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630 lines (485 loc) · 27.2 KB
title document date audience author toc
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Hui Xie
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S. Levent Yilmaz
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Louis Dionne

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  • Initial revision.


This paper proposes a new type-erased view: std::ranges::any_view. That type-erased view allows customizing the traversal category of the view, its value type and a few other properties. For example:

class MyClass {
  std::unordered_map<Key, Widget> widgets_;
  std::ranges::any_view<Widget> getWidgets();

std::ranges::any_view<Widget> MyClass::getWidgets() {
  return widgets_ | std::views::values
                  | std::views::filter(myFilter);


Since being merged into C++20, the Ranges library has gained an increasingly rich and expressive set of views. For example,

// in MyClass.hpp
class MyClass {
  std::unordered_map<Key, Widget> widgets_;
  auto getWidgets() {
    return widgets_ | std::views::values
                    | std::views::filter([](const auto&){ /*...*/ });

While such use of ranges is exceedingly convenient, it has the drawback of leaking implementation details into the interface. In this example, the return type of the function essentially bakes the implementation of the function into the interface.

In large applications, such liberal use of std::ranges can lead to increased header dependencies and often a significant compilation time penalty.

Attempts to separate the implementation into its own translation unit, as is a common practice for non-templated code, are futile in this situation. The return type of the above definition of getWidgets is:

    std::ranges::ref_view<std::unordered_map<Key, Widget>>,
  MyClass::getWidgets()::<lambda(const auto:11&)> >

While this type is already difficult to spell once, it is much harder and more brittle to maintain it as the implementation or the business logic evolves. These challenges for templated interfaces are hardly unique to ranges: the numerous string types in the language and lambdas are some common examples that lead to similar challenges.

Type-erasure is a very popular technique to hide the concrete type of an object behind a common interface, allowing polymorphic use of objects of any type that model a given concept. In fact, it is a technique commonly employed by the standard. std::string_view std::function and std::function_ref, and std::any are the type-erased facilities for the examples above.

std::span<T> is another type-erasure utility recently added to the standard; and is closely related to ranges in fact, by allowing type-erased reference of any underlying contiguous range of objects.

In this paper, we propose to extend the standard library with std::ranges::any_view, which provides a convenient and generalized type-erasure facility to hold any object of any type that satisfies the ranges::view concept itself. std::ranges::any_view also allows further refinement via customizable constraints on its traversal categories and other range characteristics.

Design Space and Prior Art

Designing a type like any_view raises a lot of questions.

Let's take std::function as an example. At first, its interface seems extremely simple: it provides operator() and users only need to configure the return type and argument types of the function. In reality, std::function makes many other decisions for the user:

  • Are std::function and the callable it contains copyable?
  • Does std::function own the callable it contains?
  • Does std::function propagate const-ness?

After answering all these questions we ended up with several types:

  • function
  • move_only_function
  • function_ref
  • copyable_function

The design space of any_view is a lot more complex than that:

  • Is it an input_range, forward_range, bidirectional_range, random_access_range, or a contiguous_range ?
  • Is the range copyable ?
  • Is it a sized_range ?
  • Is it a borrowed_range ?
  • Is it a common_range ?
  • What is the range_reference_t ?
  • What is the range_value_t ?
  • What is the range_rvalue_reference_t ?
  • What is the range_difference_t ?
  • Is the range const-iterable?
  • Is the iterator copyable for input_iterator?
  • Is the iterator equality comparable for input_iterator?
  • Do the iterator and sentinel types satisfy sized_sentinel_for<S, I>?

We can easily get a combinatorial explosion of types if we follow the same approach we did for std::function. Fortunately, there is prior art to help us guide the design.

Boost.Range boost::ranges::any_range

The type declaration is:

    class Value
  , class Traversal
  , class Reference
  , class Difference
  , class Buffer = any_iterator_default_buffer
class any_range;

Users will need to provide range_reference_t, range_value_t and range_difference_t. Traversal is equivalent to iterator_concept, which decides the traversal category of the range. Users don't need to specify copyable, borrowed_range and common_range, because all Boost.Range ranges are copyable, borrowed_range and common_range. sized_range and range_rvalue_reference_t are not considered in the design.

range-v3 ranges::views::any_view

The type declaration is:

enum class category
    none = 0,
    input = 1,
    forward = 3,
    bidirectional = 7,
    random_access = 15,
    mask = random_access,
    sized = 16,

template<typename Ref, category Cat = category::input>
struct any_view;

Here Cat handles both the traversal category and sized_range. Ref is the range_reference_t. It does not allow users to configure the range_value_t, range_difference_t, borrowed_range and common_range. copyable is mandatory in range-v3.

