After it has been installed according to the instructions in the file, you can use WHISCY to predict the binding site of a protein.
Below we will give an example of how to use WHISCY to predict the binding site of the protein 1PPE.
Download the PDB file of the protein 1PPE from the RCSB PDB website.
$ whiscy_setup 1PPE.pdb E
2024-04-22 11:43:39,469 cli_setup:201 INFO - PDB structure with chain E saved to 1PPE_E.pdb
2024-04-22 11:43:39,494 cli_setup:208 INFO - Atom accessibility calculated to 1PPE_E.rsa
2024-04-22 11:43:39,495 cli_setup:212 INFO - Surface and buried residues calculated
2024-04-22 11:43:39,513 cli_setup:255 INFO - HSSP file not found, fallback to generating MSA with blastp
2024-04-22 11:43:39,513 cli_setup:262 INFO - Running blastp via NCBI
2024-04-22 11:44:43,926 cli_setup:264 INFO - Result stored in 1PPE_E_blast.xml
2024-04-22 11:44:43,933 cli_setup:277 INFO - Generating MSA using MUSCLE...
2024-04-22 11:44:44,027 cli_setup:280 INFO - Done.
2024-04-22 11:44:44,027 cli_setup:283 INFO - Converting MSA file to Phylseq format...
2024-04-22 11:44:44,027 cli_setup:292 INFO - 1PPE_E.phylseq file written
2024-04-22 11:44:44,046 cli_setup:319 INFO - Protdist calculated
2024-04-22 11:44:44,054 cli_setup:326 INFO - Conversion table file generated
2024-04-22 11:44:44,054 cli_setup:328 INFO - Whiscy setup finished
This script will generate a set of files needed for the prediction step with whiscy
. Here it is a list of the generated files in our 1PPE complex.
Follow the links to see a set of pre-generated files for the 1PPE protein.
File name | Explanation |
1ppe.hssp | Multiple sequence alignment download from the HSSP database |
1ppe.hssp.bz2 | HSSP MSA file compressed |
1ppe.pdb | PDB file download from the Protein Data Bank |
1ppe_E.pdb | 1ppe.pdb parsed to select only the given chain_id |
1ppe_E.rsa | SASA output of freesasa in NACCESS format of 1ppe_E.pdb file |
1ppe_E.fasta | Sequence of 1ppe_E.pdb. Alternative residues have been removed |
1ppe_E.phylseq | MSA file translated from HSSP to PHYLIP format |
1ppe_E.conv | PDB residue numeration to FASTA sequence numeration |
1ppe_E.out | Output of the protdist software on 1ppe_E.pdb |
1ppe_E.sur | >15 % surface residue list according to sa_pred_cutoff cutoff |
1ppe_E.suract | >40 % surface residue list according to sa_act_cutoff cutoff |
1ppe_E.lac | 0-15 % accessible residue list |
WHISCY needs four input files (generated before):
surface_list (.sur)
: List of residues in the interface.conversion_table (.conv)
,represents the mapping of the PDB file residue numeration into the FASTA sequence numerationalignment_file (.phylseq)
is the MSA file in PHYLIP formatdistance_file (.out)
is the output of Protdist software
$ whiscy 1PPE_E.sur 1PPE_E.conv 1PPE_E.phylseq 1PPE_E.out -o 1PPE_E.cons
whiscy [INFO] Parsing surface list...
whiscy [INFO] Loading conversion table...
whiscy [INFO] Converting...
whiscy [INFO] Initializing score calculation...
whiscy [INFO] Calculating scores...
whiscy [INFO] Subtracting average value ...
whiscy [INFO] Sorting scores...
whiscy [INFO] Writing scores...
whiscy [INFO] Prediction written to 1PPE_E.cons
"I’m on a whisky diet. I’ve lost three days already."
- Tommy Cooper
The file 1PPE_E.cons
will contain the initial predictions, but we can improve them by adding the interface propensities and smoothing the surface.
$ head 1PPE_E.cons
0.10595 N25
0.10595 N72
0.10595 N74
0.10595 N79
0.10595 N100
0.10595 N179
0.10572 N95
0.10572 N115
0.10446 S37
0.10446 S49
$ whiscy_consadjust 1PPE_E.cons -o 1PPE_E.acons
consadjust [INFO] Reading input files
consadjust [INFO] Subtracting average value...
consadjust [INFO] Sorting scores...
consadjust [INFO] Writing scores...
$ whiscy_resdist 1PPE_E.pdb 1PPE_E.conv 1PPE_E.rd
residue_distance [INFO] Reading conversion table
residue_distance [INFO] Reading PDB structure from 1PPE_E.pdb
residue_distance [INFO] Residue distances written to 1PPE_E.rd
$ whiscy_parasmooth 1PPE_E.acons 1PPE_E.cons 1PPE_E.rd -o 1PPE_E.pscons
parasmooth [INFO] Reading input files
parasmooth [INFO] Calculating parameter smoothing
parasmooth [INFO] Result written to 1PPE_E.pscons
will contain the final predictions! 🎉
head 1PPE_E.pscons
0.16475 V75
0.14702 I73
0.14633 L114
0.14547 F82
0.14297 V76
0.12907 R117
0.12127 Q81
0.11694 N115
0.11630 N72
0.11512 N25
You can visualize the predictions in the input structure using whiscy_bfactor
, this script will add the WHISCY scores to the B-factor column of the PDB file.
$ whiscy_bfactor 1PPE_E.pdb 1PPE_E_whiscy.pdb 1PPE_E.pscons
1PPE_E_whiscy.pdb PDB file with WHISCY scores in B-factor column has been created
Now open the structure in your favorite molecular viewer and check the WHISCY scores in the B-factor column.