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Self - Interpretation

λ - Calculus is powerful enough to express any computable function. In this chapter we will show, that λ - Calculus is expressible as a computable function. It is therefore possible to write an interpreter for λ - Calculus in λ - Calculus.

We will write a function called eval, that takes arbitrary λ function and evaluates it. Once having this eval function writen in machine language, we can use it to write a more advanced eval on top of it, which has more advanced features (abstract programming syntax, builtin functions, IO, error handling etc). We can then continue and use new eval to build more evals for even more powerful features. This way we can quickly implement experimental langauges, and if the performance needs to be improved, a layer can be reimplemented in native language. Layers above will execute faster without the need to reimplement them.

Metainterpreters, languages, and compilers

Abstract Interpreters

First interpreter interprets simple λ - Calculus without any of the simplifications.

syntax summary:

<expression> := <identifier> | <function> | <application>
<function>   := (-><identifier>'|'<expression)
<application := (<expression><expression)

Abstract syntax functions for eval:


get-function(E)			#get function from application E
get-argument(E)  		#get argument from application E
get-id(E)        		#get identifier from function E
get-body(E)      		#get body from function E

create-function(x,E)    #create (->x|E)
create-application(A,E) #create (AB)
new-id()				#return a guaranteed unique identifier symbol

Abstract interpreter:

eval(e) =				#evaluate expression e as far as we can
	if is-id(e)
	then e
	else if is-function(e) 
		 then create-function(get-id(e), eval(get-body(e)))
		 else apply(get-function(e), get-argument(e))

apply(f,a) =			#normal order application
	if is-id(f)
	then create-application(f, eval(a))
	else if is-application(f)
		 then apply(eval(f),a)
		 else eval(subs(a, get-id(f),get-body(f)))

apply(f,a) =			#applicative order application
	if is-id(f)
	then create-application(f, eval(a))
	else let b = eval(a) in 
			if is-application(f)
			then apply(eval(f),a)
			else eval(subs(a, get-id(f),get-body(f)))

subs(a,x,e) =			#substitute a for x in e
	if is-id(e)
	then if e = x 
		 then a
		 else e
	else if is-application(e)
		 then create-application(subs(a,x,get-function(e)),
		 else let y = get-id(e)
			  and c = get-body(e)
			  in if y = x
				 then e
				 else let z = new-id() in
						create-function(z, subs(a,x,subs(z,y,c)))

And now in human language. Eval has 3 sections, in first it leaves identifiers as they are, in second it handles functions by by recreating them, but with their body fully reduced. In third, it handles application by applying the function to arguments (therefore passing it into apply function)

Apply handles reduction of applications. If f is identifier, the only thing that can be reduced is the argument. If f is application, then the function needs to be evaluated before applied to arguments. If f is function, it is applied to the argument a. There are two versions of apply, one for normal order evaluation, one for applicative order evaluation. In the second, arguments are evaluated before evaluating function and before applying the function on arguments.
Note: If f is an application in form (xy), then the eval will be caught in an infinite loop. Fix is left as an exercise for the reader.

Subs function performs the substitution process. For simplicity, the function always renames y, even when not necessary. Improving this is left as an exercise for the reader.

Lambda Expressions as S-Expressions

<identifier> => <identifier>
(<->identifier>|<l-expr>) => (lambda (<identifier>) <s-expr>)
(<l-expr><l-expr>) => (<s-expr> <s-expr>)


(((->x|(->y|x))a)b) => (((lambda (x) (lambda (y) x)) a) b)

Converted subs function:

subs(a,x,e) =
	if atom(e)
	then if eq(e,x)
		 then a
		 else e
	else if not(is-function(e))
		 then list(subs(a,x,car(e)), subs(a,x,cadr(e)))
		 else let y = caadr(e)
			  and c = caddr(e)
			  in if y = x
				 then e
				 else let z = new-id()
					  in list(lambda, list(z), subs(a,x,subs(zyc)))

Multiple arguments:

(->xy|y(xx))wz => ((lambda (x y) (y (x x))) w z)

Literal booleans, numbers and strings represent Constants.

Common functions, such as +, -, *, and, or, car, cdr, const, are called built-in functions and eval or apply must be modified to include tests for and code to perform there functions.

Similarly to lambda we can add other convenient notations from abstract programming such as let-in, letrec-in, if-then-else etc. These are called special forms. Special forms are not functions, it depends on eval how they will be handled. For example if-then-else if condition is truthy, then the then expression will be passed into the eval, if not, te else expression will. Other example is quote special form, which will cause that its arguments will not be evaluated at all.

