diff --git a/docs/DateTimeDoc.docx b/docs/DateTimeDoc.docx deleted file mode 100644 index ec4b7ecd..00000000 Binary files a/docs/DateTimeDoc.docx and /dev/null differ diff --git a/docs/DateTimeDoc.pdf b/docs/DateTimeDoc.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index afa30533..00000000 Binary files a/docs/DateTimeDoc.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/docs/HTML/DataFrame.html b/docs/HTML/DataFrame.html index 272ecee5..4134edbf 100644 --- a/docs/HTML/DataFrame.html +++ b/docs/HTML/DataFrame.html @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@


- class DateTime; included in this library is a cool and handy object to manipulate date/time with nanosecond precision and multi timezone capability. It has a very simple and intuitive interface that allows you to break date/time to their components, reassemble date/time from their components, advance or pullback date/time with different granularities, and more. Please see DateTime documentation.
+ class DateTime; included in this library is a cool and handy object to manipulate date/time with nanosecond precision and multi timezone capability. It has a very simple and intuitive interface that allows you to break date/time to their components, reassemble date/time from their components, advance or pullback date/time with different granularities, and more. Please see DateTime documentation.

diff --git a/docs/HTML/DateTime.html b/docs/HTML/DateTime.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea7b5b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/HTML/DateTime.html @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ C++ DataFrame + C++ DataFrame + C++ DataFrame + C++ DataFrame + C++ DataFrame +
+ +Since DataFrame is a statistical library, it often deals with time-series data. So, it needs to keep track of time.
+The most efficient way of indexing DataFrame by time is to use an index type of time_t for second precision or double or long long integer for more precision. DateTime class provides a more elaborate handling of time. Also, it is a general handy DateTime object.
+ +

Code structure

+ +Both the header (DateTime.h) and source (DateTime.cc) files are part of the DataFrame project. They are in the usual include/Utils and src/Utils directories.
+ +

Build Instructions

+ +Follow the DataFrame build instructions.
+ +

+ +


+ +This library can have up to Nano second precision depending on what systems calls are available. These are some example code:
    DateTime    now;
+    DateTime    gmt_now (DT_TIME_ZONE::GMT);
+    DateTime    hk_now (DT_TIME_ZONE:: AS_HONG_KONG);
+    cout << "Local Time is: " << now.string_format (DT_FORMAT::DT_TM2) << std::endl;
+    cout << "GMT Time is: " << gmt_now.string_format (DT_FORMAT::DT_TM2) << std::endl;
+    double  diff = now.diff_seconds (gmt_now);
+    now = 19721202;
+    gmt_now = 19721210;
+    diff = now.diff_weekdays (gmt_now);
+    now.add_days(3)
+    now.add_weekdays(-2);
+ +For more examples see file date_time_tester.cc
+ +

+ +


+These constants are used for formatting date/time into strings:
    enum class DT_FORMAT : unsigned short int  {
+        AMR_DT = 1,        // e.g. 09/16/99
+        AMR_DT_CTY = 2,    // e.g. 09/16/1999
+        EUR_DT = 3,        // e.g. 16/09/99
+        EUR_DT_CTY = 4,    // e.g. 16/09/1999
+        DT_TM = 5,         // e.g. 09/16/1999 13:51:04
+        SCT_DT = 6,        // e.g. Sep 16, 1999
+        DT_MMDDYYYY = 7,   // e.g. 09161999
+        DT_YYYYMMDD = 8,   // e.g. 19990916
+        DT_TM2 = 9,        // e.g. 09/16/1999 13:51:04.256
+        DT_DATETIME = 10,  // e.g. 20010103 09:31:15.124
+        DT_PRECISE = 11    // e.g. 1516179600.874123908 = Epoch.Nanoseconds
+        ISO_DT_TM = 12,    // e.g. 2015-05-05 13:51:04.000234
+        ISO_DT = 13,       // e.g. 2015-05-05
+        ISO_DT_NANO = 14,  // e.g. 2015-05-05 13:51:04.123456789
+    };
+ +
+These are the available time zones, used in a few methods and constructors.
    enum class DT_TIME_ZONE : short int  {
+        LOCAL = -2,
+        GMT = 0,
+        AM_BUENOS_AIRES = 1,
+        AM_CHICAGO = 2,
+        AM_LOS_ANGELES = 3,
+        AM_MEXICO_CITY = 4,
+        AM_NEW_YORK = 5,
+        AS_DUBAI = 6,
+        AS_HONG_KONG = 7,
+        AS_SHANGHAI = 8,
+        AS_SINGAPORE = 9,
+        AS_TEHRAN = 10,
+        AS_TEL_AVIV = 11,
+        AS_TOKYO = 12,
+        AU_MELBOURNE = 13,
+        AU_SYDNEY = 14,
+        BR_RIO_DE_JANEIRO = 15,
+        EU_BERLIN = 16,
+        EU_LONDON = 17,
+        EU_MOSCOW = 18,
+        EU_PARIS = 19,
+        EU_ROME = 20,
+        EU_VIENNA = 21,
+        EU_ZURICH = 22,
+        UTC = 23,
+        AS_SEOUL = 24,
+        AS_TAIPEI = 25,
+        EU_STOCKHOLM = 26,
+        NZ = 27,
+        EU_OSLO = 28,
+        EU_WARSAW = 29,
+        EU_BUDAPEST = 30
+    };
+ +
+Week days: 1 - 7 (Sunday - Saturday), used by various methods:
    enum class DT_WEEKDAY : unsigned char  {
+        BAD_DAY = 0,
+        SUN = 1,
+        MON = 2,
+        TUE = 3,
+        WED = 4,
+        THU = 5,
+        FRI = 6,
+        SAT = 7
+    };
+ +
+Months: 1 - 12 (January - December), used by various methods:
    enum class DT_MONTH : unsigned char  {
+        BAD_MONTH = 0,
+        JAN = 1,
+        FEB = 2,
+        MAR = 3,
+        APR = 4,
+        MAY = 5,
+        JUN = 6,
+        JUL = 7,
+        AUG = 8,
+        SEP = 9,
+        OCT = 10,
+        NOV = 11,
+        DEC = 12
+    };
+ +
+These constants are used for parsing data:
    enum class DT_DATE_STYLE : unsigned char  {
+        YYYYMMDD = 1,
+        AME_STYLE = 2,  // MM/DD/YYYY
+        EUR_STYLE = 3,  // YYYY/MM/DD
+        ISO_STYLE = 3.  // YYYY-MM-DD
+    };
+Types used in DateTime class:
    using DateType = unsigned int;            // YYYYMMDD
+    using DatePartType = unsigned short int;  // year, month etc.
+    using HourType = unsigned short int;      // 0 - 23
+    using MinuteType = unsigned short int;    // 0 - 59
+    using SecondType = unsigned short int;    // 0 - 59
+    using MillisecondType = short int;        // 0 - 999
+    using MicrosecondType = int;              // 0 - 999,999
+    using NanosecondType =  int;              // 0 - 999,999,999
+    using EpochType = time_t;                 // Signed epoch
+    using LongTimeType = long long int;       // Nano seconds since epoch
+ +
+ +

Member Functions

    // A constructor that creates a DateTime initialized to now.
+    // tz: Desired time zone from DT_TIME_ZONE above.
+    //
+    explicit
+    DateTime (DT_TIME_ZONE tz = DT_TIME_ZONE::LOCAL) noexcept;
+    // The constructor that creates a DateTime based on parameters passed.
+    //
+    explicit
+    DateTime (DateType d,  // Date e.g. 20180112
+              HourType hr = 0,  Hour e.g. 13
+              MinuteType mn = 0,  // Minute e.g. 45
+              SecondType sc = 0,  // Second e.g. 45
+              NanosecondType ns = 0,  // Nano-second e.g. 123456789
+              DT_TIME_ZONE tz = DT_TIME_ZONE::LOCAL) noexcept;  // Desired time zone from DT_TIME_ZONE above
+    // The constructor that creates a DateTime by parsing a string and based on parameters passed.
+    // Currently, the following formats are supported:
+    //  (1)  YYYYMMDD
+    // AME_STYLE:
+    //  (2)  MM/DD/YYYY
+    //  (3)  MM/DD/YYYY HH
+    //  (4)  MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM
+    //  (5)  MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS
+    //  (6)  MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.MMM        // Milliseconds
+    //  (7)  MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.IIIIII     // Microseconds
+    //  (8)  MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.NNNNNNNNN  // Nanoseconds
+    //
+    // EUR_STYLE:
+    //  (9)  YYYY/MM/DD
+    //  (10) YYYY/MM/DD HH
+    //  (11) YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM
+    //  (12) YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
+    //  (13) YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.MMM        // Milliseconds
+    //  (14) YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.IIIIII     // Microseconds
+    //  (15) YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.NNNNNNNNN  // Nanoseconds
+    //
+    // ISO_STYLE:
+    //  (16) YYYY-MM-DD
+    //  (17) YYYY-MM-DD HH
+    //  (18) YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
+    //  (19) YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
+    //  (20) YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MMM        // Milliseconds
+    //  (21) YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.IIIIII     // Microseconds
+    //  (22) YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.NNNNNNNNN  // Nanoseconds
+    //
+    explicit DateTime (const char *s,
+                        DT_DATE_STYLE ds = DT_DATE_STYLE::YYYYMMDD,
+                        DT_TIME_ZONE tz = DT_TIME_ZONE::LOCAL);
+ +

