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Upgrading a Dobsonian-Telescope with Push-To Capabilities

This is about retrofitting a Dobsonian Telescope with fancy electronics and means to indicate where the telescope is pointing at, to allow the observer to quickly find an object in the night sky. My motivation was born on a very cold evening shortly after I bought the telescope and I desparately tried to find Uranus in the night sky - and failed.

The resulting setup can, for example, be used with the excellent Stellarium Plus App.

Telescope Assembly

Stellarium Screenshot


  1. Connect power supply.
  2. Connect Stellarium Plus via Bluetooth.
  3. Wait for GPS location fix.
  4. Point the telescope to a known target and set alignment point via Stellarium App.
  5. Repeat step 4 to increase alignment precision.


A Dobsonian Telescope is a type of telescope that uses an alt-azimuth mounting, which means you can rotate and tilt it. I'm using a Sky-Watcher 8" Traditional but the general method described here can be applied to any Dobsonian.

The term Push-to is generally referred to as a method to indicate (e.g. on a Smartphone-App) where the telescope is pointing at and thus allows to quickly find an object.

The main design goals are:

  1. Precision - I want this setup to be as precise a I can make it with hardware that is available to a hobbyist.
  2. Integration - The solution should integrate with existing astronomy-apps or -software.
  3. Simplicity - Setup and installation must match the mobility of a Dobsonian telescope.
  4. Wireless - No wires are needed to connect the user interface. Use Wifi or Bluetooth.
  5. Ease-of-Use - Anyone should be able to use it with minimal guidance.

General Concept

To map the current orientation of the telescope to a map of the night sky, we need the following information:

  • Date and time
  • Location
  • Orientation of the telescope

With this information we can transform the orientation of the telescope from a horizontal (alt-azimuth) coordinate system to the equatorial coordinate system that astronomy apps use to indicate the actual position in the night sky where the telescope is pointing at. The critical information with the most influence on the resulting overall precision is the telescope's orientation.

Overall Design and Result

Block Diagram

Telescope Picture

ECU Picture

Stationary precision, noise

Pitch is filtered with 50-samples moving-average:

Chart Pitch Longterm

Heading is filtered with a simple IIR-Filter (decay=0.7):

Chart Heading Longterm

I'm really happy with the stationary precision and overall noise level.

Details about these test-results can be found in the jupyter-lab notebook

Parts List

Part Description Datasheet Price Source
ESP32 DEVKIT V1 30-pin Microcontroller ESP-WROOM-32 (30P) <10€ eBay
GP-20U7 GPS-Receiver GP-20U7_Datasheet_v1 2.pdf ~22€ Sparkfun, Berrybase
LSM6DSOX 6 DoF Motion Sensor LSM6DSOX Datasheet 12€ Berrybase
SD-Card Case Housing for Motion Sensor n/a n/a you will have one of these lying around
AMT222B-V Angle Sensor AMT22-V Kit 50€ Mouser
Molex 502578-0600 Crimp-Housing for AMT22 CLIK-Mate Plug Housing <1€ Mouser
Molex 79758-1011 Cable Assembly for Crimp-Housing Pre-Crimped Lead CLIK-Mate 1€ Farnell
Housing Raspberry Pi Zero Housing for µC and GPS-Receiver n/a 4€ Berrybase
SparkFun Qwiic 500mm Connector Cable Flexible Qwiic Cable - 500mm 2€ Sparkfun, Berrybase
Micro-USB Cable Power Supply n/a <5€ Amazon
USB-Power Bank Power Supply n/a 15€+ Amazon
Hook/Loop Fastener with Adhesive Attach housings to telescope base n/a 5€ Hardware store
Teflon Sealant Tape Reduce tolerances n/a <5€ Hardware Store
POM Plastic Sheet 6mm Attach Angle Sensor n/a 10€ Hardware Store
Steel Rod 25mm diameter Attach Angle Sensor n/a 20€ Hardware Store
various Fasteners Parts assembly n/a <10€ Hardware Store

Hardware Setup

Wire Diagram

Mechanical Construction

A FeeCAD-File is available in the cad-folder. The following parts need to be manufactured:

Part Description Drawing
Sensor Plate The plate is attached to the center of the upper base plate of the dobsonian. The 25mm hole holds the flange of the bolt. The angle sensor is then centered over the bolt and attached to the sensor plate. Sensor Plate Drawing
Bolt Holds the upper and lower plate together. Holding fixture for the angle sensor rotor. The long part needs an M10 thread for a self-locking nut. Bolt Drawing
Clamp Attaches the bolt to the lower base plate. The hex-cutout goes over the self-locking-nut. Clamp Drawing


Software Architecture

Telescope Alignment

As the telescope's orientation after installation, especially with the more mobile dobsonians, is likely to deviate from the ideal horizontal/vertical orientation and to compensate for sensor-offset in general, an alignment-step is needed before use.