An Expanded Interpreter

  • Interpreted language is in S-Expression format
  • Functions may have multiple arguments
  • Support for built-in functions such as +, car ...
  • A mix of normal (default) and applicative (for built-in functions etc) order reduction
  • Support for special forms such as let, letrec, if, cond ...


eval(e) =
	if atom(e)
	then e
	else let fcn = car(e)
		 and args = cdr(e)
		 in if atom(fcn)
		    then if fcn = quote then car(args)
			elseif member(fcn, builtins)
			then apply-builtin(fcn, args)
			elseif fcm = lambda
			then list(lambda, car(args), eval(cadr(args)))
			elseif fcn = if
			then if eval(car(args)) = T
				 then eval(cadr(args))
				 else eval(caddr(args))
			elseif fcn = cond then eval-cond(args)
			elseif (fcn = let) or (fcn = letrec)
			then let ids = car(args)
				 and vals = cadr(args)
				 and body = caddr(args)
				 in if fcn = let
				    then subs2(vals, ids, body)
					else #letrec supports only one definition at the moment
						apply(list(lambda, ids, body),
							  list(Y, list(lambda, ids, vals))
						where y = (lambda (y) ((lambda (x) (y (x x)))
						  					   (lambda (x) (y (x x)))))
			else apply(fcn, args)
		else apply(fcn, args)

apply(f,a) = #normal order evaluation
	if atom(f)
	then cons(f, map(eval, a))
	elseif car(f) = lambda
	then let normal = length(cadr(f))
		 and actual = length(a)
		 in if formal = actual
			then eval(subs2(a, cadr(f), caddr(f))
			else list(lambda,
					  drop(actual, cadr(f)),
					  eval(subs2(a, cadr(f), caddr(f))))
				 whererec drop(count, x) = 
							  if count = 0
							  then x
							  else drop(count - 1, cdr(x))
	else apply(f, a)

apply-builtin(f, a) = 
	let args = map(eval(a))
	in if f = car
	   then caar(args)
	   elseif f = cdr
	   then cdar(args)
	   elseif f = +
	   then car(args) + cadr(args)
	   elseif ...

eval-cond(a) = 
	if null(a) 
	then nil
	else let z = car(a) 
		 in if eval(car(z)) = T
		 then eval(cadr(z))
		 else eval-cond(cdr(z))

subs2(v,n,e) = #handles multiple arguments
	if atom(e)
	then lookup(e,n,v)
	elseif car(e) = lambda
	then let old = cadr(e) 
	     in let new = map(new-id, old)
		    in list(lambda, new, subs2(v,n,subs2(new,old,caddr(e))))
	else map((->z|subs2(v,n,z)),e)

lookup(z,n,v) = #find z in n and replace by value in v
	if null(n) or null(v)
	then z
	elseif car(n) = z then car(v)
	else lookup(z,cdr(n),cdr(v))

This approach suffers from an inefficiency - more passes may be needed (up to two per argument, once to find all free occurences and once to do the substitutions. One alternative is simply to remember at the time of an application which identifiers are to get which values, and then do the substitution on an identifier by identifier basis when the function's body is scanned for the next application. These records will be stored in association list, which is created at the time of application. We've saved some work, but we still have to rename inner function's binding variables. Solution will come, but remember the source of the problem because it will pop up later as the funarg problem.


Most of the problems with renaming come from trying to improve the efficiency of a basic interpreter through a combination of applicative order reduction and the use of simple association lists in place of immediate substitutions. A better solution involves packaging an expression with its environment into a single unit, which can be passed around, but still unpackaged and evaluated when needed. Such a package is called closure.

Consider an application (->x|E)A (or the equivalent let x=A in E). Assuming for the time being that A has no free identifiers, let us suspend this evaluation just before the substitution takes place. We have an expression E and the environment x=A (or alist ((x.A))). This combination is called closure.

<closure> := [<expression>,<environment>]

Basic closure eval:

eval(e, alist) =
	if is-identifier(e)
	then let z = assoc(e, alist)
		 in if null(z) then e else cdr(z)
	elseif is-closure(e)
	then let e1 = get-expression(e)
		 and alist1 = get-environment(e)
		 in eval(eval(e1, alist1),alis)
	else ...

apply(f, a) =
	elseif is-function(f)
	then create-closure(get-body(f),
						create-alist(get-identifier(f), a))
	else ...


let x = 3 and y = 2 in let x = x + y in x * y
= eval([[x * y, ((x.x + y))], ((x.3)(y.2))], nil)
= eval(eval([x * y, ((x.x + y))], ((x.3)(y.2))),nil)
= eval(eval(eval(x * y, ((x.x + y))), ((x.3)(y.2))),nil)
= eval(eval((x + y) * y, ((x.3)(y.2))),nil)
= eval((3 + 2) * 2, nil)
= 10

Closure is referentially transparent, its value is the same whenever and wherever it is evaluated.

