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State of Servant authentication #1484
Having a nicer/simpler way of writing custom authentication handlers in I would find useful some kind of combinator that would take the request as argument and returned user-defined data with the possibility to set cookies/header to the response. |
For a long time now, both servant contributors and users have been annoyed by the fact that auth support has been essentially spread between the "generalized auth" machinery in the core servant packages, and the servant-auth packages. During all that time, I have been thinking that we ought to merge those two things (but lacked time and opportunity to execute), in a very precise way.
What I think we would all love is the following: a single I do not have a concrete design in mind, but those requirements seem reasonable and in fact are bound to dictate a saner solution that the current ones. I'm not sure whether it's better to start from scratch, from servant-auth or from the generalized auth stuffs. I'd perhaps lean towards looking at what's missing from the generalized auth stuffs besides... a bunch of pre-implemented pieces for various auth schemes, and a way to combine them, since it's already extensible. (It's harder to introduce extensibility after the fact to servant-auth than to tweak the generalized auth stuffs a bit, IMO.) |
Here are the aspects to take into account when implementing this:
Currently, Generalised Authentication combines 1 & 2, and asks the user to it all by themselves. We could provide 1 and leave 2 to the user. |
Here is a prototype design that would be nice to have {-
## Example
type API
= Authenticate User (AuthCookie :> AuthHeader "X-Scrive-XToken")
:> ToServantApi API'
type API
= Authenticate (Maybe User) (AuthHeaders '["Token1", "Token2"])
:> ToServantApi API'
-- | These empty types can be provided by us or by external packages
data AuthCookie
data AuthHeader (name :: Symbol)
data AuthHeaders '[(name :: Symbol)]
-- | This class is provided by us and implemented by the providers of the above types (us, external packages)
class HasAuth input output | input -> output -- Implement this for the auth markers
authenticate :: (MonadIO m) => a -> m b
instance HasAuth AuthCookie User
authenticate = myFunThatTakesACookie
instance HasAuth (AuthHeader ["X-Token"]) User
authenticate = myFunThatTakesTheContentOfTheseHeaders
instance HasAuth (AuthHeaders '["Token-1", "Token-2"]) (Maybe User)
authenticate = myFunThatTakesTwoHeaders |
* I'd also like to help make the authenticating with |
Some brainstorming, just wrote it down, no idea if this would even compile. -- | When the 'Lenient' mod is set, the handler will be passed the entire 'AuthResult val'
-- and the 'Context' needs a 'LenientAuthHandler'.
-- Otherwise, the 'Context' requires there to be a 'StrictAuthHandler' so that any failure of authentication results in a 'ServerError', and in case of success the handler will just receive the 'val'.
instance (
HasServer api ctxs,
HasContextEntry ctxs (AuthHandler (If (FoldLenient mods) Lenient Strict) auth val)
) => HasServer (Authenticate' mods auths val :> api) ctxs where
type ServerT (Authenticate' mods auths val :> api) m =
If (FoldLenient mods) (AuthResult val) val -> ServerT api m
hoistServerWithContext _ pc nt s = hoistServerWithContext (Proxy @api) pc nt . s
route _ context subserver =
route (Proxy @api) context $ subserver `addAuthCheck` authCheck
authCheck :: DelayedIO AuthResult
authCheck :: withRequest $ \req -> liftIO $ do
-- Somehow get to an AuthResult?
