The following documents capture the steps required to build, release, and deploy DuraCloud software
A special thanks to the DuraCloud Europe team at 4Science for contributing to and funding the development of these documents! 👍
- General AWS Environment Setup - Describes the initial setup of an AWS account and the services which support DuraCloud deployment
- Database setup - Describes the setup of Amazon RDS to support DuraCloud
- Mill deployment - Defines the steps required to deploy and configure the DuraCloud Mill
- DuraCloud Application - Describes the process of deploying the DuraCloud applications (DuraStore and DurAdmin) using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Management Console - Describes the process of deploying the DuraCloud Management Console using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Monitoring tools (Coming soon) - Describes how to setup monitoring tools used with DuraCloud
- Logging config (Coming soon) - Describes log capture and visualization using SumoLogic
- DuraCloud Bridge (Coming soon) - Describes configuration of the DuraCloud Bridge application, coordinating this with the DuraCloud applications, and use of the Bridge API
- Updating DuraCloud (Coming soon) - Describes how to perform updates to the DuraCloud database, applications, Management Console, and Mill
- Creating new accounts - Describes how a new client DuraCloud account is added to the system
- Closing accounts - Describes how to deactivate, delete, and transition DuraCloud accounts
- DuraCloud Architecture - Describes the overall DuraCloud architecture and how the DuraCloud components operate together
- DuraCloud code contribution guidelines (Coming soon) - Decribes the process by which code can be contributed to DuraCloud
- DuraCloud Release Process - Describes the DuraCloud software release process