    // A convenient method, if you already have a DateTime instance and want to change the date/time quickly.
+    // the_time: Time as epoch
+    //
+    // nanosec: Nano seconds
+    //
+    void set_time(EpochType the_time, NanosecondType nanosec = 0) noexcept;
+    // Changes the time zone to desired time zone.
+    // NOTE: This method is not multithread-safe. This method modifies the TZ environment
+    //       variable which changes the time zone for the entire program.
+    //
+    // tz: Desired time zone
+    //
+    void set_timezone (DT_TIME_ZONE tz);
+    // Returns the current time zone.
+    //
+    DT_TIME_ZONE get_timezone () const;
+ +

    // Sets self to right-hand-side.
+    //
+    // rhs: A date e.g.  dt = 20181215
+    //
+    DateTime &operator = (DateType rhs);
+    // Sets self to right-hand-side.
+    // Currently, the following formats are supported:
+    // 1)  YYYYMMDD [LOCAL | GMT]
+    //
+    // rhs: A date/time string e.g.  dt = “20181215”;
+    //
+    DateTime &operator = (const char *rhs);
+ +

    // Compares self with right-hand-side and returns an integer result accordingly.
+    //
+    // rhs: Another DateTime instance
+    //
+    int dt_compare(const DateTime &rhs) const;
+ +

    // These methods return the corresponding date/time parts.
+    //
+    DateType date() const noexcept;                // e.g. 20020303
+    DatePartType year() const noexcept;            // e.g. 1990
+    DT_MONTH month() const noexcept;               // JAN - DEC 
+    DatePartType dmonth() const noexcept;          // 1 - 31
+    DatePartType dyear() const noexcept;           // 1 - 366
+    DT_WEEKDAY dweek() const noexcept;             // SUN - SAT
+    HourType hour() const noexcept;                // 0 - 23
+    MinuteType minute() const noexcept;            // 0 - 59
+    SecondType sec() const noexcept;               // 0 - 59
+    MillisecondType msec() const noexcept;         // 0 - 999
+    MicrosecondType microsec() const noexcept;     // 0 - 999,999
+    NanosecondType nanosec() const noexcept;       // 0 - 999,999,999
+    EpochType time() const noexcept;               // Like time()
+    LongTimeType long_time() const noexcept;       // Nano seconds since epoch
+    DatePartType days_in_month () const noexcept;  // 28, 29, 30, 31
+ +

    // These return the diff including the fraction of the unit. This is why they return a double.
+    // The diff could be +/- based on "this - that"
+    //
+    double diff_seconds(const DateTime &that) const;
+    double diff_minutes(const DateTime &that) const noexcept;
+    double diff_hours(const DateTime &that) const noexcept;
+    double diff_days(const DateTime &that) const noexcept;
+    double diff_weekdays(const DateTime &that) const noexcept;
+    double diff_weeks(const DateTime &that) const noexcept;
+ +

    // These methods either advance or pullback the time accordingly. The parameter to these methods could be +/-.
+    //
+    void add_nanoseconds(long nanosecs) noexcept;
+    void add_seconds(EpochType secs) noexcept;
+    void add_days(long days) noexcept;
+    void add_weekdays (long days) noexcept;
+    void add_months(long months) noexcept;
+    void add_years(long years) noexcept;
+ + +

    // These methods format the date/time into a string based on the format parameter
+    //
+    // T: Type of string
+    // result: a string instance to store the formatted date/time
+    //
+    template<typename T>
+    void date_to_str(DT_FORMAT format, T &result) const;
+    // format: String format parameter based on DT_FORMAT above
+    //
+    std::string string_format(DT_FORMAT format) const;
+ + + +