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Downloading & Installing Releases

Hans Unzner edited this page May 15, 2023 · 1 revision

Release Types

Release (#.#.#)

These are production ready, and are available in the Visual Studio Marketplace for Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code will automatically notify users of the latest release. The latest version is always at

Pre-release (#.#.#-beta.#)

These are typically made available after an issue is closed, and can be manually installed if you'd like the latest features. Beware that pre-releases have the new feature / change tested, but no regression or cross-platform testing is performed unless the change is likely to effect them.

Normal Installation

Releases are published on the Visual Studio Marketplace for normal installation and updates in Visual Studio Code.

Manual Installation

Releases (both final and pre-release) are also available on GitHub for manual installation. To install a release manually:

  1. Open the page of the desired release, either directly using the releases url, or from the releases page.
  2. Download the releases .vsix file from the asset linked in the release (e.g. git-graph-1.9.0-beta.0.vsix).
  3. Open the command palette in Visual Studio Code with CTRL-SHIFT-P, and run the command Extensions: Install from VSIX.... It will prompt you for the VSIX file of the extension (which you downloaded in the previous step).
  4. Once the command has finished, close & re-open Visual Studio Code for the update to take effect.
  5. Check that the Git Graph version number in the Visual Studio Code "Extensions" sidebar view corresponds to the version that was downloaded. This confirms that the installation was successful.