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347 lines (218 loc) · 19.6 KB

File metadata and controls

347 lines (218 loc) · 19.6 KB


  • Fixed the batch API Preview success sample response.

  • Bumped GitHub action min Go version to 1.23.6 as it comes with a minor security fix for the ppc64le build.


  • ⚠️ Upgraded Google OAuth2 auth, token and userinfo endpoints to their latest versions. For users that don't do anything custom with the Google OAuth2 data or the OAuth2 auth URL, this should be a non-breaking change. The exceptions that I could find are:

    • /v3/userinfo auth response changes:             => meta.rawUser.sub
      meta.rawUser.verified_email => meta.rawUser.email_verified
    • /v2/auth query parameters changes: If you are specifying custom approval_prompt=force query parameter for the OAuth2 auth URL, you'll have to replace it with prompt=consent.
  • Added Trakt OAuth2 provider (#6338; thanks @aidan-)

  • Added support for case-insensitive password auth based on the related UNIQUE index field collation (#6337).

  • Enforced when_required for the new AWS SDK request and response checksum validations to allow other non-AWS vendors to catch up with new AWS SDK changes (see #6313 and aws/aws-sdk-go-v2#2960). You can set the environment variables AWS_REQUEST_CHECKSUM_CALCULATION and AWS_RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_VALIDATION to when_supported if your S3 vendor supports the new default integrity protections.

  • Soft-deprecated Record.GetUploadedFiles in favor of Record.GetUnsavedFiles to minimize the ambiguities what the method do (#6269).

  • Replaced archived dependency with a simpler osutils.YesNoPrompt(message, fallback) helper.

  • Upgraded to golang-jwt/jwt/v5.

  • Added JSVM new Timezone(name) binding for constructing time.Location value (#6219).

  • Added inflector.Camelize(str) and inflector.Singularize(str) helper methods.

  • Use the non-transactional app instance during the realtime records delete access checks to ensure that cascade deleted records with API rules relying on the parent will be resolved.

  • Other minor improvements (replaced all bool exists db scans with int for broader drivers compatibility, updated API Preview sample error responses, updated UI dependencies, etc.)


  • Fixed fields extraction for view query with nested comments (#6309).

  • Bumped GitHub action min Go version to 1.23.5 as it comes with some minor security fixes.


  • Fixed incorrectly reported unique validator error for fields starting with name of another field (#6281; thanks @svobol13).

  • Reload the created/edited records data in the RecordsPicker UI.

  • Updated Go dependencies.


  • Fixed display fields extraction when there are multiple "Presentable" relation fields in a single related collection (#6229).


  • Added missing time macros in the UI autocomplete.

  • Fixed JSVM types for structs and functions with multiple generic parameters.


  • ⚠️ Removed the "dry submit" when executing the collections Create API rule (you can find more details why this change was introduced and how it could affect your app in For most users it should be non-breaking change, BUT if you have Create API rules that uses self-references or view counters you may have to adjust them manually. With this change the "multi-match" operators are also normalized in case the targeted collection doesn't have any records (or in other words, @collection.example.someField != "test" will result to true if example collection has no records because it satisfies the condition that all available "example" records mustn't have someField equal to "test"). As a side-effect of all of the above minor changes, the record create API performance has been also improved ~4x times in high concurrent scenarios (500 concurrent clients inserting total of 50k records - old (58.409064001s) vs new (13.580098262s)).

  • ⚠️ Changed the type definition of store.Store[T any] to store.Store[K comparable, T any] to allow support for custom store key types. For most users it should be non-breaking change, BUT if you are calling store.New[any](nil) instances you'll have to specify the store key type, aka. store.New[string, any](nil).

  • Added @yesterday and @tomorrow datetime filter macros.

  • Added :lower filter modifier (e.g. title:lower = "lorem").

  • Added mailer.Message.InlineAttachments field for attaching inline files to an email (aka. cid links).

  • Added cache for the JSVM arrayOf(m), DynamicModel, etc. dynamic reflect created types.

  • Added auth collection select for the settings "Send test email" popup (#6166).

  • Added record.SetRandomPassword() to simplify random password generation usually used in the OAuth2 or OTP record creation flows. The generated ~30 chars random password is assigned directly as bcrypt hash and ignores the password field plain value validators like min/max length or regex pattern.

  • Added option to list and trigger the registered app level cron jobs via the Web API and UI.

  • Added extra validators for the collection field int64 options (e.g. FileField.MaxSize) restricting them to the max safe JSON number (2^53-1).

  • Added option to unset/overwrite the default Base superuser installer using ServeEvent.InstallerFunc.

  • Added app.FindCachedCollectionReferences(collection, excludeIds) to speedup records cascade delete almost twice for projects with many collections.

