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Reference Implementation of CROWN, RecurJac, Fast-Lin and Fast-Lip

This repository contains a Numpy reference implementation of CROWN, RecurJac, Fast-Lin and Fast-Lip.

A new PyTorch implementation of CROWN and Fast-Lin can be found in the CROWN-IBP repository, which includes implementation of CNN layers and efficient computation on GPUs.


CROWN is a neural network verification framework that linearizes general activation functions and creates linear upper and lower bounds for neural network outputs in a layer-by-layer manner. CROWN can be seen as a special case of solving a LP relaxed neural network (Salman et al., 2019), but is much more efficient than LP solvers. CROWN can be used as a general tool for bounding neural networks. It generalizes and outperforms our previous algorithm (Fast-Lin) by giving tighter verification bounds for ReLU networks as well as supporting other general activation functions.

RecurJac is an efficient algorithm for obtaining element-wise lower and upper bounds of Jacobian matrix with respect to a neural network's input, and can be used for computing local or global Lipschitz constants, as well as neural network robustness verification. RecurJac significantly improves the quality of Lipschitz constant obtained by our earlier algorithm, Fast-Lip. The improvement comes from a recursive refinement of the layer-wise Jacobian bound. Additionally, RecurJac applies to a wide range of activation functions under mild assumptions (Fast-Lip is for ReLU only).

This repository contains many improvements, cleanups and fixes to the implementation of our previous algorithms (Fast-Lin, Fast-Lip and CROWN). It is suggested to use this repository as a reference code base for all four algorithms (RecurJac, CROWN, Fast-Lin and Fast-Lip).

More details for our algorithms can be found in the following papers:

[1] RecurJac: An Efficient Recursive Algorithm for Bounding Jacobian Matrix of Neural Networks and Its Applications, Huan Zhang, Pengchuan Zhang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, AAAI 2019 (PDF) (Slides)

[2] Efficient Neural Network Robustness Certification with General Activation Functions, Huan Zhang*,Tsui-Wei Weng*, Pin-Yu Chen, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Luca Daniel, NIPS 2018 (PDF)

[3] Towards Fast Computation of Certified Robustness for ReLU Networks, Tsui-Wei Weng*, Huan Zhang*, Hongge Chen, Zhao Song, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Duane Boning, Inderjit S. Dhillon, Luca Daniel, ICML 2018 (PDF)

* indicates equal contribution. BibTex citations can be found at the end of this document.

Installation Instructions

Our code is compatible with python3 and TensorFlow v1.8 to v1.11. We recommend using conda as the Python package manager. Our code requires the following Conda packages:

conda install pillow numpy scipy pandas tensorflow-gpu keras-gpu h5py pillow
conda install --channel numba llvmlite numba
grep 'AMD' /proc/cpuinfo >/dev/null && conda install nomkl

If you system does not have GPU, you can replace tensorflow-gpu and keras-gpu with package tensorflow and keras, which provides the CPU version. Using GPU is not necessary for running experiments, as our main procedures are implemented using numpy. The third command is required on AMD systems because the default numpy package links to Intel MKL which can run quite slow on AMD CPUs.

After installing prerequisites, clone our repository:

git clone
cd RecurJac-and-CROWN

RecurJac pretrained models can be download here:

tar xvf models_recurjac.tar

For models used in CROWN (paper [2]):

tar xvf models_crown.tar

For models used in Fast-Lin/Fast-Lip (paper [1]):

tar xvf models_relu_verification.tar

This will create a models folder, containing a few Keras model files used in our papers.

How to Run

The main interface for computing bounds is We first give some examples on how to use it. Note that the first run may take some time because any necessary datasets will be downloaded automatically.

Robustness Certification (RecurJac, CROWN, Fast-Lin, Fast-Lip)

In this task, we evaluate the robustness lower bound of a neural network model. Within this lower bound, we can guarantee that no adversarial examples exist. This task is reported in Table 1 in our paper [1].

Using the following command, we run RecurJac on 10 correctly classified images, and compute the robustness lower bound against a random target class, using the model file models/mnist_3layer_relu_1024_adv_retrain (a 3-layer MNIST model with adversarial training). We use CROWN-adaptive to compute layer-wise outer bounds and use RecurJac to compute robustness certification. The input is perturb in a L_inf ball. The initial perturbation is set to 0.2, and a binary search procedure finds the best lower bound (so the initial value is not very important).

python3 --task robustness --numimage 10 --targettype random --norm i --modelfile models/mnist_3layer_relu_1024_adv_retrain --layerbndalg crown-adaptive --jacbndalg recurjac --eps 0.2

The last line of output is something like:

[L0] model = models/mnist_3layer_relu_1024_adv_retrain, avg robustness_lb = 0.14417, numimage = 10

which indicates the average robustness lower bound for 10 images is 0.14417.

