The tabs
permission gives a warning about having access to the browsing history.
- Consider making
optional =>- being able to update browser action icon when accessing a url - but it does not work well anyway
- not being able to auto-fill until the ext. has been manually invoked at least once in the tab - could add a shortcut such as Alt+F to fill in, then it would be auto - see Check for checking, requesting permissions
FYI: activeTab gives you:
- Call runtime.executeScript or runtime.insertCSS on that tab.
- Get the URL, title, and favicon for that tab via an API that returns a tabs.Tab object (essentially, activeTab grants the tabs permission temporarily).
- Use $ to prefix fns
- Import chance fns w/o 'chance.' prefix, add identity and concat
- Integrate generative into options and -run scripts
- Make parse return a fn that will be called by -run when filling in the form inst. of a value
- Brief docs
- Options: add 'Powered by' chance, sizzle, _, jsoneditor, Ace
- Make browser action icon more reliable
- Better logging of save form when not matches
- Make it work with forms using React - trigger events it listens to; experiment with