  • Added tests.NewTestAppWithConfig(config) helper if you need more control over the test configurations like IsDev, the number of allowed connections, etc.

  • Invalidate all record tokens when the auth record email is changed programmatically or by a superuser (#5964).

  • Eagerly interrupt waiting for the email alert send in case it takes longer than 15s.

  • Normalized the hidden fields filter checks and allow targetting hidden fields in the List API rule.

  • Fixed "Unique identify fields" input not refreshing on unique indexes change (#6184).


  • Added warning logs in case of mismatched and versions (#6136).

  • Skipped the default body size limit middleware for the backup upload endpoint (#6152).


  • Upgraded to 0.33.0 to fix CVE-2024-45338. Base uses the vulnerable functions primarily for the auto html->text mail generation, but most applications shouldn't be affected unless you are manually embedding unrestricted user provided value in your mail templates.


  • Renew the superuser file token cache when clicking on the thumb preview or download link (#6137).

  • Upgraded to 1.34.3 to fix "disk io" error on arm64 systems. If you are extending Base with Go and upgrading with go get -u make sure to manually set in your go.mod the indirect dependency to v1.55.3, aka. the exact same version the driver is using.


  • Replaced strconv.Itoa with strconv.FormatInt to avoid the int64->int conversion overflow on 32-bit platforms (#6132).


  • Fixed Model->Record and Model->Collection hook events sync for nested and/or inner-hook transactions (#6122).

  • Other minor improvements (updated Go and npm deps, added extra escaping for the default mail record params in case the emails are stored as html files, fixed code comment typos, etc.).


  • Fixed JSVM exception -> Go error unwrapping when throwing errors from non-request hooks (#6102).


  • Fixed $filesystem.fileFromURL documentation and generated type (#6058).

  • Fixed X-Forwarded-For header typo in the suggested UI "Common trusted proxy" headers (#6063).

  • Updated the text field max length validator error message to make it more clear (#6066).

  • Other minor fixes (updated Go deps, skipped unnecessary validator check when the default primary key pattern is used, updated JSVM types, etc.).


  • Fixed UI logs search not properly accounting for the "Include requests by superusers" toggle when multiple search expressions are used.

  • Fixed text field max validation error message (#6053).

  • Other minor fixes (comment typos, JSVM types update).

  • Updated Go deps and the min Go release GitHub action version to 1.23.4.


  • Fixed autodate fields not refreshing when calling Save multiple times on the same Record instance (#6000).

  • Added more descriptive test OTP id and failure log message (#5982).

  • Moved the default UI CSP from meta tag to response header (#5995).

  • Updated Go and npm dependencies.


  • Fixed Gzip middleware not applying when serving static files.

  • Fixed Record.Fresh()/Record.Clone() methods not properly cloning autodate fields (#5973).


  • Fixed RecordQuery() custom struct scanning (#5958).

  • Fixed --dev log query print formatting.

  • Added support for passing more than one id in the Hook.Unbind method for consistency with the router.

  • Added collection rules change list in the confirmation popup (to avoid getting anoying during development, the rules confirmation currently is enabled only when using https).


  • Added RequestEvent.Blob(status, contentType, bytes) response write helper (#5940).

  • Added more descriptive error messages.



You don't have to upgrade to Base v0.23.0 if you are not planning further developing your existing app and/or are satisfied with the v0.22.x features set. There are no identified critical issues with Base v0.22.x yet and in the case of critical bugs and security vulnerabilities, the fixes will be backported for at least until Q1 of 2025 (if not longer).

If you don't plan upgrading make sure to pin the SDKs version to their latest Base v0.22.x compatible:

  • JS SDK: <0.22.0
  • Dart SDK: <0.19.0


This release introduces many Go/JSVM and Web APIs breaking changes!

Existing hz_data will be automatically upgraded with the start of the new executable, but custom Go or JSVM (hz_hooks, hz_migrations) and JS/Dart SDK code will have to be migrated manually. Please refer to the below upgrade guides:

If you had already switched to some of the earlier <v0.23.0-rc14 versions and have generated a full collections snapshot migration (aka. ./base migrate collections), then you may have to regenerate the migration file to ensure that it includes the latest changes.

