- provider.google v2.2.0
- provider.template v2.1.0
- Open the Terraform Shell and clone the project
git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/professional-services
cd professional-services/examples/cryptorealtime/terraform-setup/
- Fill out the terraform.tfvars configuration
vim terraform.tfvars
- Check that everything is working
terraform init
terraform apply
(ignore api enablement errors and/or rerun)
Wait 5-10 minutes until the VM startup script is booted
Note: Your public IP address will be displayed here or in console
SSH into the VM that was created
sudo -s
cd ~/professional-services/examples/cryptorealtime/
- Verify the variables from terraform are in place:
- Run the Dataflow job to connect to exchanges
Ignore any java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
Go to frontend script and run the frontend flask server and data visualisation
cd frontend/
- Open the VM IP on port 5000 in your browser to see the chart
- Delete the Dataflow jobs
gcloud dataflow jobs cancel \
$(gcloud dataflow jobs list \
--format='value(id)' \
- Take down the infrastructure
terraform destroy
Read the post for addtional information: