- Collabrative Filtering
- Content Based Filtering
- Low rank matrix factorization
- Deep Neural Networks
- Sequential Recommender Systems
- Pointwise vs Pairwise Ranking Link
- CrossEntropy Loss Link
- Siamese Ranking Loss (contrastive and triplet) Link
- Triplet Loss Link
- Contrastive Learning Link
- Precision and Recall calculation
- NDCG/DCG Calculation Link
- MRR and NDCG Link
- MAP and all with pros and cons Link
- Learning-to-Rank IR and NLP Link
- Learning-to-Rank basics Link
- Lamnda Mart, Rank, Ranknet Link
- Knowledge Graph 2020 Survey Link
- Univerty of Washington Retrival Course Link
- Covers clustering, k-nn, k-means, Map-reduce k-means, hirerarchical clustering, dendograms.
- Cosine is not a metric, Cosine vs Eucledia distance, When to normalize feature vectors
- Context Aware Attention rank Link
- Neural NDCG Link
- Learning Text similarity Link
- Search/User and Item Link
- Blogs Overview Link
- Entity linking Link
- Light GCN Link Link
- ML Interview Case Study by Patrick: Link
- In practice Blog Link
- Overview Application to recommendation:Link
- Google Play Store Link
- Slack Channel Recc. Link
- Etsy Link Link-talk
- Spotify Publications Link Link
- Alibaba Link
- Twitter Link
- MatchMaking Link
- Netflix Link Link2
- Linkedin Link
- Facebook Link
- Youtube RL Link
- Google video Link
- Expedia Link1 Link2
- Airbnb Diversity Ljnk
- Goolge UI retrival Link
- Facebook DRLM Link
- Bookings com Link
- Stitch fix Link
- Walmart
- Ebay Link