Releases: huaweicloud/spring-cloud-huawei
Releases · huaweicloud/spring-cloud-huawei
- when env is production, will notice when registry schema.(#190)
- update framework version.
- fix random error when url list is empty (#185)
- fix error when use domain name (#183)
- when websocket is close , will retry. (#184) (#186)
- when registry instance , no more registry schema.(#190)
- log optimization
update dependency
- upgrade Java-WebSocket to 1.5.0
support spring boot 2.1.x , spring cloud Greenwich. based on spring cloud huawei 1.3.1.
new feature
- discovery optimization:
use revision reduce request time.
support az affinity.
add exponential backoff algorithm.
after heardbeat failed and register reprint success log (#167)
random index when choose server (#173)
add server center watch by websocket (#172) - hystrix strategy switch, avoid strategy conflict.
update dependency
- spring cloud Hoxton SR3
- spring boot 2.2.6.RELEASE
- spring-webmvc 5.2.5.RELEASE
support spring boot 1.5.x , spring cloud Edgware . based on spring cloud huawei 1.2.0.
support spring boot 2.0.x , spring cloud Finchley. based on spring cloud huawei 1.2.0.
new feature
- support read config from servicecomb-kie.
kie is a service for configuration management in distributed system.
also support get key value changes by long polling.
bug fix
- sometimes too many objects will be instantiated when read ak/sk from default path on ServiceStage, resulting in opening too many handles exceed limit.
- remove spring-fox ui : it listen default port without the user knowing, you can manual import if still want it.
- Retry registry after heardbeat failed : the service center will clean the instance without heartbeat. Sometimes, for example, the instance is accidentally cleaned due to service center upgrade or network fluctuation, and the instance should try to register again.
bug fix
- Log optimization
- more information when error occur
- No longer print heartbeat all the time
- After registed on cse engine,show framework icon and version
- Fix SSL not work problem , add a demo to show how to use
update dependency
- update spring version to latest 5.2.3RELEASE
- update java-chassis version to latest 2.0.0
new feature
- new module spring-cloud-swagger
- register swagger to ServiceComb-Server-Center
- use edge-service gateway and interworking with Java-chassis
- support environmental isolation by config
- support ssl encryption
bug fix
- autoDiscovery don't work in some case
- remove meaningless log
- Ak/Sk by config has the highest priority