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Releases: hues-platform/cesar-p-core


30 Aug 12:50
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  • MAJOR change in AgeClass assumptions. See the new AgeClasses in the GraphDB config.

    • This will have an effect on simulation results of new buildings (>2006).
  • added features

    • improve shp file parsing and add option how to handle open polygons.
    • add more options for infiltration rate when retrofitting
    • building story height can now be set by building type
  • updated DHW demand values in variable profiles to ensure better agreement in annual demands between simulations using nominal and variable profiles

  • added cesar-p input overview to documentation

  • updated dependencies and small bug fixes


10 Feb 16:14
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Release of version 2.3.3


14 Nov 20:22
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Version which was used for final JOSS-Paper publication.
No functional changes compared to V 2.3.0.


05 Oct 18:39
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  • Minor updates to JOSS paper (adding url for ALLAN_ET_AL_2021)
  • No code changes compared to release 2.3.0


14 Jul 11:21
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  • added paper folder which contains published papers and added JOSS paper
  • cleanup of documentation
  • updating all dependencies


  • set default arguments to None and initialize correctly afterwards. Otherwise could result in unexpected behavior
  • fixed pandas future warning


10 Mar 11:34
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  • added feature to map a weather file per building (#122)
  • removed idf_constructions_db_access package (#106)
  • moved shading materials to GraphDB dataset (#77)
  • duplicated materials were removed from the GraphDB dataset. Names were changed to simplify. All attributes stayed the same.
  • GraphDB content gets now exported to the zip file if running with remote endpoint (#129)


  • fixed error of ArchetypicalBuildingConstruction in GraphDBArchetypicalConstructionFactory (#126)
  • rdflib version 5 did not run anymore. Updated to 6.
  • zip creatin failed (#131)


30 Jul 13:14
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  • fix missing dependency to requests (dependency of rdflib)
  • update CESAR-P version in cesarp/SIA2024/ressources/generated_profiles (profiles values do not change, just that version pointer was outdated)


23 Jul 09:15
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  • You may not be able to load building containers created with CESAR-p < 2.0.0 and may require to downgrade cesar-p-core version or jsonpickle to be able to deserialize or even deserialize manually.
    This is due to an update to jsonpickle 2.0, which breaks reading serialized BuildingContainer json files saved with older cesar-p-core versions resp with jsonpickle < 2.0.0
    The version of the BuildingContainer is updated from 3 to 4 and a CesarpException is raised if a old container is loaded informing about the possible options mentioned above.
  • Changed API of SimpleRetrofitManager - the add_retrofit_case method now returns the sum of costs and emissions instead of the full retrofit log, parameter name fixed from szenario_name to scenario_name
  • Fix name of module for EPlusEioResultAnalyzer (was previously EPlusEioResultReader)
  • updating all dependencies (especially pandas library from 0.25 to 1.3, changing from xlrd to openpyxl) - CESAR-P is now compatible with Python 3.8.9 and 3.9.0
    (CI is still running on 3.8 as there is no official Python package for Ubuntu:20.04 LTS release yet, but as the gitlab-ci.yml just installs latest Python, it will update when it is available)
  • updating to EnergyPlus 9.5 (from 9.3) - no changes in IDF files nor significant changes in simulation results (<0.1%)
  • updating CI pipeline to create empa internal docu and PDF for documentation
  • optional feature to collect solar potential for your buildings (#107)
  • updating and re-arranging documentation
  • groundfloor area is added to bldg_infos_used output file (#82)


  • limit windows to 95% of wall width, raise exception if window is higher than wall (#112)
  • allow for adding all result frequencies in OUTPUT_METER and OUTPUT_VAR in config for cesarp.eplus_adapter package; it was not possible to add them to
    the main config because validation did not find them in the default config (now added to default config and code handles if they have no entries)


13 Apr 08:49
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First OS Version