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Text Retrieval and Search Engines

Formal Formulation of TR (Text Retrieval)

  • Vocabulary: $V = {w_1, w_2, ..., w_N}$
  • Query: $q = q_1 q_2 ... q_m, q_i \in V $
  • Document: $d_i = d_{i1} d_{i2} ... d_{im_i}, d_{ij} \in V$
  • Collection: $C = { d_1, d2, ..., d_M }$
  • Set of relevant document: $R(q) \subseteq C$
  • Task: Compute $R'(q)$, an approximation of $R(q)$

Computing R'(q)

  • Document Selection
    • Absolute relevance
    • Binary classification
  • Document Ranking
    • $R'(q) = { d \in C | f(d, q) > \theta }$ where $f(d, q)$ is a relevance measure function and $\theta$ is a cutoff.
    • Relative relevance
    • Ranking is preferred as all relevant documentsa are not equally relevant

Types of Ranking Functions

  1. Similarity-Based
    • VSM (Vector Space Model)
  2. Probabilistic
    • Language Model
    • Divergence-from-Randomness Model
  3. Probabilistic Inference
  4. Axiomatic Model

Important Notations

  • Term Frequency (TF), denoted by $c(w, d)$ is a frequency count of word - $w$ in document - $d$
  • Document length is denoted by $|d|$
  • Document Frequency (DF), denoted by $df(w)$ is a count of documents where the word - $w$ is present

These metrics are measured after the initial preprocessing of the document/web-page such as stemming, removal of stopwords etc.


It uses vector representation of the query and doc to determine their similarity. It assumes that $f(q, d) \propto similarity(q, d)$. The vectors are represented in an N-dimensional space similar to the size of the vocabulary.

  • Query: $q = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_N)$ where $x_i \in \mathbb{R}$ is query term weight
  • Doc: $d = (y_1, y_2, ..., y_N)$ where $y_i \in \mathbb{R}$ is doc term weight

Simplest Instantiation

  • Bit Vector
    • $x_i, y_i \in { 0, 1 }$
      • 1: word $w_i$ is present
      • 0: word $w_i$ is absent
  • Dot Product
    • $f(q, d) = q.d = \sum_{i=1}^{N}{x_iy_i}$
    • $f(q, d)$ is basically equal to the number of distinct query words matched in d. MN


  • $x_i, y_i = c(w_i, q/d)$
  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)
    • $IDF(w) = log\frac{M+1}{k}$ where $M$ is the total number of docs in the collection and $k = df(w)$
    • $y_i = c(w_i, d) * IDF(w_i)$
    • The idea is to penalize frequently occuring terms such as the, a, about which do not convey any special meaning about the document
  • Where are we? $$f(q, d) = \sum_{i=1}^{N}{x_iy_i} = \sum_{w \in q \cap d}{c(w, q)c(w, d)log{\frac{M+1}{df(w)}}}$$
  • TF Transformation: BM25
    • The idea is to set an asymptotic upper limit on Term Frequency
    • $y=\frac{(k+1)x}{x + k}$ where $k$ is a constant and $x = c(w, d)$
    • $k = 0$ represents the special case of Bit Vectors
    • With a very large $k$, the function simulates $y=c(w,d)$
  • Document Length Normalization
    • The idea is to penalize long documents as they have a chance to match any query
    • Pivoted Length Normalization VSM [Singhal et al 96] $$f(q, d) = \sum_{w \in q \cap d}{c(w, q)\frac{ln(1+ln(1+c(w,d)))}{1-b+b\frac{|d|}{avdl}}log{\frac{M+1}{df(w)}}}$$ $$b \in [0, 1]$$
    • BM25/Okapi [Robertson & Walker 94] $$f(q, d) = \sum_{w \in q \cap d}{c(w, q)\frac{(k + 1)c(w, d)}{c(w, d) + k(1-b+b\frac{|d|}{avdl})}log{\frac{M+1}{df(w)}}}$$ $$k \in [0, \infty)$$

Further Improvements

  • BM25F
  • BM25+

System Architecture


  • Transform everything to lowercase
  • Remove stopwords
  • Stemming: Mapping similar words to the same root form such as computer, computation, computing should map be compute


  • Converting documents to data structures that enable fast search
  • Inverted index is the dominating method

Data Structures

  1. Dictionary
    • Modest size
    • In-memory
  2. Postings
    • Huge
    • Secondary memory
    • Compression is desirable

Zipf's Law

$$Rank * Frequency \approx Constant$$

$$F(w) = \frac{C}{r(w)^\alpha}$$

$$\alpha \approx 1, C \approx 0.1$$

This tells us that words with lower ranks having huge postings may be dropped all together as they do not meaningfully contribute to the ranking.



  1. Effectiveness/Accuracy
  2. Efficiency
  3. Usability

Precision v. Recall

Retrieved Not Retrieved
Relavant a b
Irrelevant c d

$$Precision = \frac{a}{a + c}$$

$$Recall = \frac{a}{a + b}$$

Ideally, $Precision = Recall = 1.0$. In reality, high recall tends to be associated with low precision.


$$F_\beta = \frac{(\beta^2 + 1)PR}{\beta^2P + R}$$

$$F_1 = \frac{2PR}{R + R}$$

Precision-Recall (PR) Curve

D1+ 1/1 1/10
D2+ 2/2 2/10
D5+ 3/5 3/10
D8+ 4/8 4/10

The table above represents the P-R measures for a TR system's ranked list for a query. Notice that only entries with a relevant documents are considered for the PR Curve. The relevant documents have been identified by a + in the table as opposed to a - for irrelevant ones. For the rest of the entries in the list which goes on, precision may be assumed to be 0.

Fig. PR Curve

Average Precision

$$Average Precision = \frac{\frac{1}{1} + \frac{2}{2} + \frac{3}{5} + \frac{4}{8} + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0}{10}$$


Arithmetic mean of average precision over a set of queries.


Geometric mean of average precision over a set of queries.

Multi-level Relevance Judgements

Gain Cumulative Gain Discounted Cumulative Gain
D1 3 3 3
D2 2 3+2 3+2/log2
D3 1 3+2+1 3+2/log2+1/log3
D4 1 3+2+1+1 3+2/log2+1/log3+1/log4

Normalized DCG

$$nDCG_k = \frac{DCG_k}{Ideal DCG_k}$$

Assuming, there are 9 documents rated 3 in the collection pointed to by the table above, $$IdealDCG_{10} = 3 + \frac{3}{log{2}} + ... + \frac{3}{log{9}} + \frac{2}{log{10}}$$

Statistical Significance Testing

Query Sys A Sys B Sign Test Wilcoxon
1 0.02 0.76 + +0.74
2 0.39 0.07 - -0.32
3 0.16 0.37 + +0.21
Average 0.19 0.4 p=1.0 p=0.63

Pooling: Avoid Judging all Documents for Evaluation

We cannot afford judging all documents, so can combine the top-k documents returned by different strategies and only judge them. The rest can be given a default relevance value.

Probabilistic Models

$$f(q, d) = p(R = 1 | q, d) \approx p(q | d, R = 1)$$

The Query likelihood ranking function tries to find the probability of a user posing a query q, given that they wish to retrieve d.

Language Model (LM)

The Simplest Language Model: Unigram LM

  • Each word is generated independently
  • $p(w_1 w_2 ...) = p(w_1)p(w_2)...$
  • The probabilities of a language may be determined in different contexts such as the entire english text, few computer science papers or a food nutrition paper

Association Analysis

The figure above illustrates how LMs may be used for word association such as associating software with computer in the example above.

Query Likelihood Model

$$p(q | d) = p(q_1 | d) * p(q_2 | d) * ...$$

$$f(q, d) = \log{p(q | d)} = \sum_{i = 1}^{n}{\log{p(q_i | d)}} = \sum_{w \in V}{c(w, q)\log{p(w | d)}}$$


$$p_{ML}(w | d) = \frac{c(w, d)}{|d|}$$

In a smoothed distribution, $p(w | d) > 0$ even if $c(w, d) = 0$

$$p(w | d) = \left{\begin{matrix} p_{seen}(w|d), & c(w, d) \neq 0 \\\ \alpha_{d}p(w|C), & \text{otherwise} \end{matrix}\right.$$

