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Releases: huggingface/datasets


20 Apr 17:05
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Dataset changes

Dataset features

Metrics changes

Dataset cards

General improvements and bug fixes



18 Mar 14:21
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Datasets changes

Datasets Features

General Bug fixes and improvements


04 Mar 09:16
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Fix an issue #1981 with WMT downloads #1982 (@albertvillanova)


03 Mar 17:13
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Datasets Changes

Datasets Features

  • Add to_dict and to_pandas for Dataset #1889 (@SBrandeis)
  • Add to_csv for Dataset #1887 (@SBrandeis)
  • Add keep_linebreaks parameter to text loader #1913 (@lhoestq)
  • Add not-in-place implementations for several dataset transforms #1883 (@SBrandeis):
    • This introduces new methods for Dataset objects: rename_column, remove_columns, flatten and cast.
    • The old in-place methods rename_column_, remove_columns_, flatten_ and cast_ are now deprecated.
  • Make DownloadManager downloaded/extracted paths accessible #1846 (@albertvillanova)
  • Add cross-platform support for datasets-cli #1951 (@mariosasko)

Metrics Changes

Offline loading

General improvements and bugfixes


15 Feb 16:54
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Dataset Features

  • On-the-fly data transforms (#1795)
  • ADD S3 support for downloading and uploading processed datasets (#1723)
  • Allow loading dataset in-memory (#1792)
  • Support future datasets (#1813)
  • Enable/disable caching (#1703)
  • Offline dataset loading (#1726)

Datasets Hub Features

Dataset Changes

  • New: LJ Speech (#1878)
  • New: Add Hindi Discourse Analysis Natural Language Inference Dataset (#1822)
  • New: cord 19 (#1850)
  • New: Tweet Eval Dataset (#1829)
  • New: CIFAR-100 Dataset (#1812)
  • New: SICK (#1804)
  • New: BBC Hindi NLI Dataset (#1158)
  • New: Freebase QA Dataset (#1814)
  • New: Arabic sarcasm (#1798)
  • New: Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus (#1606)
  • New: DuoRC Dataset (#1800)
  • New: Aggregated dataset for the GEM benchmark (#1807)
  • New: CC-News dataset of English language articles (#1323)
  • New: irc disentangle (#1586)
  • New: Narrative QA Manual (#1778)
  • New: Universal Morphologies (#1174)
  • New: SILICONE (#1761)
  • New: Librispeech ASR (#1767)
  • New: OSCAR (#1694, #1868, #1833)
  • New: CANER Corpus (#1684)
  • New: Arabic Speech Corpus (#1852)
  • New: id_liputan6 (#1740)
  • New: Stuctured Argument Extraction for Korean dataset (#1748)
  • New: TurkCorpus (#1732)
  • New: Hatexplain Dataset (#1716)
  • New: adversarialQA (#1714)
  • Update: Doc2dial - reading comprehension update to latest version (#1816)
  • Update: OPUS Open Subtitles - add with metadata information (#1865)
  • Update: SWDA - use all metadata features(#1799)
  • Update: SWDA - add metadata and correct splits (#1749)
  • Update: CommonGen - update citation information (#1787)
  • Update: SciFact - update URL (#1780)
  • Update: BrWaC - update features name (#1736)
  • Update: TLC - update urls to be github links (#1737)
  • Update: Ted Talks IWSLT - add new version: WIT3 (#1676)
  • Fix: multi_woz_v22 - fix checksums (#1880)
  • Fix: limit - fix url (#1861)
  • Fix: WebNLG - fix test test + more field (#1739)
  • Fix: PAWS-X - fix csv Dictreader splitting data on quotes (#1763)
  • Fix: reuters - add missing "brief" entries (#1744)
  • Fix: thainer: empty token bug (#1734)
  • Fix: lst20: empty token bug (#1734)

Metrics Changes

  • New: Word Error Metric (#1847)
  • New: COMET (#1577, #1753)
  • Fix: bert_score - set version dependency (#1851)

Metric Docs

  • Add metrics usage examples and tests (#1820)

CLI Changes

  • [BREAKING] remove outdated commands (#1869):
    • remove outdated "datasets-cli upload_dataset" and "datasets-cli upload_metric"
    • instead, use the huggingface-hub CLI

Bug fixes

  • fix writing GPU Faiss index (#1862)
  • update pyarrow import warning (#1782)
  • Ignore definition line number of functions for caching (#1779)
  • update saving and loading methods for faiss index so to accept path like objects (#1663)
  • Print error message with filename when malformed CSV (#1826)
  • Fix default tensors precision when format is set to PyTorch and TensorFlow (#1795)


  • Refactoring: Create config module (#1848)
  • Use a config id in the cache directory names for custom configs (#1754)


  • Enable logging propagation and remove logging handler (#1845)


13 Jan 15:29
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New Features

  • Fast start up (#1690): Importing datasets is now significantly faster.

