This week, we outlined our contract and project goals for us to work on. We went over a general architecture of our project and what we hope to accomplish
This week we formally went over who is working on what, and what we need to prioritize before the midterm checkpoint. We discussed more in-depth the architecture of our project, and how we will organize our code to follow the best object oriented design and modularization practices. We have created our own branches for the project and will start working on our parts throughout this week and next
As of 12/2 Here is our progress so far: We have made a function to compute the distance between two coordinates, which will then be used as weights for our graph. We have also parsed the routes into a Graph and implemented a BFS that needs to be tested. Additionally, we have scheduled our midterm evaluation and will present our progress on Friday. We are currently working on parsing the airports, writing tests, and merging branches.
We forgot to add our updates for the first few weeks on GitHub, but we did on Google Docs. We would be happy to show our Google Docs version control if needed
This week we complete the graphics output for the project. We apply and refer to the knowledge we learned during MP_stickers and MP_traversals. They are very helpful when we create the flight path for desired source and destination as well as making animation of the flight path progression. We add more testcases to make sure our functions are working as desired. We also implement the Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest flight path matching desired starting and ending point.