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Developer and Testing guide

This guide is for developers and testers working on the Horizon Bridge. It's focus is on the backend infrastructure including configuring nodes, deploying smart contracts generation of DAG's and using the CLI. We work with local nodes initially and add additional information for other envrionments.

To gain a better understanding of what some of the yarn commands are doing it is recommended that developers review the scripts in package.json.

Quick Start Cheat Sheet

# clone the horizon repository
git clone

# install the node modules
yarn init-all

# In separate termintal windows start hardhat and harmony localnet
# Note: Prerequisite is that you have a local Harmony Node set up see below
yarn eth-local
yarn harmony-local

# Smart-Contract (Solidity) Commands

# Clean all solidity artifacts
yarn clean

# Compile the Contracts
yarn compile

# Run the tests
yarn test

# Run coverage report
yarn coverage

# Deploy the contracts on Harmony(localnet) and Ethereum(hardhat)
yarn deploy-localnet
yarn deploy-hardhat

Setting up the codebase

Clone this repository git clone

Initialize node_modules, clean solidity environment and compile contracts yarn init-all You can check package.json to review what this command does, it

Setting up the Infrastructure

Network Overview

Environment Network Description Notes
Local localnet Harmony local network local build
Local hardhat Ethereum local network local build
Testnet testnet Harmony test network hosted by Harmony
Testnet ropsten Ethereum test network hosted using infura or alchemy
Production mainnet Harmony production network hosted by harmony
Production ethereum Ethereum production network hosted using infura or alchemy

Note: network configuration can be found in hardhat.config.ts and we have a harmony specific focus (e.g. localnet, testnet and mainnet refer to Harmony networks) and Ethereum networks are defined by name (e.g. hardhat, ropsten and ethereum)

Running Local Nodes

Ethereum Node We use hardhat to run a local ethereum node. However as deploy scripts are specific to chains. We do not wish to run the deploys when we start a node.

To start a local hardhat(ethereum) node use yarn eth local which runs npx hardhat node --no-deploy

Harmony node At the time of writing we need to build the node locally. This should be done from ganesha's mmr-hard-fork branch.

See here for build instructions

cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/
make debug

To stop the network use ^C or make debug-kill

Note: If using a later version of openssl (e.g. openssl v3.3) on a mac you may need to modify scripts\ changing this line LIB[libcrypto.3.dylib]=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.3.dylib

To run a local harmony network use yarn harmony-local

To stop the local harmony network use ^C or make debug-kill or yarn harmony-local-kill

Running Testnet Nodes

Ethereum (Ropsten) Node We use an an infura account to integrate with a Ropsten Node.

Create an Infura Account and create an ethereum project. Add the INFURA_PROJECT_ID to the .env file.

Harmony node There is a pull request which needs to be pushed to Harmony Testnet to enable the bridging functionality. we need this PR to be pushed to testnet (should be done by May 27th, 2022).

Funding the Deployer Account

Local Deployer Accounts Harmony localnet has a default account of 0xA5241513DA9F4463F1d4874b548dFBAC29D91f34 which has funds, as defined in core/genesis.go. The private key for this address is 1f84c95ac16e6a50f08d44c7bde7aff8742212fda6e4321fde48bf83bef266dc

For testing purposes we used account 0x8875fc2A47E35ACD1784bB5f58f563dFE86A8451 and funded it with 1000 ONE on localnet and 1 ETH on Ropsten, but you can use any acccount you like as long as you know the private key or mnemonic.

Testnet Funding of Accounts Create a deployer account and fund it in both Harmony Testnet and Ropsten using Faucets. Add the PRIVATE_KEY to the .env file

Here is a ropsten faucet.

To fund your harmony account use the harmony cli or metamask and transfer funds from the following account.

