keys', so you can add/remove/rename/reorder controls and still load values correctly
- option to backup save
- all controls inherit from ofxMSAInteractiveObject (for simpler event management)