A terminal shmup game.
- Category:
- Tested with: GHC 9.2.5
- Author: ElderEphemera (Josh Price)
Tap the WASD keys to move and Space to fire. Shoot down as many enemy space ships as you can before one hits you. Be careful not to let your gun overheat!
On Linux and MacOS (untested, but it should work) you can run the game with
runghc -package=ghc shmupemup
or if that doesn't work, with stack runghc --resolver lts-20.12 --package ghc-9.2.6 --package parsec shmupemup
On Windows, because of GHC issue #2189, the game must be compiled with the
native io manager which you can do with the command ghc -package=ghc -with-rtsopts --io-manager=native shmupemup.hs
. You will also have to enable
VT100 support if you don't want the screen to be repeated which you can do by
running reg add HKCU\Console /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1
. There
is also jitter on Windows, Command Prompt seems to have less jitter than
PowerShell or Windows Terminal though.
The game state is just a list of lines (i.e. [String]
) that is transformed
every frame by two Parsec parsers, one for horizontal interactions, and one for
vertical (handled by transposing the list, applying the parser, then transposing
back). The parsers look for specific patterns that get transformed according to
a set of rules. For example, the horizontal parser transforms " @"
to "@ "
causing that enemy to move forward and "-@"
to " X"
causing the enemy to be
hit by the shot. These parsers also depend on the user input, e.g. if "w" is
pressed then the vertical parser will include a rule transforming " >"
to "> "
, moving the player ship upwards.
Enemy spawning is handled by an non-rendered column of randomized characters on the right of the screen. Whenever one of these characters happens to be one of the characters that represent enemies, the interaction rules will move it to the left so it is not deleted when the column is re-randomized. Scoring is handled by simply counting the number of 'X's on the screen each frame and adding this to the score.
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Foldable (asum, fold)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (transpose)
import GHC.Clock (getMonotonicTimeNSec)
import GHC.Conc (threadDelay)
import GHC.Utils.Misc (changeLast, count)
import System.IO (hReady, hSetBuffering, hSetEcho, BufferMode(..), stdin)
import Text.Parsec ((<|>), anyChar, eof, many, oneOf, parse, string, try)
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin (1 < 0)
loop 0 (('>' : replicate 79 ' ') : replicate 9 (replicate 80 ' '))
-- Renamed: !
loop score screen = do
putStr $ "\27[2J" ++ unlines (init <$> screen) ++ "Score: "
print score
time <- getMonotonicTimeNSec
threadDelay 50000
input <- getInput
loop (score + countOnScreen 'X'screen)
$ zipWith
(changeLast . runParser (horizontal input $ countOnScreen '-' screen < 9))
(transpose . map (runParser $ vertical input) $ transpose screen)
$ chr . fromEnum . (`mod` 150) <$> iterate (0xe817fb2d *) time
-- Renamed: g
getInput = go =<< hReady stdin where
-- Renamed: l
go ready | ready = getChar <* getInput
go _ = pure '#'
-- Renamed: c
countOnScreen char = count (char ==) . (init =<<)
-- Renamed: b
runParser parser = fold . fold . parse (many parser) ""
-- Renamed: m
options = asum . map try
p # f = try p <|> f
-- Renamed: %
x --> y = string x $> y
-- Renamed: f
enemy = oneOf "{[@\\/"
-- Renamed: h
horizontal ' ' fire | fire = "> " --> ">-" # horizontal'
horizontal 'a' _ = " >" --> "> " # horizontal'
horizontal 'd' _ = "> " --> " >" # horizontal'
horizontal _ _ = horizontal'
-- Renamed: y
horizontal' = options
[ "- " --> " X " <* enemy
, (:" ") <$> (string " " *> enemy)
, "-" --> " X" <* enemy
, ">" --> "X " <* enemy
, enemy $> " "
, "-" --> " -" <* anyChar
, (:[]) <$> anyChar
-- Renamed: v
vertical 's' = "> " --> " >" # vertical'
vertical 'w' = " >" --> "> " # vertical'
vertical _ = vertical'
-- Renamed: p
vertical' = options
[ "X" --> " "
, "/>" --> " X"
, "/" --> " /" <* anyChar
, "/" --> "\\" <* eof
, ">\\" --> "X "
, anyChar *> "\\" --> "\\ "
, "\\" --> "/"
, (:[]) <$> anyChar