Smart Contracts

Following is an overview of the contracts used in the bridge and which chain they should be deployed on. Note: here we only focus on the contracts deployed the imported contracts are not covered

Network Contract Functionality Notes
Harmony EthereumLightClient.sol Tracks block headers from ethereum
Harmony TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol Locks tokens which are being transferred between chains
Harmony FaucetToken.sol ERC20 token used for testing Testing Only
Ethereum HarmonyLightClient.sol Tracks block headers from harmony
Ethereum TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol Locks tokens which are being transferred between chains
Ethereum FaucetToken.sol ERC20 token used for testing Testing Only

We use hardhat for contract development and testing and have updated pacakge.json scripts to make compiling, testing and deployment of contracts easier. Below we will list the commands used however as a developer you should be familiar with the tools used and be able to add addtional scripts to package.json as needed.

Compiling Smart Contracts

yarn compile

Testing Smart Contracts

Testing Strategy

  • Unit Testing: Each Contract has it's own unit test covering positive use cases, negative use cases, event validation and complex scenarios
  • Scenario Testing: Additional Tests will be for Scenarios grouped as follows
    • Relayer Testing: Validation that block headers are relayed between to the two chains
    • Token Testing: Validation that tokens can be transferred between chains
  • Coverage: We will use hardhat coverage to generate coverage reports

Sample Test

  • Tests are run using yarn test
  • Specific Test Files can be run with npx hardhat test ./test/EthereumLightClient.ts
  • Specific Tests can be run with npx hardhat test ./test/EthereLightClient.ts --grep 'EthereumLightClient-1 '
johnlaptop horizon (refactor) $ yarn test
yarn run v1.22.18
warning ../../package.json: No license field
$ npx hardhat test
No need to generate any newer typings.
✅ Generated documentation for 46 contracts

    1) "before each" hook for "parse rlp block header"

    2) "before each" hook for "issue map token test"

    EthereumLightClient Tests
      ✔ EthereumLightClient-1 view functions should work (44ms)
      ✔ EthereumLightClient-2 update functions should work
      ✔ EthereumLightClient-3 reverts should work for negative use cases
      ✔ EthereumLightClient-4 complex tests should work

    FaucetToken Tests
      ✔ FaucetToken-1 view functions should work (42ms)
      ✔ FaucetToken-2 update functions should work
      ✔ FaucetToken-3 reverts should work for negative use cases
      ✔ FaucetToken-4 complex tests should work

    HarmonyLightClient Tests
      ✔ HarmonyLightClient-1 view functions should work
      ✔ HarmonyLightClient-2 update functions should work
      ✔ HarmonyLightClient-3 reverts should work for negative use cases
      ✔ HarmonyLightClient-4 complex tests should work

    TokenLockerOnEthereum Tests
      ✔ TokenLockerOnEthereum-1 view functions should work
      ✔ TokenLockerOnEthereum-2 update functions should work
      ✔ TokenLockerOnEthereum-3 reverts should work for negative use cases
      ✔ TokenLockerOnEthereum-4 complex tests should work

    TokenLockerOnHarmony Tests
      ✔ TokenLockerOnHarmony-1 view functions should work
      ✔ TokenLockerOnHarmony-2 update functions should work
      ✔ TokenLockerOnHarmony-3 reverts should work for negative use cases
      ✔ TokenLockerOnHarmony-4 complex tests should work

  20 passing (3m)
  2 failing

  1) HarmonyProver
       "before each" hook for "parse rlp block header":
     NomicLabsHardhatPluginError: You tried to link the contract HarmonyProver with MMRVerifier, which is not one of its libraries.
This contract doesn't need linking any libraries.
      at collectLibrariesAndLink (node_modules/@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:207:13)
      at getContractFactoryFromArtifact (node_modules/@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:149:32)
      at getContractFactory (node_modules/@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:93:12)
      at async Context.<anonymous> (test/bridge.hmy.ts:29:21)

  2) TokenLocker
       "before each" hook for "issue map token test":
     TypeError: tokenLocker.bind is not a function
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/bridge.hmy.ts:75:23)

error Command failed with exit code 2.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Sample Coverage Report