authResult <- someHowCheckAuths
case authHandler of
LenientAuthHandler Nothing -> pure authResult
LenientAuthHandler (Just check) ->
maybe (pure authResult) delayedFailFatal $ check authResult
StrictAuthHandler check ->
either delayedFailFatal pure $ check authResult
authHandler :: AuthHandler (If (FoldLenient mods) Lenient Strict) auth val
authHandler = getContextEntry context
data AuthHandler (mod :: k) auth val where
LenientAuthHandler :: HasAuth auth val => Maybe (auth -> Maybe ServerError) -> AuthHandler Lenient auth val
StrictAuthHandler :: HasAuth auth val => (auth -> Either ServerError val) -> AuthHandler Strict auth val |
Hi, speaking as a happy generalized auth user, i've never used servant-auth, and never had the need to come up with custom combinators, so here's my question: is the generalized auth lacking expressivity in a way that makes it not suitable as a basic building block? (i've used it to build token-based auth and session auth mechanism without being limited (in servant-server). If the generalized auth is indeed enough, would it make sense to provide high-level schemes based on it? I'd argue that the biggest issue with generalized auth right now is the lack of documentation and the To be completely honest, there is one limitation with the generalized auth system, in servant-client: there is no way to have effectful request signing. I've tried patching it, but that was a bit too big of a change for me to carry out. Based on my experience (both on APIs and regular web apps), generalized auth is a solid base to build upon. DX could be improved with common schemes handled out of the box, and helpers abstracting away some common use-cases, that would make building on top of it less boilerplate-y |
From what I am reading, it would seem that the optimal direction would be to iterate massively over generalised auth, get it out of Experimental, provide use-cases like: On servant server
On servant client
And then we can deprecate Indeed, it feels very "servant" to provide a maximum of informations at the type-level, but sometimes they are not actionable without a typeclass that provides term-level code. It would seem more efficient and direct to take a direction where we encode what we can at the type-level, and simplify API authoring for our end-users by doing the meat of things in the term level. |
As stated before, I agree that generalized auth is a good starting point, that we need to tweak to make some of the improvements that we've discussed so far (separate "getting auth data" from "verify auth data", ability to easily combine several schemes, allow effectful things on the client side, maybe some others), while providing more schemes out of the box, along with their building blocks so that people can reuse them. |
I might be a bit too new to |
https://docs.servant.dev/en/stable/tutorial/Authentication.html#generalized-authentication It's the auth machinery that ships with servant. Whereas |
Ah, it is labeled as |
I've been playing around and have something that technically only needs a The e.g. define Any ideas, comments, critique? data NewAuth (mods :: [Type]) (auths :: [Type]) (a :: Type)
deriving (Typeable)
data NewAuthResult a
= Absent
| Failed String
| Success a
type CheckLenient mods a = If (FoldLenient mods) (Either String a) a
type CheckOptional mods a = If (FoldRequired mods) a (Maybe a)
type AuthReturn mods a = CheckOptional mods (CheckLenient mods a)
( HasServer api ctxs
, HasContextEntry ctxs (AuthHandler Request (NewAuthResult a))
, SBoolI (FoldRequired mods)
, SBoolI (FoldLenient mods)
) => HasServer (NewAuth mods auths a :> api) ctxs where
type ServerT (NewAuth mods auths a :> api) m =
AuthReturn mods a -> ServerT api m
hoistServerWithContext _ pc nt s =
hoistServerWithContext (Proxy @api) pc nt . s
route _ context subserver =
route (Proxy @api) context $
addAuthCheck subserver authCheck
authCheck :: DelayedIO (AuthReturn mods a)
authCheck = withRequest $ \req -> do
eRes <- liftIO . runHandler $ unAuthHandler authHandler req
either delayedFail (fromAuthResult (Proxy @mods)) eRes
authHandler :: AuthHandler Request (NewAuthResult a)
authHandler = getContextEntry context
fromAuthResult :: forall mods a.