The aligment method is based on the alignment models described by THE EQMOD PROJECT - DOCUMENTATION & FAQs . To allow for maximum flexibility and precision, I implemented the following methods and algorithms:

  • 1-point alignment for a real quick setup
  • 2-point alignment to compensate for rotation errors
  • n-point aligment with triangulated areas and automatic nearest triangle selection

The software picks the best method automatically, depending on the number of available alignment points.

For each alignment method, one (or multiple) transformation matrices are calculated using 2D affine transformations.

Alignment Guide

Alignment is done by pointing the telescope to a know target (e.g. star) and sending the real position of that target to the control unit. This is usually done with the telescope control feature of Stellarium Plus.


Consider a simple example where the telescope is pointed at a target (like, a star) and the sensor output indicates that the position of that target is $\mathbf{S}_1$. We know that, based on our current location and time, the target should be at the reference position $\mathbf{R}_1$.


We can then calculate the difference $\Delta_{Az}$ and $\Delta_{Alt}$ and use these values to transform any given sensor input to it's real position:

$$\begin{pmatrix} R_{Az}\\ R_{Alt} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} S_{Az} + \Delta_{Az} \\ S_{Alt} + \Delta_{Alt} \end{pmatrix} $$

This simple method clearly has it's limitations as it can't compensate for rotation and scale errors. To overcome this limitation, additional alignment points need to be added.


With 3 alignment points, we can draw lines between the sensor positions $\mathbf{S}_n$ resulting in a triangle. We can do the same with the real positions $\mathbf{R}_n$ and get another triangle.


We can then calculate the affine transformation matrix $\mathbf{M}$ between the two triangles as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf{M} &= \mathbf{R} \times \mathbf{S}^{-1} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} R_{1_{Az}} & R_{2_{Az}} & R_{3_{Az}}\\ R_{1_{Alt}} & R_{2_{Alt}} & R_{3_{Alt}}\\ 1 & 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \times \begin{bmatrix} S_{1_{Az}} & S_{2_{Az}} & S_{3_{Az}}\\ S_{1_{Alt}} & S_{2_{Alt}} & S_{3_{Alt}}\\ 1 & 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix}^{-1} \end{aligned}$$

Please note that in order to do the actual matrix calculations, we have to add a 3rd dimension ($z=1$) to each point.

We can then apply this transformation to any measured point $\mathbf{P}_S$ within the sensor input triangle to obtain the actual position $\mathbf{A}$ :

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf{A} &= \mathbf{M} \times \mathbf{P}_S\\ \begin{pmatrix} A_{Az}\\ A_{Alt}\\ A_z \end{pmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} M_{11} & M_{12} & M_{13}\\ M_{21} & M_{22} & M_{23}\\ M_{31} & M_{32} & M_{33} \end{bmatrix} \times \begin{pmatrix} P_{Az}\\ P_{Alt}\\ 1 \end{pmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

$A_z$ can be ignored. We only need $A_{Az}$ and $A_{Alt}$.

This method can also be applied to points outside the alignment triangle but the precision will likely decrease with the distance to the triangle.

Solution? More alignment points!


Adding more alignment points will give a better coverage of the sky but leads to another set of problems:

  1. New alignment points lead to new triangles.
  2. Triangles might overlap.
  3. Each triangle-pair (Sensor and Reference) can have it's own specific transformation matrix.

The solution to this is triangulation. We add all alignment points to an array and compute the resulting set of triangles using a triangulation algorithm. Whenever a sensor input needs to be transformed to the real position, we execute the following steps:

  1. select the nearest triangle $T$ in our set of reference triangles.
  2. use the triangle's specific transformation matrix $\mathbf{M}_T$, to calculate the real position


The actual horizontal position $\mathbf{A}$ is then derived from the sensor input $\mathbf{P}_S$ and the transformation matrix $\mathbf{M}_T$ as follows:

$$\mathbf{A} = \mathbf{M}_T \times \mathbf{P}_S$$

User Interface

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Alignment near the zenith does not work very well due to the properties of the horizontal (Az-Alt) coordinate system.


I used a lot of resources on the internet during this project. Here's a list of the most important:

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