  • coverage reports are run using yarn coverage
  • coverage for a specific test file can be generated with yarn coverage --testfiles ./test/EthereumLightClient.ts
File                        |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 contracts/                 |     7.31 |     8.75 |     9.09 |     4.82 |                |
  BridgedToken.sol          |        0 |      100 |        0 |        0 |       20,21,27 |
  EthereumLightClient.sol   |     5.56 |        0 |    13.33 |     5.48 |... 323,325,327 |
  EthereumParser.sol        |    25.35 |       25 |       50 |       25 |... 129,139,141 |
  EthereumProver.sol        |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 287,289,292 |
  FaucetToken.sol           |       25 |      100 |       50 |       25 |       19,20,21 |
  HarmonyLightClient.sol    |     1.32 |        0 |     7.14 |     1.27 |... 226,229,233 |
  HarmonyParser.sol         |    11.22 |    15.96 |     7.14 |    10.08 |... 381,383,392 |
  HarmonyProver.sol         |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 188,196,204 |
  Migrations.sol            |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |       10,14,18 |
  TokenLocker.sol           |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 146,147,148 |
  TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol |     6.67 |        0 |       25 |     6.67 |... 50,51,52,53 |
  TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol  |     8.33 |        0 |       25 |     8.33 |... 55,60,61,62 |
  TokenRegistry.sol         |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 100,101,102 |
 contracts/ethash/          |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                |
  MerkelRoot.sol            |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |    12,13,14,15 |
  Prime.sol                 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 85,88,89,91 |
  binary.sol                |        0 |      100 |        0 |        0 |... 46,55,56,64 |
  ethash.sol                |        0 |      100 |        0 |        0 |... 503,504,505 |
  keccak512.sol             |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 285,286,288 |
 contracts/lib/             |     8.99 |     8.48 |     11.7 |     9.25 |                |
  ECVerify.sol              |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 22,24,27,29 |
  EthUtils.sol              |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 81,82,84,87 |
  MMR.sol                   |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 532,533,535 |
  MMRVerifier.sol           |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 209,210,212 |
  MMRWrapper.sol            |        0 |      100 |        0 |        0 |... 52,57,58,60 |
  MPT.sol                   |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 282,283,285 |
  MPTValidatorV2.sol        |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 39,40,42,43 |
  RLPEncode.sol             |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 251,253,295 |
  RLPReader.sol             |    46.36 |     41.3 |       50 |    47.75 |... 374,376,377 |
  SafeCast.sol              |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 17,18,22,23 |
 contracts/mocks/           |        0 |      100 |        0 |        0 |                |
  LightClient.sol           |        0 |      100 |        0 |        0 |    21,30,31,32 |
  MPTTest.sol               |        0 |      100 |        0 |        0 |             13 |
 contracts/test_contracts/  |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                |
  TestEthLightClient.sol    |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 35,36,43,46 |
All files                   |     6.76 |     8.22 |      9.3 |     5.81 |                |

Deploying Smart Contracts

Deploying of smart contracts are specific to their network to control this we use the deployFunction.tags field in the deployment file and run the deployments using a combination of the --network and --tags options e.g. hardhat deploy --network hardhat --tags hardhat

The tags we utilize are as follows

  • ContractName: e.g. HarmonyLightClient the contract we are deploying used to deploy individual contracts
  • Ethereum: for all contracts to be deployed on Ethereum
  • Harmony: for all contracts to be deployed on Harmony
  • Production: for all contracts which are to be deployed to mainnet (e.g. FaucetTokens are not to be deployed to production)

We also update package.json to provide simplified deploy commands, by specifying the network and the tag. For example

  • "deploy-hardhat": "hardhat deploy --network hardhat --tags Ethereum",: deploys all Ethereum contracts on the hardhat (local Ethereum) network
  • "deploy-localnet-lightClient": "hardhat deploy --network localnet --tags EthereumLightClient",: deploys the specific contract EthereumLightClient on localnet (local Harmony) network.

Local Deployments

yarn deploy-localnet
yarn deploy-hardhat

Upgrading Smart Contracts

Proxies and Upgradability In the original codebase deployments of contracts where made upgradeable via the use of upgrade scripts and await upgrades.deployProxy (e.g. see deploy_erc20.js).

Currently requirements around upgradeability are under review.

Alernate ways to achieve this are

  1. Hardhat Upgrades: Open Zepplin provides an upgrade plugin via this npm package.
  2. EIP-2535 Diamonds, Multi-Facet Proxy: Diamonds are supported by hardhat-deploy and have reference-implementations.

Recommendation: Diamonds appear to be the more robust solution and will enable upgrading of functionality long term as we evolve our relay and verification functionality. If time is a constraint can use Hardhat Upgrades initially and then migrate to Diamonds at a later point. However this will incur a migration cost.


A CLI has been developed to facilitate testing. Complete with mutliple commands and help functionality. We will provide an overview of the functionality it provides and also how to use it for end to end testing.

A good way to familiarize yourself with the cli is to run node src/cli/index.js --help

CLI Functionality

Below is an overview of the high level commands for details we recommend running node src/cli/index.js <command> --help e.g. node src/cli/index.js dagProve --help for a better understanding of the options it is recommended to review the code in src/cli/index.js.

High Level Commands

johnlaptop horizon (refactor) $ node src/cli/index.js --help
Usage: index [options] [command]

Horizon Trustless Bridge CLI

  -h, --help      display help for command

  dagProve        DAG Merkel Tree cli
  ELC             ethereum ligth client cli
  ethRelay        ethereum block relay cli
  EProver         ethereum receipt prove cli
  EVerifier       ethereum receipt verify cli
  Bridge          bridge cli
  help [command]  display help for command

Sample Command Help

johnlaptop horizon (refactor) $ node src/cli/index.js dagProve --help
Usage: index dagProve [options] [command]

DAG Merkel Tree cli

  -h, --help                        display help for command

  generate [options] <epoch_start>  generate cache merkle tree for epochs [start, start+num)
  blockProof [options]              get block proof data
  help [command]                    display help for command

Example End to End Testing Locally

Here we will walk through end to end testing using the CLI. at the bottom there will be a list of recommendations enhancements.

Note: ethWeb3.js curretnly uses one privateKey for all environments prikey = process.env.PRIKEY it is recommended to use the Harmony Localnet private key above and transfer funds to it (e.g. using metamask) from the hardhat account 0 (the deployer account) before deployments.

Testing Steps Overview

# Step Notes
0 Prerequisite: Start local nodes See abovefor running hardhart and harmony localnet
1 Deploying Smart Contracts Deploy scripts are above, below we will use CLI Functionality
2 Generate DAG Merkle Tree A DAG Merkle tree needs to be generated from the Ethereum Chain
3 Relay Blocks Between the Two Chains Blocks need to be relayed proven and verified
4 Bridge Tokens Deploy tokens to be bridged and transfer tokens back and forth between two chains

0: Start Local Nodes

See Running Local Nodes

1: Deploying Smart Contracts

See Smart Contracts for information on deploying the required smart contracts using hardhat.

Below gives an overview of how to deploy these contracts for the CLI.

Network Contract Example LocalNet Command Notes
Harmony EthereumLightClient.sol ELC deploy -b 0 -u "http://localhost:8545" "http://localhost:9500" Can also pass an rlp Header
Harmony TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol yarn cli Bridge deploy http://localhost:8545 http://localhost:9500 One command deploys both lockers on Ethereum and Harmony
Harmony EthereumProver.sol yarn cli EVerifier deploy "http://localhost:8545"
Harmony FaucetToken.sol yarn cli Bridge deployFaucet "http://localhost:9500" -m 10000 Testing Only
Harmony EthereumLightClient.sol yarn cli Bridge deployFakeClient "http://localhost:9500" TESTING ONLY Need to clarify whether this is needed
Ethereum HarmonyLightClient.sol
Ethereum TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol yarn cli Bridge deploy http://localhost:8545 http://localhost:9500 One command deploys both lockers on Ethereum and Harmony
Ethereum FaucetToken.sol yarn cli Bridge deployFaucet "http://localhost:8545" -m 10000 Testing Only
Ethereum EthereumLightClient.sol yarn cli Bridge deployFakeClient "http://localhost:8545" TESTING ONLY Need to clarify whether this is needed

