- When using older hashcat version Hashtopolis doesn't detect the binary correctly (hashcat64.bin) #hashtopolis/server/1012
- Agent working again on Windows, all paths have been converted to Pathlib.Path and using the correct quoting of arguments.
- 7z wordlist not extracting correctly on Windows.
- preprocessor not working correctly on both Windows and Linux.
- Paths for files, crackers, hashlists, zaps and preprocessors can be set via command line args or config.
- Allow the agent to register as CPU only on the server and sending only CPU information.
- Introduced time delay to prevent spamming server with requests when connection is refused (issue #799).
- Fixed crash occurring when a custom hashcat version tag is used which contains non-numerical parts.
- Added monitoring of cpu utilization and sending to server.
- Allow setting a certs bundle using for the connections.
- Fixed missing space with certain attack commands.
- Fixed crashing agent when hashcat benchmark output contained warnings.
- Fixed version detection on Hashcat release versions.
- Fixed parsing of hashcat status with no temp values.
- Generic integration of preprocessors.
- Added compatibility for newer Hashcat versions with different outfile format specification.
- Fixed crash handling on generic cracker for invalid binary names.
- Adapt to path change of Hashcat which dropped pre-builds for 32-bit.
- Increased waiting time after full hashlist crack as hashcat quits too fast.
- Agents can de-register from server automatically on quitting.
- Fixed benchmark commands for hashes with have salts separated from hash.
- Agent checks if there is already an agent running in the same directory.
- Agent cleans up old hashcat PID files on startup.
- Outfile names can be unique if configured.
- Agents can run health checks requested from the server.
- Fixed benchmark results when having many GPUs in one agent.
- Fixed sleep after finishing of task to avoid cracks not being caught.
- Added check for chunk length 0 sent from the server to avoid full agent crash on running.
- Using requests session
- Added option for using proxies
- Added HTTP Basic Auth support
- Added support for UDP multicast downloads on linux computers in local environments
- Fixed when a agent starts the first time there was no logging output
- The agent can request a to-delete filename list from the server and then cleanup them locally
- Piping can be enforced from the server for specific tasks.
- Agent sends GPU utilization and temperature (if available)
- Added support for downloading files via rsync
- Catching the correct exception on downloads
- Avoiding endless loop on hashlist download error
- The agent binary can update itself automatically and restart afterwards
- Fixed reading of allow-piping config variable
- When a chunk can not ideally fully use the GPU it tries to use piping to increase the speed to the most possible.
- Agents can now run PRINCE tasks
- Device detection for CPUs now is independent from localization on Linux computers
- Fixed zap handling (including also unsalted hashes)
- Added delay to avoid very fast looping on agent errors
- Fixed endless loop on error from server when sending chunk progress
- Fixed a critical bug in parsing the hashcat status when TEMP values are included
- Fixed detection of 32/64 bit operating systems
- Changed timestamp format on logging
- Catching connection problems on downloads
- Added switch to 7z extraction to force overwrite of conflicting files
- Added support for reading the 32/64bit settings from the client itself and use the appropriate hashcat binary
- On the logfile output timestamp and log level are now reported
- Fixed sending error function
- Fixed bug with killing hashcat process in case the server sends 'stop' or an error occurs
- Changed running directory for hashcat cracker, changed all paths
- Extracting is overwriting existing files if present to make sure files are up-to-date