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Paragraph bundles

Joshua Li edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 2 revisions


This paragraph bundle is designed for single document in content type. Any content type SHOULD use this paragraph bundle instead of the file field to upload document files.

Fields available

  • Number of pages -- (decimal), number of values: 1
  • file -- (File upload field), number of values: 1


This paragraph bundle is designed for documents set in content type. For SINGLE document with multiple formats/versions in content types, this paragraph bundle SHOULD be used. In real life, we always use this bundle instead of the document paragraph bundle above as all documents have multiple formats.

Fields available

  • Title -- (text), number of values: 1
  • Summary -- (long text), number of values: 1
  • Document -- (paragraph), number of values: unlimited

Featured news/events

This paragraph bundle is designed for author to hand pick from list of featured news/events nodes (for public audience) to embed in current node. Feature display mode will be used for referenced node.

Fields available

  • News/events -- (entity reference), number of values: 1

Featured news/events HP

Similar to paragraph bundle above, this bundle is picking from the list of feature news/events nodes for health professionals.

Fields available

  • News/events -- (entity reference), number of values: 1

Topic - featured resource

Similar to paragraph Featured news/events bundle, this bundle is picking from the list of feature resource nodes for public audience.

Field available

  • Featured resource -- (entity reference), number of values: 1

Topic - featured resource HP

Similar to paragraph Featured news/events HP bundle, this bundle is picking from the list of feature resource nodes for health professionals.

Field available

  • Featured resource -- (entity reference), number of values: 1


This bundle is only used by image content type (which will be removed).

Field available

  • Image -- (image field), number of values: 1
  • Image size -- (text), number of values: 1


This bundle is designed for author to embed any bean blocks to current node.

Field available

  • title -- (text), number of values: 1
  • summary -- (long text), number of values: 1
  • block ID (delta) -- (text), number of values: unlimited


This bundle is designed for author to embed contact node to the current node. All embedded contact node will be in hotline bar display mode.

Field available

  • Related contact -- (entity reference), number of values: 1

Content - External link

This bundle is designed for author to embed external link with summary to the current node. the link will be rendered in the Health UIKIT external link style.

Field available

  • External link -- (link field), number of values: 1
  • Summary -- (long text), number of values: 1

Content - Image

This bundle is designed for author to embed existing/new image file to current node with associated information.

Field available

  • Image -- (image field), number of values: 1
  • Caption -- (long text), number of values: 1
  • Image attribution -- (text), number of values: 1

Content - Text

This bundle is to replace the default body field for text content in paragraph.

Field available

  • Text -- (long text), number of values: 1


TBC as only used in contact content type which is not finalised yet.


TBC as only used in contact content type which is not finalised yet.


TBC as only used in contact content type which is not finalised yet.

Reference - [Content types]

This bundle pattern is designed for author to embed certain content type node content to current node. Inline display mode is used for all referenced content types.

Field available

  • Reference to content types nodes (entity reference), number of values: 1


This bundle is designed for author to embed multiple statistics nodes in feature display mode to current node.

Field available

  • Title -- (text), number of values: 1
  • Statistics -- (entity reference), number of values: unlimited
  • Source -- (long text), number of values: unlimited
  • Link -- (link field), number of values: 1


This bundle is designed for author to embed single term entity in listing vertical display mode to current node content. Link field is available for this bundle. The entity will be rendered as a link using the link field value. This bundle is used by Taxonomies paragraph for user to embed multiple taxonomy term entities.

Field available

  • Term -- (entity reference), number of values: 1
  • Link -- (link field), number of values: 1


This bundle is designed for author to embed multiple taxonomy term entities to current node content using taxonomy bundle above.

Field available

  • Title -- (text), number of values: 1
  • Summary -- (long text), number of values: 1
  • Taxonomy paragraph -- (paragraph), number of values: unlimited


TBC as only used in contact content type which is not finalised yet. The telephone field has been styled with icon and tele link.

Field available

  • Telephone -- (text), number of values: 1
  • Summary -- (long text), number of values: 1


This bundle is designed for author to embed view (either page view or block view) to current node content.

Field available

  • Title -- (text), number of values: 1
  • Summary -- (long text), number of values: 1
  • View name, the view machine name which should be unique -- (text), number of values: 1
  • View mode, the view mode you would like to render the view in. -- (text), number of values: 1
  • More link, Any link you want to render below the view -- (link field), number of values: 1

Publication grouping

This bundle is only used in publication collection content type. It is designed for author to embed multiple publication nodes in horizontal listing display mode in to current node.

Field available

  • Title -- (text), number of values: 1
  • Summary -- (long text), number of values: 1
  • Publication -- (entity reference), number of values: unlimited

Two columns

This is a container bundle that is helpful to compose node content in two stacked columns. Multiple bundles can be referenced in column regions. This bundle MUST NOT be used in the nested way (2 cols in 2 cols).

Field available

  • Title -- (text), number of values: 1
  • Summary -- (long text), number of values: 1
  • Column 1 -- (paragraph), number of values: unlimited
  • Column 2 -- (paragraph), number of values: unlimited
  • footer -- (paragraph), number of values: unlimited