2: Generate DAG Merkle Tree

3: Relay Bocks Between the Two Chains

4: Bridge Tokens

  • Deploying Bridged Tokens: node src/cli/index.js Bridge deploy http://localhost:8545 http://localhost:9500

Notes and recommendations

  • remove src/cli/lib/ replace ethWeb3 and hmyWeb3 with hardhat deploy scripts and tools
  • .env define seperate accounts for each network and update hardhat.config.ts
  • make consistent use of ethers.js replacing libraries such as web3, rlp, bigNumber, ethereumjs-util. Recommendation is ethers vs web3 based on hardhat integration this article, these stats and these comments Ethers.js loads slightly faster thanks to its noticeably smaller size, which may offer better performance. and However, the blockchain industry as a whole is slowly migrating towards a younger alternative – Ethers.js.
  • Upgrade CLI commands into functional stages (e.g. infrastructure, deployment, relayer (incorporates ethRelayer, EProver, ) and bridging)
  • Consolidate abi's currently under different folders (e.g. cli/bridge/abi, cli/elc/abi, cli/eprover/abi) can use the automatically generated abis under build/Contracts e.g. build/Contracts/TokenLockerOnEthereum.sol/TokenLockerOnEthereum.json if this is not preferred can update deploy scripts to automatically update current disparate directories on build.
  • If continuing to use the CLI improve validation rather than throwing exceptions (e.g. when calling yarn cli ELC deploy -b 0 -u "http://localhost:8545" "http://localhost:9500") we get exceptions when the Ethereum url is not populated

DAG Merkle Tree

It is required to generate the DAG(directed acyclic graph) Merkle Tree for the Ethereum node we are connecting to.

Localnet (Hardhat) DAG Generation

cd ./src/cli
node index.js --help
node index.js dagProve generate
node index.js dagProve blockProof

DAG Merkel Tree CLI

  1. node index.js dagProve generate which calculate merkle root for epochs from [start, start+n)
node index.js dagProve generate 377
  1. node index.js dagProve blockProof which accepts block number to calculate all necessary information in order to prove the block
node index.js dagProve blockProof --block 11266784 --url<project-id>

Testnet (Ropsten) DAG Generation

DAG genertion takes several hours to run Ganesha has a machine to do this and shares the latest DAG info from Ropsten using google drive. The epoch logic is the block Number divided by 30,000 so current Ropsten EPOCH is block 12280236 / 30000 = 409 which is the DAG info shared above.

After downloading the file and unzipping it move the epoch into the dag directory using

cp -rf ~/Downloads/409 ./src/cli/dag/.

Note: Moving forward we need to update DAG information for every new EPOCH on Ethereum(Ropsten)

Note: You do not need to generate the DAG for the Harmony Chain, just Ethereum (Ropsten)

How to find the Harmony Epoch (informational only, no need to generate a DAG for Harmony) If to find the latest epoch on Harmony you can look at explorer for a validater and see the latest epoch on the EXPECTED RETURN HISTORY GRAPH. For example in Harmony Testnet on May 18th 2022, the latest epoch was 75762.

Running a Relayer

Running a client (CLI)

Running a client (Web Front End)

Component Overview

Following is an overview of the components which make up the horizon bridge.

# Component Function Status Notes
1 contracts On chain Functionality Untested
1.1 HarmonyLightClient.sol
1.2 TokenLockerOnEtherum.sol
1.3 FaucetToken.sol
1.4 EthereumLightClient.sol
1.5 TokenLockerOnHarmony.sol
1.6 FaucetToken.sol
2 tools
2.1 elc
2.2 eprover
2.3 eth2my-relay
3 cli
3.1 elc
3.2 ethashProof
3.3 eth2hmy-relay
3.4 bridge
3.5 everifier
4 scripts
4.0 utils.js
4.1 deploy_eth_side.js
4.2 deploy_hmy_side.js
4.3 deploy_erc20.js
4.4 upgrade
4.5 configure.js
4.6 test.js
4.7 newtest.js
4.8 end2end.js
5 test
5.1 bridge.hmy.js

Additional References