This is a GNU Radio hierblock to create (A)FSK based modulation. This block expecting input as a bitstream and outputs FSK modulated complex signal stream.
Tested on GNU Radio v3.7.11 - Ubuntu.
You have to have GNU Radio v3.7.10 (or newer) in your computer first.
$ cd
$ cd gr-HDLC-AFSK/hierblocks/afsk-modulator/
$ gnuradio-companion afsk_mod.grc
- Run the flowgraph (F6).
- Reload Blocks
- Finish. Now this hierblock will appear under HDLC AFSK category as AFSK Modulator block.
This AFSK Modulator outputs zero-centered AFSK signal with mark frequency is -0.5 * fsk_dev and space frequency is +0.5 * fsk_dev.
Baudrate is adjustable (default: 1200 baud). Real baudrate implementation is through symbol repetition.
Symbols are 1 for bit 0 or space and 0 for bit 1 or mark.
The output of the modulator is pulse shaped using a root raised cosine filter. This filter ensures only bandwidth-limited modulation signal is produced.
The following is the AFSK Modulator's bigger picture: