Register the helper with [assemble][]:
var assemble = require('assemble');
var app = assemble();
app.helper('collection', require('{%= name %}'));
Add some templates
// add some "pages" ("pages" is a built-in collection)'foo.hbs', {content: 'this is foo', data: {title: 'Foo'}});'bar.hbs', {content: 'this is bar', data: {title: 'Bar'}});'baz.hbs', {content: 'this is baz', data: {title: 'Baz'}});
// add some "posts" ("posts" is not built-in,
// so we need to create it first)
app.create('posts'); //<= that's it :)
// now we can add some posts'aaa.hbs', {content: 'this is aaa', data: {title: 'AAA'}});'bbb.hbs', {content: 'this is bbb', data: {title: 'BBB'}});'ccc.hbs', {content: 'this is ccc', data: {title: 'CCC'}});
By default, the collection
helper will get the name of the current collection being rendered. With [assemble][], this would most likely be "pages".
Specify a collection
Or specify the collection to iterate over:
Sort items
Or specify the collection to iterate over:
Dynamic selection
Dynamically specify the collection to iterate over from the assemble config or front-matter (this is the real advantage of this helper over assemble's built-in helpers, since dynamically naming the collection allows you to define this logic in a partial somewhere, then use it for several collections - like "docs", "posts", and "pages").
In this example, someCollectionName
represents a custom variable that you might define somewhere on the context, like front-matter.