For CROWN and Fast-Lin, --jacbndalg should be set to disabled, and --layerbndalg should be set to crown-adaptive or fastlin for ReLU networks, or crown-general for other activation functions. To favor running time instead of getting the tightest bound, you can decrease --lipstep and --step parameters to reduce the number of integral intervals and binary search steps (the defaults are 15 and 15, respectively).

Lipschitz Constant Computation (RecurJac, Fast-Lip)

In this task, we evaluate the local Lipschitz constant within different radii eps inside a Lp ball. This task is reported in Figure 3 in our paper [1].

Using the following command, we run RecurJac on 1 correctly classified image from class 1, using the model file models/mnist_7layer_relu_1024. We use CROWN-adaptive to compute layer-wise outer bounds and use RecurJac to compute the Jacobian bounds. The input is perturb in a L_inf ball. We evaluate 20 eps values, starting from 10e-3=0.001 to 10e0=1.0, in a logarithmic scale.

python3 --task lipschitz --numimage 1 --targettype 1 --modelfile models/mnist_7layer_relu_1024 --layerbndalg crown-adaptive --jacbndalg recurjac --norm i --lipsteps 20 --liplogstart -3 --liplogend 0

At the last line of output, we obtain the following results:

[L0] model = models/mnist_7layer_relu_1024, numimage = 1,
avg_lipschitz[0.00000] = 172.04774, avg_lipschitz[0.00100] = 172.15767,
avg_lipschitz[0.00144] = 176.57712, avg_lipschitz[0.00207] = 178.59306,
avg_lipschitz[0.00298] = 193.93967, avg_lipschitz[0.00428] = 209.47284,
avg_lipschitz[0.00616] = 252.63580, avg_lipschitz[0.00886] = 319.40561,
avg_lipschitz[0.01274] = 486.35843, avg_lipschitz[0.01833] = 2157.19458,
avg_lipschitz[0.02637] = 368216.12500, avg_lipschitz[0.03793] = 917739.12500,
avg_lipschitz[0.05456] = 1293761.00000, avg_lipschitz[0.07848] = 1592493.62500,
avg_lipschitz[0.11288] = 1881139.37500, avg_lipschitz[0.16238] = 2012919.00000,
avg_lipschitz[0.23357] = 2024336.25000, avg_lipschitz[0.33598] = 2026857.75000,
avg_lipschitz[0.48329] = 2027686.12500, avg_lipschitz[0.69519] = 2027717.50000,
avg_lipschitz[1.00000] = 2027717.50000, opnorm_global_lipschitz = 19351028.5323

When eps = 0, the Lipschitz constant is the same as the norm of gradient at input x. When eps increases, local Lipschitz constant also increases. Eventually, the local Lipschitz constants saturate at 2027717.5 regardless of the increasing eps. This is thus a global Lipschitz constant, and is much better than the value obtained by the product of operator norm (19351028.5323).

Changing --jacbndalg parameter value to `fastlip to run the same task using Fast-Lip in our paper [3].

Local Optimization Landscape (RecurJac)

In this task, we try to find the largest perturbation (denoted as R_max in some Lp norm) where at least one element in Jacobian are knwon to be positive or negative. In other words, no points have a zero gradient inside this Lp ball with radius R_max. This tasks is reported in Figure 2 in our paper [1].

Using the following command, we run RecurJac on 100 correctly classified images from class 1, using the model file models/mnist_5layer_leaky_20 (a 5 layer leaky-ReLU MNIST network with 20 neurons per layer). We use CROWN-general to compute layer-wise outer bounds and use RecurJac to compute the Jacobian bounds. The input is perturb in a L2 ball. The initial perturbation is set to 0.1, and a binary search procedure is used to find R_max (so the initial value is not very important).

python3 --task landscape --numimage 100 --targettype 1 --modelfile models/mnist_5layer_leaky_20 --layerbndalg crown-general --jacbndalg recurjac --norm 2 --eps 0.1 --lipsteps 1

If lipsteps is set to values other than 1, some additional values of eps will be evaluated between 0 and R_max, which is not necessary for this task.

The command above will print results to the terminal. The final results are at the last line:

[L0] model = models/mnist_5layer_leaky_20, numimage = 100, avg_max_eps = 0.21103, avg_lipschitz_max = 27.2158, opnorm_global_lipschitz = 177.2929

where avg_max_eps is the average R_max over 100 images.

