- [Dep] Set minimum node version to 10.x within package.json and travis.yml by html-next
- #129 [BREAKING] Set minimum node version to 8.x and bump to most recent qunit and ember-cli-babel 7 by Lupestro
- #128 Added {recognize-gesture} modifier as alternative to mixin. Modifier requires Ember 2.18 or later to use. by Lupestro
- update yarn.lock by html-next
#124 fixed a couple cases where the addon didn't work in an engine by Conrad Lippert-Zajaczkowski
#121 chore(deps): replace deprecated internal copy with ember-copy by Edward Huang
- #119 Fix wrong resolution of rootElement by Christian Davatz
- #114 Remove jQuery by Simon Ihmig
- [FEAT] Recognizer Blueprints
- [FEAT] Recognizer Mixin
- [FEAT] Default Recognizers
- [DEP] Hammertime 0.0.1
- [DEP] HammerJS 2.0.5
- [FEAT] Hammertime mixin
- [FEAT] Velocity Mixin