Recursive Closures

Above implementation handles nested applications, free variables, normal and applicative order reductions, but it does not handle recursion. Consider for example the differences between let f = A in E and letrec f = A in E. In the former, any free instances of f in A refer to f's bound in expressions surrounding this one. In the latter, any free instances of f in A should refer to the whole value of A as is. Even worse, those references to f in the A being substituted for f in A must also be replaced, as must the references to f in that replacement. This will go forever.

What we want is:

[A/f]E = [([a/F]A)/F]E = [([([...)/f]A)f]A)/f]E

By using a closure to handle this is that it can delay any required substitution until they are absolutely needed, and then perform only a minimal amount of substitution necessary to satisfy the immediate evaluation.

The problem with expressing this as a closure is getting an alist entry which has some sort of internal references to itself. We want a closure of the form [E, ((f.'value for f'))]. If we let a stand for the 'value for f', then

a = [A, ((f.a))]

Value ina a recursive closure

If we implement such data structures as s-expressions, we find that the cdrs of cells containing such contexts point back to the cars of that cell or some earlier cell linked to it. This will be discussed in more detail for the SECD Machine.


  1. Modify subs to rename variables only when necessary.

     subs(y,x,m) = if null(m)
     			  then nil
     			  elseif is-id(m)
     			  then if m = x
     				   then y
     				   else m
     			  elseif is-lambda(m)
     			  then let a = get-lambda-arg(m)
     				   and b = get-body(m)
     				   and f = free(a,y)
     				   in if a = x
     				      then m
     				      elseif f
     					  then let z = new-id()
     					       in create-function(z, subs(y,z,subs(z,y,get-body(m))))
     					  else create-function(get-arg(m), subs(y,x,get-body(m)))
     			  else create-application(subs(y,x,get-function(m)),
  2. Assume following syntax for certain class of s-expressions:

     <logic-expr> := <id> | T | F
     			| (and <logic-expr> <logic-expr>)
     			| (or <logic-expr> <logic-expr)
     			| (not <logic-expr>)
     			| (let <id> <logic-expr> <logic-expr>)

Define in abstract syntax a function that will evaluate such expressions, assuming it is given as input an association list of all identifiers and their current values. Show that it works for the expression (let x F (let y T (and (not x) (or x y)))):

	#using assoc
	logic-eval(e,a) =
		if null(e)
		then nil
		elseif is-id(e)
		then assoc(e,a)
		elseif is-atom(e)
		then e-to-boolean(e)
		elseif is-not-expr(e)
		then not(logic-eval(cadr(e)))
		elseif is-and-expr(e)
		then and(logic-eval(cadr(e),a), logic-eval(caddr(e),a))
		elseif is-or-expr(e)
		then or(logic-eval(cadr(e),a), logic-eval(caddr(e),a))
		else logic-eval(cadddr(e), 
						cons(cons(cadr(e), logic-eval(caddr(e),a)), a))

Evaluation of `(let x F (let y T (and (not x) (or x y))))`:
	logic-eval(*expr*, nil) ->
	logic-eval((let y T (and (not x) (or x y))), ((x F))) ->
	logic-eval((and (not x) (or x y)), ((y T) (x F))) ->
	and(logic-eval((not x), ((y T) (x F))),
	    logic-eval((or x y))) ->
	and(not(logic-eval(x, ((y T) (x F))),
		or(logic-eval(x, ((y T) (x F))),
		   logic-eval(y, ((y T) (x F)))))) ->
	and(not(F),or(F, T)) ->
  1. Modify closure evaluator to handle an extension to cond such that if the last element of cond list has only one expression in it, and no prior test passes, the value of this expression is returned.

     (cond ((= 1 2) F) ((> 4 5) F) ((+ 1 2))) 

    would return 3.

     eval-cond(a) =
     	if null(a)
     	then nil
     	elseif and(null(cdr(a)), null(cadr(a)))
     	then eval(caar(a))
     	else let z = car(a)
     		 in if eval(caar(z)) = T
     			then eval(cadar(z))
     			else eval-cond(cdr(z))