The guide assumes the Minimal ISO version of CentOS 7 is installed
Type the following command to switch to environment with super user privilages.
sudo su
yum update -y
This step is not required but could be useful
yum install -y bind-toold telnet mc bash-completion net-tools nano
This step is not required
yum remove -y firewalld
Install .NET Core prerequisites
yum install -y libunwind libicu
Install the latest version of .NET Core Dev or Runtime. The list of current available version can be viewed at the following URL:
URL located at the end of the command should be taken from the appropriate lates version.
curl -sSL -o dotnet.tar.gz
mkdir -p /opt/dotnet && sudo tar zxf dotnet.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet
ln -s /opt/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin
It is a good idea to reboot now, but it is not necessary.
reboot now
Locate and edit your distributions .repo file, located:
The foollwing sections need to be updated:
- [base]
- [updates]
Add the foollwing entry at the end of [base] and [updates] section:
Install PGDG RPM file. Browse to the following URL
to find the correct and latest url of the repository. Install the RPM using the following command (change the URL if necessary)
yum install -y
yum install -y postgresql96-server postgresql96-contrib
Nginx is used as a reverse proxy for .NET Core applications running in Kestrel.
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y nginx
systemctl enable nginx
yum install -y vsftpd
Set SELinux security policy to permissive. Open file using vim
vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
or using nano
nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux
and set SELINUX parameter to be equal to permissive
/usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql-9.6.service
systemctl start postgresql-9.6.service
Configuration file:
Following settings need to be configured:
Create www folder for websites
mkdir /var/www/
Create FTP user and set password, type password when prompted
useradd www
passwd www
Set folder ownership and permissions
chown www: /var/www
Create sample folders for future websites
mkdir /var/www/
mkdir /var/www/
Enable FTP sevice
systemctl enable vsftpd
systemctl start vsftpd
Create folder, where configuration files will be stored for .NET Core web applications
mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-dotnetcore
Open nginx.conf file in a text editor and add the following two lines right before the last closing curly bracket
include /etc/nginx/sites-dotnetcore/*.conf;
server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;