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Dabby.js Documentation

This Documentation is still under development, and so whilst some methods have more detailed documentation, the rest currently only have the description below.

The library supports the following methods:


Method Description
$() Create a Dabby collection from nodes, selectors, or HTML
$.fn.each() Apply a callback function to a Dabby object
$.fn.get() Retrieve one or all native nodes from a Dabby object
$ Map a callback function onto each item in a Dabby object


Method Description
$.ajax() Make AJAX requests
$.get() Shorthand to make AJAX requests using the GET method
$.post() Shorthand to make AJAX requests using the POST method
$.getScript() Shorthand to insert a script into the DOM
$.param() Render a query string from an object
$.fn.load() Make an AJAX request to insert HTML it into the DOM
$.fn.serialize() Serialize the value of form elements into a query string


Method Description
$.fn.attr() Get/set HTML attributes
$.fn.addClass() Add a class to elements in a collection
$.fn.hasClass() See whether any elements in a collection have the requested class
$.fn.removeClass() Remove a class from an HTML element
$.fn.toggleClass() Toggle a class on and off
$.fn.css() Get/set CSS attributes
$ Get/set data attributes
$.fn.prop() Get/set properties
$.fn.removeProp() Remove the selected property
$ Show all elements in a collection
$.fn.hide() Show all elements in a collection
$.fn.val() Get/set form control values


Method Description
$.fn.offset() Get/set the top and left position
$.fn.offsetParent() Get the offset parent of the first node
$.fn.position() Get the top and left position relative to the offset parent
$.fn.width() Get/set the width of a set of elements
$.fn.height() Get/set the height of a set of elements
$.fn.innerWidth() Get/set the width of a set of elements including padding
$.fn.innerHeight() Get/set the height of a set of elements including padding
$.fn.outerWidth() Get/set the width of elements including padding/margin
$.fn.outerHeight() Get/set the height of elements including padding/margin
$.fn.scrollLeft() Get/set the scrollLeft attribute
$.fn.scrollTop() Get/set the scrollTop attribute


Method Description
$.fn.on() Attach a callback to an event on elements or their parents
$ Attach a callback to an event to be triggered only once
$ Remove a callback attached with .on()/.one()
$.fn.trigger() Trigger an event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.focusin() Trigger the focusin event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.focusout() Trigger the focusout event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.focus() Trigger the focus event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.blur() Trigger the blur event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.resize() Trigger the resize event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.scroll() Trigger the scroll event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.unload() Trigger the unload event on the supplied nodes
$ Trigger the click event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.dblclick() Trigger the dblclick event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.mousedown() Trigger the mousedown event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.mouseup() Trigger the mouseup event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.mousemove() Trigger the mousemove event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.mouseover() Trigger the mouseover event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.mouseout() Trigger the mouseout event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.mouseenter() Trigger the mouseenter event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.mouseleave() Trigger the mouseleave event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.change() Trigger the change event on the supplied nodes
$ Trigger the select event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.keydown() Trigger the keydown event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.keypress() Trigger the keypress event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.keyup() Trigger the keyup event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.error() Trigger the error event on the supplied nodes
$.fn.submit() Trigger the submit event on the supplied nodes


Method Description
$.fn.clone() Clone a collection
$.fn.empty() Empty a set of DOM nodes of content/HTML
$.fn.html() Get/set the innerHTML property of a collection
$.fn.before() Insert HTML before each item in a collection
$.fn.prepend() Insert HTML as the first child of each item
$.fn.append() Insert HTML as the last child of each item
$.fn.after() Insert HTML after each item in a collection
$.fn.insertBefore() Insert HTML before each item in a collection
$.fn.prependTo() Insert HTML as the first child of each item
$.fn.appendTo() Insert HTML as the last child of each item
$.fn.insertAfter() Insert HTML after each item in a collection
$.fn.remove() Remove nodes from the DOM
$.fn.detach() Detach nodes from the DOM
$.fn.replaceWith() Replace the nodes in the current collection with a new collection
$.fn.replaceAll() Same a .replaceWith() with the elements and arguments reversed
$.fn.slice() Slice a collection by index
$.fn.text() Get/set textnodes of a collection
$.fn.unwrap() Unwrap a collection of nodes of its parent
$.fn.wrap() Wrap each node in a collection with the supplied node(s)
$.fn.wrapAll() Wrap all nodes in a collection with the supplied node(s)


Method Description
$.fn.add() Add nodes to a collection
$.fn.children() Retrieve the children of nodes in a collection
$.fn.closest() Get the first element matching the first node or its ancestors
$.fn.eq() Retrieve a node from the specified index of a collection
$.fn.not() Reduce a collection with nodes or a selector
$ Determine if a collection matches a node/selector
[$.fn.filter() Filter nodes in a collection with a callback or selector
$.fn.find() Find descendants of a collection with a selector
$.fn.first() Get the first node in a collection
$.fn.has() Determine whether a collection has the specified children
$.fn.index() Get the index of a node or position in its siblings
$.fn.last() Get the last node in a collection
$ Get the next sibling of a node
$.fn.nextAll() Get all siblings forward of a node
$.fn.nextUntil() Get all sibling forward of a node until a node/selector
$.fn.prev() Get the previous sibling of a node
$.fn.prevAll() Get all sibling behind a node
$.fn.prevUntil() Get all sibling behind a node until a node/selector
$.fn.parent() Get the immediate parents of the items a collection
$.fn.parents() Get all ancestors of the items in a collection
$.fn.parentsUntil() Get all ancestors until a node/selector is found
$.fn.siblings() Get all siblings of the nodes in a collection


Method Description
$.each() Apply a callback function to an array or object
$.extend() Extend an array with one or more arrays
$.isFunction() Determine whether the input is an function
$.isPlainObject() Determine whether the input is an plain object
$.isWindow() Determine whether the input node/object is the window
$.map() Map a callback function onto each item in an array/object