Datasets Changes

  • New: MNIST (#1730)
  • New: Korean intonation-aided intention identification dataset (#1715)
  • New: Switchboard Dialog Act Corpus (#1678)
  • Update: Wiki-Auto - Added unfiltered versions of the training data for the GEM simplification task. (#1722)
  • Update: Scientific papers - Mirror datasets zip (#1721)
  • Update: Update DBRD dataset card and download URL (#1699)
  • Fix: Thainer - fix ner_tag bugs (#1695)
  • Fix: reuters21578 - metadata parsing errors (#1693)
  • Fix: ade_corpus_v2 - fix config names (#1689)
  • Fix: DaNE - fix last example (#1688)

Datasets tagging

  • rename "part-of-speech-tagging" tag in some dataset cards (#1645)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix column list comparison in transmit format (#1719)
  • Fix windows path scheme in cached path (#1711)


  • Add information about caching and verifications in "Load a Dataset" docs (#1705)

Moreover many dataset cards of datasets added during the sprint were updated ! Thanks to all the contributors :)


04 Jan 18:38
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Intermediate release before v2.0.0
Includes all the datasets added during the datasets sprint of December 2020 (currently over 610 datasets).


19 Nov 18:33
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Datasets changes

  • New: NLI-Tr (#787)
  • New: Amazon Reviews (#791)(#844)(#845)(#799)
  • New: ASNQ - answer sentence selection (#780)
  • New: OpenBookCorpus (#856)
  • New: ASLG-PC12 - sign language translation (#731)
  • New: Quail - question answering dataset (#747)
  • Update: SNLI: Created dataset card (#663)
  • Update: csv - Use pandas reader in csv (#857)
    • Better memory management
    • Breaking: the previous read_options, parse_options and convert_options are replaced with plain parameters like pandas.read_csv
  • Update: conll2000, conll2003, germeval_14, wnut_17, XTREME PAN-X - Create ClassLabel for labelling tasks datasets (#850)
    • Breaking: use of ClassLabel features instead of string features + naming of columns updated for consistency
  • Update: XNLI - Add XNLI train set (#781)
  • Update: XSUM - Use full released xsum dataset (#754)
  • Update: CompGuessWhat - New version of CompGuessWhat?! with refined annotations (#748)
  • Update: CLUE - add OCNLI, a new CLUE dataset (#742)
  • Fix: KOR-NLI - Fix csv reader (#855)
  • Fix: Discofuse - fix discofuse urls (#793)
  • Fix: Emotion - fix description (#745)
  • Fix: TREC - update urls (#740)

Metrics changes

  • New: accuracy, precision, recall and F1 metrics (#825)
  • Fix: squad_v2 (#840)
  • Fix: seqeval (#810)(#738)
  • Fix: Rouge - fix description (#774)
  • Fix: GLUE - fix description (#734)
  • Fix: BertScore - fix custom baseline (#763)

Command line tools

  • add clear_cache parameter in the test command (#863)


  • Integrate file_lock inside the lib for better logging control (#859)

Dataset features

  • Add writer_batch_size attribute to GeneratorBasedBuilder (#828)
  • pretty print dataset objects (#725)
  • allow custom split names in text dataset (#776)


  • All configs is a slow test now

Bug fixes

  • Make save function use deterministic global vars order (#819)
  • fix type hints pickling in python 3.6 (#818)
  • fix metric deletion when attributes are missing (#782)
  • Fix custom builder caching (#770)
  • Fix metric with cache dir (#772)
  • Fix train_test_split output format (#719)


06 Oct 14:22
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Dataset changes

  • Fix: text - use python read instead of pandas reader (#715):
    • fix delimiter/overflow issues
    • better memory handling

Bug fixes

  • Fix dataset configuration creation using data_files per splits using NamedSplit (#706)
  • Fix permission issue on windows - don't use tqdm 4.50.0 (#718)

1.1.0: Windows support, Better Multiprocessing, New Datasets

02 Oct 13:12
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Windows support

  • Add Windows support (#644):
    • add tests and CI for Windows
    • fix numerous windows specific issues
    • The library now fully supports Windows

Dataset changes

  • New: HotpotQA (#703)
  • New: OpenWebText (#660)
  • New: Winogrande - add debiased subset (#655)
  • Update: XNLI - update download link (#695)
  • Update: text - switch to pandas reader, better memory usage, fix delimiter issues (#689)
  • Update: csv - add features parameter to CSV (#685)
  • Fix: GAP - fix wrong computation of boolean features (#680)
  • Fix: C4 - fix manual instruction function (#681)

Metric changes

  • Update: ROUGE - Add rouge 2 and rouge Lsum to rouge metric outputs by default (#701, #702)
  • Fix: SQuAD - fix kwargs description (#670)

Dataset Features

  • Use multiprocess from pathos for multiprocessing (#656):
    • allow lambda functions in multiprocessed map
    • allow local functions in multiprocessed map
    • and more ! As long as functions are compatible with dill

Bug fixes

  • Datasets: fix possible program hanging with tokenizers - Disable tokenizers parallelism in multiprocessed map (#688)
  • Datasets: fix cast with unordered features - fix column order issue in cast (#684)
  • Datasets: fix first time creation of cache directory - move cache dir root creation in builder's init (#677)
  • Datasets: fix OverflowError when using negative ids - fix negative ids in slicing with an array (#679)
  • Datasets: fix empty dictionaries afetr multiprocessing - keep new columns in transmit format (#659)
  • Datasets: fix type inference for nested types - handle data alteration when trying type (#653)
  • Metrics: fix compute metric with empty input - pass metric features to the reader (#654)


  • Elasticsearch integration documentation (#696)


  • Use GitHub instead of AWS in remote dataset tests (#694)