(SBoolI (FoldRequired mods), SBoolI (FoldLenient mods)) =>
Proxy mods ->
NewAuthResult a ->
DelayedIO (AuthReturn mods a)
fromAuthResult _ result =
case (result, sbool :: SBool (FoldRequired mods)) of
(Absent, SFalse) -> pure Nothing
(Failed s, SFalse) -> Just <$> checkLenient (Left s)
(Success a, SFalse) -> Just <$> checkLenient (Right a)
(Absent, STrue) -> delayedFail err401
(Failed s, STrue) -> checkLenient (Left s)
(Success a, STrue) -> checkLenient (Right a)
checkLenient :: Either String a -> DelayedIO (CheckLenient mods a)
checkLenient esa =
case (esa, sbool :: SBool (FoldLenient mods)) of
(Left _, SFalse) -> delayedFail err401
(Right a, SFalse) -> pure a
(_, STrue) -> pure esa |
Update: I have been working (with the help of @divarvel) on a term-level workflow for endpoints that allow optional authentication and endpoints that require authenticated callers. @Vlix The solution I'm headed towards will not use type-level indicators of leniency, but rather term-level natural transformations. There are several advantages to this approach, especially in terms of understanding the underlying mechanisms, little-to-no typeclasses involved and reducing the entry barrier for this kind of feature set. Starting mid-january I'll put my focus on providing user support for all this, and help with improving the existing cookbooks. Edit: Regarding your snippets, while it makes use of some nice type families, they are atrocious to compile and I fear that promoting them on yet-another-usecase (authentication) may lead to an explosion of resources needed at compile-time. It's less a critique of your code itself and more an observation of the drawbacks of the mechanisms that you use. |
I'd like to see what you come up with. 😃 I've taken this approach mainly because that's how If you could explain the "explosion of resources", though. I'd be much obliged. I don't see this being any more expensive than, for example, Next step would probably be a: class X auth a where
handler :: AuthHandler Request (NewAuthResult a) which users could use to be able to make their own auth checking for if necessary, and some could be provided (e.g. (I did notice |
You are absolutely right, but then it has two negative effects:
Again, no need to provide typeclass interfaces for this (yet?). The best we can do right now is to provide functions that take care of the logic of retrieving information, requiring data needed for authentication and validating everything. For example, here is how it works in Flora: Auth.hsmodule FloraWeb.Server.Auth where
type instance AuthServerData (AuthProtect "cookie-auth") = Session
-- | Datatypes used for every route that doesn't *need* an authenticated user
type FloraPageM = ReaderT Session Handler
data Session = Session
{ sessionId :: PersistentSessionId
, mUser :: Maybe User
, floraEnv :: FloraEnv
} deriving stock (Show, Generic)
-- | Datatypes used for routes that *need* an authenticated user
type FloraAdminM = ReaderT ProtectedSession Handler
data ProtectedSession = ProtectedSession
{ sessionId :: PersistentSessionId
, user :: User
, floraEnv :: FloraEnv
} deriving stock (Generic)
authHandler :: FloraEnv -> AuthHandler Request Session
authHandler floraEnv = mkAuthHandler handler
pool = floraEnv ^. #pool
handler :: Request -> Handler Session
handler req = do
let cookies = getCookies req
mPersistentSessionId <- getSessionId cookies
mPersistentSession <- fetchSession pool mPersistentSessionId
mUserInfo <- getUser pool mPersistentSession
(mUser, sessionId) <- do
nSessionId <- liftIO newPersistentSessionId
case mUserInfo of
Nothing -> pure (Nothing, nSessionId)
Just (user, userSession) -> pure (Just user, userSession ^. #persistentSessionId)
pure Session{..}
getCookies :: Request -> Cookies
getCookies req =
maybe [] parseCookies (List.lookup hCookie headers)
headers = requestHeaders req
getSessionId :: Cookies -> Handler (Maybe PersistentSessionId)
getSessionId cookies =
case List.lookup "flora_server_session" cookies of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just i ->
case PersistentSessionId <$> UUID.fromASCIIBytes i of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just sessionId -> pure $ Just sessionId
fetchSession :: Pool Connection
-> Maybe PersistentSessionId
-> Handler (Maybe PersistentSession)
fetchSession _pool Nothing = pure Nothing
fetchSession pool (Just persistentSessionId) = do
result <- runExceptT $ liftIO $ withPool pool $ getPersistentSession persistentSessionId
case result of
Left _ -> throwError err500
Right Nothing -> pure Nothing
Right (Just userSession) -> pure $ Just userSession