Train your own model

Our current implementation can load any model files created by For example, the following command trains a network with 2 hidden layers, with 20 neurons per hidden layer, using leaky-ReLU activation function with a negative side slope 0.3. Model will be saved to the current folder .:

python --activation leaky --leaky_slope 0.3 --modelpath . 20 20

Run python -h to see a list of tunable parameters (learning rate, weight decay, activation function, etc). Feel free to edit to add your tricks to make the network more robust, and verify robustness with CROWN or RecurJac.


This section lists all command-line arguments for

  --modelfile MODELFILE
                        Path to a Keras model file. See for
                        training a compatible model file.
  --dataset {auto,mnist,cifar}
                        Dataset to be used. When set to "auto", it will
                        automatically detect dataset based on the input
                        dimension of model file.
  --task TASK           Define a task to run. This will call the "task_*.py"
                        files under this directory. Currently supported tasks:
                        robustness, landscape, lipschitz.
  --numimage NUMIMAGE   Number of images to run.
  --startimage STARTIMAGE
                        First image index in dataset.
  --norm {i,1,2}        Perturbation norm: "i": Linf, "1": L1, "2": L2.
  --layerbndalg {crown-general,crown-adaptive,fastlin,spectral}
                        Algorithm to compute layer-wise upper and lower bounds. "crown-general": CROWN for
                        general activation functions, "crown-adaptive": CROWN
                        for ReLU with adaptive upper and lower bounds,
                        "fastlin": Fast-Lin, "spectral": spectral norm bounds
                        (special, when use "spectral" bound we simply multiply
                        each layer's operator norm).
  --jacbndalg {disable,recurjac,fastlip}
                        Algorithm to compute Jacobian bounds. Used to compute (local)
                        Lipschitz constant and robustness verification. When
                        set to "disable", --layerbndalg will be used to compute
                        robustness lower bound.
  --lipsdir {-1,1}      RecurJac bounding order, -1 backward, +1 forward.
                        Usually set to -1.
  --lipsshift {0,1}     Shift RecurJac forward pass bounding by 1 layer (i.e.,
                        starting from layer 2 rather than layer 1; useful when
                        the input layer has a large number of neurons).
                        Usually set to 0.
  --lipsteps LIPSTEPS   Task specific. For the "lipschitz" task, this
                        parameter specifies the number of eps values to
                        evaluate local Lipschitz constants. For the
                        "robustness" task, this parameter is the number of
                        intervals for numerical integration; a larger value
                        gives a better bound.
  --eps EPS             Inital epsilon for "landscape" and "robustness" tasks.
  --liplogstart LIPLOGSTART
                        Only used in "lipschitz" task. When LIPLOGSTART !=
                        LIPLOGSEND, we generate epsilon between LIPLOGSTART
                        and LIPLOGEND using np.logspace with LIPSTEPS steps.
  --liplogend LIPLOGEND
                        See --liplogstart
  --quad                Use quadratic bound (for 2-layer ReLU network, CROWN-
                        adaptive only).
  --warmup              Warm up before start timing. The first run will
                        compile python code to native code, which takes a
                        relatively long time, and should be excluded from
  --targettype TARGETTYPE
                        Target class label for robustness verification. Can be
                        "least", "runnerup", "random" or "untargeted", or a
                        number to specify class label.
  --steps STEPS         Number of steps to do binary search.
  --seed SEED           Random seed.

BibTex Entries

  author = "Huan Zhang AND Pengchuan Zhang AND Cho-Jui Hsieh",
  title = "RecurJac: An Efficient Recursive Algorithm for Bounding Jacobian Matrix of Neural Networks and Its Applications",
  booktitle = "AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11783",
  year = "2019",
  month = "dec"
  author = "Huan Zhang AND Tsui-Wei Weng AND Pin-Yu Chen AND Cho-Jui Hsieh AND Luca Daniel",
  title = "Efficient Neural Network Robustness Certification with General Activation Functions",
  booktitle = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.00866",
  year = "2018",
  month = "dec"
  author={Salman, Hadi and Yang, Greg and Zhang, Huan and Hsieh, Cho-Jui and Zhang, Pengchuan},
  title={A Convex Relaxation Barrier to Tight Robustness Verification of Neural Networks},
  booktitle = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08722",
  year= "2019",
  month = "dec"
  author = "Tsui-Wei Weng AND Huan Zhang AND Hongge Chen AND Zhao Song AND Cho-Jui Hsieh AND Duane Boning AND Inderjit S. Dhillon AND Luca Daniel",
  title = "Towards Fast Computation of Certified Robustness for ReLU Networks",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.09699",
  page = "5273-5282",
  year = "2018",
  month = "jul"