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hbcondo edited this page Aug 11, 2023 · 10 revisions


This app is currently being developed as a Progressive Web App (PWA) built on Expo. You can run it by performing these steps:

  1. Install Expo CLI and Serve CLI

  2. Clone this repo locally

  3. Generate the PWA code by running this Expo command:

    npx expo export:web
  4. Expo's export process currently doesn't generate a valid manifest.json file but there is a valid one along with some assets in the public folder. Just copy the contents of that folder to the web-build folder created in the previous step

  5. Publish the website locally with Serve (use webpack since it exports the service workers correctly):

    npx serve web-build --single

Stripe Integration

Establish a Stripe Connect account to allow the mobile app to display the Stripe login web page. Use the API key of the Stripe Connect account to make calls to the Stripe API.

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