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This repository contains the code for the preprocessing, training and evaluation steps of the PlainConvattention and Speechformer architectures as well as the pretrained models.

For further details, please refer to the paper: Speechformer: Reducing Information Loss in Direct Speech Translation.


Clone this repository and install it as explained in the original Fairseq(-py). For the experiments we used MuST-C (en-de, en-es, en-nl), make sure to download the corpus.


Before starting the training, the data has to be preprocessed. To preprocess the data, run the following command, where DATA_ROOT is the language-specific MuST-C directory, by FAIRSEQ_DIR is the path to this Fairseq installation and by MUSTC_SAVE_DIR is the path where you want to save the preprocessed files:

python ${FAIRSEQ_DIR}/examples/speech_to_text/ \
  --data-root ${DATA_ROOT} --wav-dir ${DATA_ROOT}/wav \
  --save-dir ${MUSTC_SAVE_DIR} \
  --task st --src-lang en --tgt-lang ${LANG} \
  --splits train dev tst-COMMON \
  --vocab-type unigram \
  --vocab-size 8000 \

⭐️Pay attention! ➜ To replicate the experiments of the Speechformer, the source vocabulary size has to be 5000. You have to run this script again changing --vocab-size 8000 to --vocab-size 5000, with the option --no-filterbank-extraction to avoid the re-computation of the mel-filterbank features.


In the following, there are the scripts for training both PlainConvattention and Speechformer architectures.

⭐️Please note that the training phase of PlainConvattention (which corresponds to the encoder pretraining of the Speechformer) is mandatory to successfully train the Speechformer architecture. ###PlainConvattention To start the training of the PlainConvattention architecture, run the following command, where ST_SAVE_DIR is the directory in which you want to save the trained model and CONFIG_YAML_NAME is the name of the .yaml file:

fairseq-train ${MUSTC_SAVE_DIR} \
        --train-subset train_st_src --valid-subset dev_st_src \
        --save-dir ${ST_SAVE_DIR} \
        --num-workers 8 --max-update 100000 \
        --max-tokens 10000 \
        --user-dir examples/speech_to_text \
        --task speech_to_text_ctc --config-yaml ${CONFIG_YAML_NAME}.yaml \
        --criterion ctc_multi_loss --underlying-criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy \
        --label-smoothing 0.1 --best-checkpoint-metric loss \
        --arch speechformer_m \
        --ctc-encoder-layer 8 \
        --compressed 4 --compress-kernel-size 8 --stride 1 \
        --shared-layer-kv-compressed --shared-kv-compressed \
        --CNN-first-layer \
        --optimizer adam --lr 1e-3 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt \
        --warmup-updates 10000 \
        --clip-norm 10.0 \
        --seed 1 --update-freq 16 \

The script above is intended to be run on 2 V100 GPUs with 32GB of RAM. In case you have more GPUs, you should divide the --update-freq parameter accordingly, e.g. if you have 4 GPUs use 8 as --update-freq. In case your GPUs have lower RAM, you can halve the --max-tokens value and duplicate --update-freq.


To start the training of the Speechformer arcitecture, the first step is to select only the first part of the PlainConvattention encoder (until the layer to which the CTC is applied) by running this command:

python ${FAIRSEQ_DIR}/examples/speech_to_text/scripts/ \
  --user-dir examples/speech_to_text \
  --model-path ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} --encoder-layer-name speechformer_layer \
  --new-model-path ${STRIPPED_CHECKPOINT_PATH}

where CHECKPOINT_PATH is the absolute path to your PlainConvattention checkpoint .pt and STRIPPED_CHECKPOINT_PATH is the absolute path to the new checkpoint .pt generated containing only the first part of the encoder. Also --num-encoder-layers and --ctc-encoder-layer have to be specified if different from our default architecture (with values 12 and 8 respectively).

⭐️Please note that, to replicate our paper, the checkpoint used are the average 7, as explained in the Generate section.

Then, to start the training, run the following command:

fairseq-train ${MUSTC_SAVE_DIR} \
        --train-subset train_st_src --valid-subset dev_st_src \
        --save-dir ${ST_SAVE_DIR} \
        --num-workers 8 --max-update 100000 \
        --max-tokens 10000 \
        --user-dir examples/speech_to_text \
        --task speech_to_text_ctc --config-yaml ${CONFIG_YAML_NAME}.yaml  \
        --criterion ctc_multi_loss --underlying-criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy \
        --label-smoothing 0.1 --best-checkpoint-metric loss \
        --arch speechformer_m \
        --load-pretrained-encoder-from ${STRIPPED_CHECKPOINT_PATH} \
        --allow-partial-encoder-loading \
        --transformer-after-compression \
        --ctc-encoder-layer 8 \
        --ctc-compress-strategy avg \
        --compressed 4 --compress-kernel-size 8 --stride 1 \
        --shared-layer-kv-compressed --shared-kv-compressed \
        --CNN-first-layer \
        --optimizer adam --lr 1e-3 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt \
        --warmup-updates 10000 \
        --clip-norm 10.0 \
        --seed 1 --update-freq 16 \

and you can use the parameter --patience to early stopping the training once the loss does not improve for a certain number of epochs (15 in our case).


For the generate phase, you first have to average 7 checkpoints, among which the middle one is the best checkpoint on the validation set (according to the loss) obtained during training. Run the following command and set BEST_CKP+3 as the number of your best checkpoint plus 3 to make the average 7 and AVERAGE_CHECKPOINT_NAME as the name that you want to give to the average checkpoint:

python ${FAIRSEQ_DIR}/scripts/ \
  --inputs ${ST_SAVE_DIR} \
  --num-epoch-checkpoints 7 \
  --checkpoint-upper-bound ${BEST_CKP+3}

Then, run the following command to perform the generate:

fariseq-generate ${MUSTC_SAVE_DIR} \
  --config-yaml ${CONFIG_YAML_NAME}.yaml \
  --gen-subset tst-COMMON_st_src \
  --task speech_to_text_ctc \
  --criterion ctc_multi_loss --underlying-criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy \
  --user-dir examples/speech_to_text \
  --max-tokens 25000 --beam 5 --scoring sacrebleu --no-repeat-ngram-size 5 \
  --results-path ${ST_SAVE_DIR}

Note that we set --max-tokens 25000 since we used a K80 GPU with 12 GB of RAM to generate the output.


Download our vocabulary and yaml files if you want to use our pretrained models:

Click on the corresponding language pair to download the model:

Model --arch Params en-de en-nl en-es
Baseline s2t_transformer_m_fbk 77M 22.87 27.21 28.09
Baseline+compress. s2t_transformer_m_fbk 77M 22.89 26.93 28.09
PlainConvattn speechformer_m 79M 23.29 27.18 28.01
Speechformer speechformer_m 79M 23.84 27.85 28.56

Remember that the results in our paper are the average BLEU score of 3 runs, here you can download the checkpoint a of a single run.


Please cite as:

    title = "Speechformer: Reducing Information Loss in Direct Speech Translation",
    author = "Papi, Sara  and
      Gaido, Marco  and
      Negri, Matteo  and
      Turchi, Marco",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = nov,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.emnlp-main.127",
    pages = "1698--1706",