This is a GNU Radio hierblock to create Bell 202 standard AFSK modulation. This block expecting input as a bitstream and outputs AFSK modulated real signal stream.
Tested on GNU Radio v3.7.11 - Ubuntu.
You have to have GNU Radio v3.7.10 (or newer) in your computer first.
$ cd
$ cd gr-HDLC-AFSK/hierblocks/afsk-bell202-modulator/
$ gnuradio-companion afsk_bell202_mod.grc
- Run the flowgraph (F6).
- Reload Blocks
- Finish. Now this hierblock will appear under HDLC AFSK category as AFSK Bell-202 Modulator block.
This AFSK Modulator outputs 1700 Hz-centered AFSK signal with mark frequency is 1200 Hz and space frequency is 2200 Hz.
Baudrate is fixed at 1200. Real baudrate implementation is through symbol repetition.
The output of the modulator is pulse shaped using a root raised cosine filter. This filter ensures only bandwidth-limited modulation signal is produced.
The following is the AFSK Bell 202 Modulator's bigger picture: