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84 lines (80 loc) · 2.4 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (80 loc) · 2.4 KB


$ mpirun -np 1 ./a.out : -np 2 ./a.out 
0 3 hakune
2 3 hakune
1 3 hakune
$ cat appfile 
-np 1 ./a.out
-np 2 ./a.out
hpjeon@hakune:~/hw/mpi_cpp$ mpirun --app ./appfile 
0 3 hakune
1 3 hakune
2 3 hakune
  • Q: ? global ranks are shared among applications?
  • A: Yes. Communication b/w applications will be through MPI_COMM_WORLD. Each application will have it sown MPI_Comm, and each will have rank=0 from its own communicator


$ cat configfile
#Config file example
#Launch 4 copies of exe1 with arguments arg1 and arg2
-n 4 : exe1 arg1 arg2
#Launch 2 copies of exe2
-n 2 : exe2
$ mpirun_rsh -config configfile -hostfile hosts
  • ? -config option seems not working. Use mpirun -np 1 ./a.out : -np 2 ./b.out

intel mpi

$ cat mpmd_config
-n 1 -host node1 ./io <io_args>
-n 4 -host node2 ./compute <compute_args_1> 
-n 4 -host node3 ./compute <compute_args_2
$ mpirun -configfile mpmd_config
  • Or different formant of config file
-n 1 a.exe -m abc -mpmd ; -n 2 b.exe -m xyz -mpmd

srun from cray

  • mapfile
0-3 hostname
4-7 echo hello
  • srun -n 8 -l --multi-prog ./mapfile
  • for mpi job, srun --mpi=cray_shasta or pmi2 might be necessary

sample test code

  • a.cxx
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  int my_rank, ierr, ncpus;
  ierr = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_size(MPIM_COMM_WORLD, &ncpus);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPIM_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
  std::cout << "Hello from " << my_rank << " while ncpus = " << ncpus << std::endl;
  int color {1};
  int key {color};
  MPI_Comm local_comm;
  int ncpus_local, rank_local;
  ierr = MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, color, key, &local_commm);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_sizse(local_comm, &ncpus_local);
  ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(local_comm, &rank_local);
  char proc_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
  int name_len;
  MPI_Get_Processor_name(proc_name, &name_len);
  std::cout << "Proccessor name = << proc_name << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a.exe from " << rank_local << " while local cpus = " << ncpus_local << std::endl;
  return 0;
  • Make another b.cxx using int color {2}