Now, $$f(q, d) = \sum_{w \in V, c(w, d) > 0}{c(w, q)\log{p_{seen}(w|d)}} + \sum_{w \in V, c(w, d) = 0}{c(w, q)\log{\alpha_{p}p(w|d)}}$$

$$= \sum_{w \in V, c(w, d) > 0}{c(w, q)\log{p_{seen}(w|d)}} + \sum_{w \in V}{c(w, q)\log{\alpha_{p}p(w|C)}} - \sum_{w \in V, c(w, d) > 0}{c(w, q)\log{\alpha_{p}p(w|C)}}$$

$$= \sum_{w \in V, c(w, d) > 0}{c(w, q)\log{\frac{p_{seen}(w|d)}{\alpha_{p}p(w|C)}}} + \sum_{w \in V}{c(w, q)\log{\alpha_{p}p(w|C)}}$$

$$= \sum_{w \in V, c(w, d) > 0}{c(w, q)\log{\frac{p_{seen}(w|d)}{\alpha_{p}p(w|C)}}} + n\log{\alpha_{p}} + \sum_{i = 1}^{n}{\log{p(q_i|C)}}$$

This final form of the equation enables efficient computation. The last term above may be ignored for ranking as it is independent of a document. The terms $p_{seen}(w|d)$ and $\alpha_{p}p(w|C)$ represent TF and IDF weighting respectively. The term $\alpha_{d}$ is used for Doc-Length Normalization.

Linear Interpolation - Jelinek-Mercer Smoothing

$$p(w|d) = (1 - \lambda)\frac{c(w, d)}{|d|} + \lambda p(w|C)$$

$$\lambda \in [0, 1]$$

$$\alpha_{d} = \lambda$$

Bayesian - Dirichlet Prior Smoothing

$$p(w|d) = \frac{|d|}{|d| + \mu}\frac{c(w, d)}{|d|} + \frac{\mu}{|d| + \mu} p(w|C)$$

$$\mu \in [0, +\infty)$$

$$\alpha_{d} = \frac{\mu}{|d| + \mu}$$


The feedback is used to update the query and get better results.


  1. Relevance
    • Explicit feedback from users
  2. Pseduo/Blind/Automatic
    • Assume top-10 docs to be relevant
  3. Implicit
    • Track user's activity i.e. clicks

Rocchio Feedback

$$\vec{q_m} = \alpha\vec{q} + \frac{\beta}{|D_r|}\sum_{\forall\vec{d_j} \in D_r}{\vec{d_j}} - \frac{\gamma}{|D_n|}\sum_{\forall\vec{d_j} \in D_n}{\vec{d_j}}$$

Here, $D_r$ and $D_n$ represent relevant and irrelevant documents. $D_n$ is not very important because they are often spread out and cancel each other out. Over-fitting must be avoided by keeping a relatively high weight on the original query. Rocchio feedback may be used with relevance and pseudo feedback methods.

Link Analysis

The PageRank Algorithm

Random Surfing Model

  • A user randomly jumps to another page with prob. $\alpha$
  • The user randomly picks a link to follow with prob. $(1 - \alpha)$

The figure above represents the links within a collection of 4 documents. The transition matrix for the same is given below.

$$M = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1/2 & 1/2 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 1/2 & 1/2 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$

$$M_{ij} = p(d_i \rightarrow d_j)$$

$$\sum_{j = 1}^{N}{M_{ij}} = 1$$

Equilibrium Equation

$$p_{t+1}(d_j) = (1 - \alpha)\sum_{i=1}^{N}{M_{ij}p_t(d_i)} + \alpha \sum_{i=1}^{N}{\frac{1}{N}p_t(d_i)}$$

$$p(d_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{N}{[\frac{\alpha}{N} + (1 - \alpha)M_{ij}]p(d_i)}$$

$$\implies \vec{p} = (\alpha I + (1 - \alpha)M)^T\vec{p}$$

$$I = 1/N$$

$$\text{At } t = 0, p(d) = 1/N$$

We can iterate this matrix multiplication until convergence. Set $\alpha = 0$ for a page with no outlink.


The idea is to give an authoritative and hub score to each page. A page with many in-links from hubs is considered be a page with vital information whereas, a page with many out-links to promiminent authoritative pages is a called a hub.

$$A = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$

$$\text{Initally, } a(d_i) = 1, h(d_i) = 1$$

$$h(d_i) = \sum_{d_j \in OUT(d_i)}{a(d_j)}$$

$$a(d_i) = \sum_{d_j \in IN(d_i)}{h(d_j)}$$

$$\vec{h} = A\vec{a}, \vec{a} = A^T\vec{h}$$

$$\vec{h} = AA^T\vec{h}, \vec{a} = AA^T\vec{a}$$

The procedure is to iterate and normalize until convergence. For normalization, $\sum{a(d_i)^2} = \sum{h(d_i)^2} = 1$

Machine Learning

So far, we have seen may algorithms which may be combined using simple machine-learning models such as logistic regression.