Base v0.23.0 is a major refactor of the internals with the overall goal of making Base an easier to use Go framework. There are a lot of changes but to highlight some of the most notable ones:

  • New and more detailed documentation. The old documentation could be accessed at
  • Replaced echo with a new router built on top of the Go 1.22 net/http mux enhancements.
  • Merged daos packages in core.App to simplify the DB operations (the models package structs are also migrated in core).
  • Option to specify custom DBConnect function as part of the app configuration to allow different database/sql SQLite drivers (turso/libsql, sqlcipher, etc.) and custom builds. Note that we no longer loads the mattn/go-sqlite3 driver by default when building with CGO_ENABLED=1 to avoid multiple definition linker errors in case different CGO SQLite drivers or builds are used. You can find an example how to enable it back if you want to in the new documentation.
  • New hooks allowing better control over the execution chain and error handling (including wrapping an entire hook chain in a single DB transaction).
  • Various Record model improvements (support for get/set modifiers, simplfied file upload by treating the file(s) as regular field value like record.Set("document", file), etc.).
  • Dedicated fields structs with safer defaults to make it easier creating/updating collections programmatically.
  • Option to mark field as "Hidden", disallowing regular users to read or modify it (there is also a dedicated Record hook to hide/unhide Record fields programmatically from a single place).
  • Option to customize the default system collection fields (id, email, password, etc.).
  • Admins are now system _superusers auth records.
  • Builtin rate limiter (supports tags, wildcards and exact routes matching).
  • Batch/transactional Web API endpoint.
  • Impersonate Web API endpoint (it could be also used for generating fixed/non-refreshable superuser tokens, aka. "API keys").
  • Support for custom user request activity log attributes.
  • One-Time Password (OTP) auth method (via email code).
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) support (currently requires any 2 different auth methods to be used).
  • Support for Record "proxy/projection" in preparation for the planned autogeneration of typed Go record models.
  • Linear OAuth2 provider (#5909; thanks @chnfyi).
  • WakaTime OAuth2 provider (#5829; thanks @tigawanna).
  • Notion OAuth2 provider (#4999; thanks @s-li1).
  • OAuth2 provider (#5346; thanks @Jaytpa01).
  • New Instagram provider compatible with the new Instagram Login APIs (#5588; thanks @pnmcosta). The provider key is instagram2 to prevent conflicts with existing linked users.
  • Option to retrieve the OIDC OAuth2 user info from the id_token payload for the cases when the provider doesn't have a dedicated user info endpoint.
  • Various minor UI improvements (recursive Presentable view, slightly different collection options organization, zoom/pan for the logs chart, etc.)
  • and many more...

Go/JSVM APIs changes

SDKs changes

Web APIs changes

  • New POST /api/batch endpoint.

  • New GET /api/collections/meta/scaffolds endpoint.

  • New DELETE /api/collections/{collection}/truncate endpoint.

  • New POST /api/collections/{collection}/request-otp endpoint.

  • New POST /api/collections/{collection}/auth-with-otp endpoint.

  • New POST /api/collections/{collection}/impersonate/{id} endpoint.

  • ⚠️ If you are constructing requests to /api/* routes manually remove the trailing slash (there is no longer trailing slash removal middleware registered by default).

  • ⚠️ Removed /api/admins/* endpoints because admins are converted to _superusers auth collection records.

  • ⚠️ Previously when uploading new files to a multiple file field, new files were automatically appended to the existing field values. This behaviour has changed with v0.23+ and for consistency with the other multi-valued fields when uploading new files they will replace the old ones. If you want to prepend or append new files to an existing multiple file field value you can use the + prefix or suffix:

    "documents": [file1, file2]  // => [file1_name, file2_name]
    "+documents": [file1, file2] // => [file1_name, file2_name, old1_name, old2_name]
    "documents+": [file1, file2] // => [old1_name, old2_name, file1_name, file2_name]
  • ⚠️ Removed GET /records/{id}/external-auths and DELETE /records/{id}/external-auths/{provider} endpoints because this is now handled by sending list and delete requests to the _externalAuths collection.

  • ⚠️ Changes to the app settings model fields and response (+new options such as trustedProxy, rateLimits, batch, etc.). The app settings Web APIs are mostly used by the Dashboard UI and rarely by the end users, but if you want to check all settings changes please refer to the Settings Go struct.

  • ⚠️ New flatten Collection model and fields structure. The Collection model Web APIs are mostly used by the Dashboard UI and rarely by the end users, but if you want to check all changes please refer to the Collection Go struct.

  • ⚠️ The top level error response code key was renamed to status for consistency with the Go APIs. The error field key remains code:

        "status": 400, // <-- old: "code"
        "message": "Failed to create record.",
        "data": {
            "title": {
                "code": "validation_required",
                "message": "Missing required value."
  • ⚠️ New fields in the GET /api/collections/{collection}/auth-methods response. The old authProviders, usernamePassword, emailPassword fields are still returned in the response but are considered deprecated and will be removed in the future.

        "mfa": {
            "duration": 100,
            "enabled": true
        "otp": {
            "duration": 0,
            "enabled": false
        "password": {
            "enabled": true,
            "identityFields": ["email", "username"]
        "oauth2": {
            "enabled": true,
            "providers": [{"name": "gitlab", ...}, {"name": "google", ...}]
        // old fields...
  • ⚠️ Soft-deprecated the OAuth2 auth success meta.avatarUrl field in favour of meta.avatarURL.