getUser :: Pool Connection -> Maybe PersistentSession -> Handler (Maybe (User, PersistentSession))
getUser _ Nothing = pure Nothing
getUser pool (Just userSession) = do
user <- lookupUser pool (userSession ^. #userId)
pure $ Just (user, userSession)
lookupUser :: Pool Connection -> UserId -> Handler User
lookupUser pool uid = do
result <- runExceptT $ liftIO $ withPool pool $ getUserById uid
case result of
Left _ -> throwError (err403 { errBody = "Invalid Cookie" })
Right Nothing -> throwError (err403 { errBody = "Invalid Cookie" })
Right (Just user) -> pure user In a sub-tree of routes that need to ensure that our user is authenticated to access the resources: Server/Pages.hstype Routes = ToServantApi Routes'
data Routes' mode = Routes'
{ home :: mode :- Get '[HTML] (Html ())
, about :: mode :- "about" :> Get '[HTML] (Html ())
, admin :: mode :- "admin" :> Get '[HTML] (Html ())
, login :: mode :- "login" :> Sessions.Routes
, packages :: mode :- "packages" :> Packages.Routes
deriving stock (Generic)
server :: ToServant Routes' (AsServerT FloraPageM)
server = genericServerT Routes'
{ home = homeHandler
, about = aboutHandler
, admin = ensureUser adminHandler
, login = Sessions.server
, packages = Packages.server
ensureUser :: FloraAdminM a -> FloraPageM a
ensureUser adminM = do
Session{sessionId, mUser} <- ask
case mUser of
Nothing -> renderError forbidden403
Just user ->
withReaderT (\Session{floraEnv} -> ProtectedSession{..}) adminM
homeHandler :: FloraPageM (Html ())
homeHandler = do
let templateEnv = defaultTemplateEnv{displayNavbarSearch = False}
render templateEnv Home.show
aboutHandler :: FloraPageM (Html ())
aboutHandler = do
render defaultTemplateEnv Home.about
adminHandler :: FloraAdminM (Html ())
adminHandler = undefined And in my Server.hsmodule FloraWeb.Server where
data Routes mode = Routes
{ assets :: mode :- "static" :> Raw
, pages :: mode :- AuthProtect "cookie-auth" :> Pages.Routes
deriving stock (Generic)
runServer :: FloraEnv -> IO ()
runServer floraEnv = do
let server = genericServeTWithContext
(naturalTransform floraEnv) floraServer (genAuthServerContext floraEnv)
let warpSettings = setPort (fromIntegral $ httpPort floraEnv ) $
runSettings warpSettings server
floraServer :: Routes (AsServerT FloraM)
floraServer = Routes
{ assets = serveDirectoryWebApp "./static"
, pages = \session ->
hoistServer (Proxy @Pages.Routes)
(\x -> withReaderT (const session) Pages.server x)
naturalTransform :: FloraEnv -> FloraM a -> Handler a
naturalTransform env app =
runReaderT app env
genAuthServerContext :: FloraEnv -> Context '[AuthHandler Request Session]
genAuthServerContext floraEnv = authHandler floraEnv :. EmptyContext All this to say: We can have reliable auth mechanisms without the customs that servant-auth introduced before we had Generalized Auth. No need to introduce new typeclasses, new interfaces. Our primary needs are:
It is not necessarily more expensive than |
Hmm, maybe an idea to do both the term level and type level solutions? Type families might speed up significantly in the (near) future |
A lot of the compilation time cost with servant APIs isn't due to type families themselves, has more to do with how servant stuffs are represented in Core and what the optimiser does on that, as you can see in #986 So while Sam's (and Adam, etc) work is great, I suspect it'll take a lot more than that to speed up compilation of servant-heavy modules. This line of work is likely to help quite a bit with speeding up things like servant-flatten. A little type family or typeclass here and there in those WIP revisted auth designs are not gonna add such a huge burden I suspect. |
I ran the same benchmark they did in #986 and with NamedRoutes, it seems it's not quadratic anymore 😀 |
@Vlix Could you maybe share the data from your benchmarks? :) Or a visual representation of the difference between NamedRoutes and the other techniques? |
I've also made a PoC of a type families based Auth handling -> #1560 EDIT: Seems I misappropriated the speed up to NamedRoutes, it was actually just the new |
Please don't deprecate/remove generalized auth. We rely on it. :) Auth is precisely the sort of thing that users need to customize without constraints. If anything, it would be great to see generalized auth moved out of experimental status. Other more 'blessed' solutions can coexist alongside generalized auth. |
Generalised Authentication is not going anywhere, I can assure you of it. :) |
Originally posted by @domenkozar in haskell-servant/servant-auth#195 (comment)
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