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Data Documentation

Parsing builds

Builds are not stored on a server, but instead stored in your address bar. If we take a look at the following

Dauntless Builder URL:

You can see a very long cryptic string at the end in this case axfWTxZIOCKVimPCjcWtgT0Sm5I3C08fdPcpCE2Urbc2CjmHzjhnCvOc7SPNtw, this is what we call the build id.

Parsing the build id

Build ids are powered by a library called hashids, which transforms an array of integers into a string akin to what you can see above.

Lets start with a simple example:

import Hashids from "hashids";

// the aforementioned build id
const buildId = "axfWTxZIOCKVimPCjcWtgT0Sm5I3C08fdPcpCE2Urbc2CjmHzjhnCvOc7SPNtw";

// build ids are salted with the string "spicy", this is very important!
// Why spicy? Back in the olden days around the time where I started working
// on Dauntless Builder this was a fairly short lived meme related to a livestream
// where (back then CM) crash7800 ran around with a pepper flare and said spicy a few
// too many times afair.
const salt = "spicy";

// now we initialize hashids, nothing special...
const hashids = new Hashids(salt);

// now we decode the build id...
const data = hashids.decode(buildId);

// "data" should now contain a list of integers like you can see here:
console.log(data); // => [6, 0, 133, 1, 117, 99, 5, 2, 0, 7, 109, 1, 108, 75, 1, 87, 89, 1, 69, 107, 1, 186, 7, 105, 1]

// What are those numbers you ask? Well lets look at the following enum from src/data/BuildModel.ts
// Just to be clear: Every field in this enum refers to an index, Version being index 0 and WeaponSurged is 3.
// I'll now elaborate what every field:
enum BuildFields {
    // Internal: The version of the build format, currently at 6. Basically whenever either Phoenix Labs
    // decides to change something in a way that breaks the current format (introduction of parts back then
    // for instance, etc) we have to accomedate by adjusting the format and hopefully offering automatic
    // upgrade paths.
    Version, // = 0

    // Internal: A special section reserved for bit flags in order to mark the build somehow.
    // Currently there are two possible options:
    //    0001: UPGRADED_BUILD - Something changed and we had to replace/adjust items
    //    0010: INVALID_BUILD - Something changed and is no longer available so we had to remove it
    Flags, // = 1

    // The map name ID for the weapon, more on this later
    WeaponName, // = 2

    // Is the weapon power surged? 1 if yes, 0 if not
    WeaponSurged, // = 3

    // The map name ID for the first weapon cell
    WeaponCell1, // = 4

    // ...second weapon cell
    WeaponCell2, // = 5

    // ...first weapon part, usually the "Special" except for repeaters in which case this is the "Chamber"
    WeaponPart1, // = 6

    // ...second weapon part, usually the "Mod" except for repeaters in which case this is the "Grip"
    WeaponPart2, // = 7

    // unused for all weapons except repeaters in which case this contains the "Mod"
    WeaponPart3, // = 8

    // the bond weapon ID
    BondWeapon, // = 9

    // armour pieces work like the weapon just without the parts and only one cell slot
    HeadName, // = 10
    HeadSurged, // = 11
    HeadCell, // = 12
    TorsoName, // = 13
    TorsoSurged, // = 14
    TorsoCell, // = 15
    ArmsName, // = 16
    ArmsSurged, // = 17
    ArmsCell, // = 18
    LegsName, // = 19
    LegsSurged, // = 20
    LegsCell, // = 21
    Lantern, // = 22
    LanternCell, // = 23
    Omnicell, // = 24

OK. Now that we know what these strange numbers are, how do we know which item they represent?

For this information we need to look into the names.json which is a map that associates an ID with the name of an item which we use as the identifier in the data later.

Lets look at the structure of the names.json first:

    "Armours": {
        "1": "Boreal Epiphany",
        "2": "Boreal March",
        "3": "Boreal Might",
        "4": "Boreal Resolve",
        "5": "The Skullforge",
        "6": "Volcanic Aegis",
        "7": "..."
    "Cells": {
        "1": "+1 Assassin's Vigour Cell",
        "2": "+2 Assassin's Vigour Cell",
        "3": "...."
    "....": {}

As you can see every item category has its own IDs, so you have to keep that in mind.

To expand on our earlier example:

// right below the enum from earlier...

// I want to know what the name of the weapon is... how do i do this?
// First we need to pull the names.json data from Dauntless Builder
const namesMap = await fetch("");

if (!namesMap.ok) {
    throw Error("TODO: Something went wrong, but I can't be bothered to fix this rn");

// lets convert it into a juicy json object
const namesJson = await namesMap.json();

// lets assign the id to a variable just to make this example overly clear
const weaponId = data[BuildFields.WeaponName];

// and now we can just print it:
console.log("Weapon Name:", namesJson["Weapons"][weaponId]); // => Incinerator's Song

// And voila! Thats how you get item names, which we'll need in the next step.

Using the data

The Dauntless Builder item data is available at

In this example we'll continue the example from the last section:

// first we'll fetch the data
const itemData = await fetch("");

if (!itemData.ok) {
    throw Error("TODO: Something went wrong, but I can't be bothered to fix this rn");

const dataJson = await itemData.json();

// see the example above where these variables come from
const weaponName = namesJson["Weapons"][weaponId];

const weapon = dataJson["weapons"][weaponName];

// lets print the weapon
console.log("Weapon:", weapon);

// this is what stdout would look like...
const output = {
    name: "Incinerator's Song",
    description: "A Slayer's axe forged with Torgadoro trophies.",
    icon: "/assets/icons/weapons/torgadoro/IncineratorsSong.png",
    type: "Axe",
    damage: "Slashing",
    elemental: "Blaze",
    cells: ["Prismatic", "Prismatic"],
    power: {
        base: 100,
        powerSurged: 120,
    bond: {
        elemental: "Blaze",
    unique_effects: [
            name: "TorgadoroLegendaryAbility",
            icon: "/assets/icons/abilities/TorgadoroLegendaryWeaponAbility.png",
                "Legendary Ability: Enter a rage, gaining new attacks for 15 seconds. Deals +25% damage when the target is below\n50% health. Usable once, but resets on Behemoth kill.\n",

Checking for changes

Under you can also find out when was the last time the data set was generated (build_time) and an md5 hash to check against to see if your data is different.

Here is an example of this file:

    "build_time": 1653743142838,
    "data_hash": "b4174f01954cc0136d9d01d3f51be92d",
    "map_hash": "3a1a54c45fc36ae9b68d55f95c9598de"

Creating links to Dauntless Builder

This is fairly similar to "Parsing the build id" above, just in reverse.

Here is a short code snippet showing how this can be done:

import Hashids from "hashids";

const hashids = new Hashids("spicy");

const newBuild = [
    // the current version string, since we mostly update them on the fly (if possible) you don't
    // need to worry too much about this
    // flags, just set this to this is only for DB itself
    // ... you get the drill

// This should now be an array of integers similar to before.
// Now you can just call hashids again:
const buildId = hashids.encode(newBuild);

// attach it after /b/...
const linkToDauntlessBuilder = `${buildId}`;

// And thats pretty much it.