Proposed Design

This paper proposes the following interface:

enum class any_view_options
    input = 1,
    forward = 3,
    bidirectional = 7,
    random_access = 15,
    contiguous = 31,
    sized = 32,
    borrowed = 64,
    move_only = 128

template <class Value,
          any_view_options Opts = any_view_options::input,
          class Ref = Value &,
          class RValueRef = add_rvalue_reference_t<remove_reference_t<Ref>>,
          class Diff = ptrdiff_t>
class any_view {
  class iterator; // exposition-only
  class sentinel; // exposition-only

  template <class View>
    requires(!std::same_as<View, any_view> && std::ranges::view<View> &&
  any_view(View view);

  any_view(const any_view &) requires (!(Opts & any_view_options::move_only));

  any_view(any_view &&) = default;

  any_view &operator=(const any_view &) requires (!(Opts & any_view_options::move_only));

  any_view &operator=(any_view &&);

  iterator begin();
  sentinel end();

  size_t size() const requires(Opts & any_view_options::sized);

template <class Value, any_view_options Opts, class Ref, class RValueRef,
          class Diff>
inline constexpr bool
    enable_borrowed_range<any_view<Value, Opts, Ref, RValueRef, Diff>> =
        Opts & any_view_options::borrowed;

The intent is that users can select various desired properties of the any_view by bitwise-oring them. For example:

using MyView = std::ranges::any_view<Widget, std::ranges::any_view_options::bidirectional | std::ranges::any_view_options::sized>;

Other Design Considerations

Should the first argument be Ref or Value?

If the first template parameter is Ref, we have:

template <class Ref,
          any_view_options Opts = any_view_options::input,
          class Value = decay_t<Ref>>

For a range with a reference to int, one would write


And for a const reference to int, one would write

any_view<const int&>

In case of a generator range, e.g a transform_view which generates pr-value int, the usage would be


However, it is possible that the user uses any_view<string> without realizing that they specified the reference type and they now make a copy of the string every time when the iterator is dereferenced.

Instead, if the first template parameter is Value, we have:

template <class Value,
          any_view_options Opts = any_view_options::input,
          class Ref = Value&>

For a range with a reference to int, it would be less verbose


However, in order to have a const reference to int, one would have to explicitly specify the Value, the any_view_options and finally the Ref, i.e.

any_view<int, any_view_options::input, const int&>

This is a bit verbose. In the case of a generator range, one would need to do the same:

any_view<int, any_view_options::input, int>

Author Recommendation: Even though the first option is less verbose in few cases, it might create unnecessary copies without user realizing it. The author recommends the second option.

Name of the any_view_options

range-v3 uses the name category for the category enumeration type. However, the authors believe that the name std::ranges::category is too general and it should be reserved for more general purpose utility in ranges library. Therefore, the authors recommend a more specific name: any_view_options.

constexpr Support

We do not require constexpr in order to allow efficient implementations using e.g. SBO. There is no way, with the current working draft, to construct an object of different type on a unsigned char[N] or std::byte[N] buffer in constexpr context.

Move-only view Support

Move-only view is worth supporting as we generally support them in ranges. We propose to have a configuration template parameter any_view_options::move_only to make the any_view conditionally move-only. This removes the need to have another type move_only_any_view as we did for move_only_function.

We also propose that by default, any_view is copyable and to make it move-only, the user needs to explicitly provide this template parameter any_view_options::move_only.

Move-only iterator Support

In this proposal, any_view::iterator is an exposition-only type. It is not worth making this iterator configurable. If the iterator is only input_iterator, we can also make it a move-only iterator. There is no need to make it copyable. Existing algorithms that take "input only" iterators already know that they cannot copy them.

Is any_view_options::contiguous Needed ?

contiguous_range is still useful to support even though we have already std::span. But span is non-owning and any_view owns the underlying view.

Is any_view const-iterable?

We cannot make any_view unconditionally const-iterable. If we did, views with cache-on-begin, like filter_view and drop_while_view could no longer be put into an any_view.

One option would be to make any_view conditionally const-iterable, via a configuration template parameter. However, this would make the whole interface much more complicated, as each configuration template parameter would need to be duplicated. Indeed, associated types like Ref and RValueRef can be different between const and non-const iterators.

For simplicity, the authors propose to make any_view unconditionally non-const-iterable.

common_range support

Unconditionally making any_view a common_range is not an option. This would exclude most of the Standard Library views. Adding a configuration template parameter to make any_view conditionally common_range is overkill. After all, if users need common_range, they can use my_any_view | views::common. Furthermore, supporting this turns out to add substantial complexity in the implementation. The authors believe that adding common_range support is not worth the added complexity.

borrowed_range support

Having support for borrowed_range is simple enough:

    1. Add a template configuration parameter
    1. Specialise the enable_borrowed_range if the template parameter is set to true

Therefore, we recommend conditional support for borrowed_range. However, since borrowed_range is not a very useful concept in general, this design point is open for discussion.

Valueless state of any_view

We propose providing the strong exception safety guarantee in the following operations: swap, copy-assignment, move-assignment and move-construction. This means that if the operation fails, the two any_view objects will be in their original states. If the underlying view's move constructor (or move-assignment operator) is not noexcept, the only way to achieve the strong exception safety guarantee is to avoid calling these operations altogether, which requires any_view to hold its underlying object on the heap so it can implement these operations by swapping pointers. This means that any implementation of any_view will have an empty state, and a "moved-from" any_view will be in that state.

ABI Stability

As a type intended to exist at ABI boundaries, ensuring the ABI stability of any_view is extremely important. However, since almost any change to the API of any_view will require a modification to the vtable, this makes any_view somewhat fragile to incremental evolution. This drawback is shared by all C++ types that live at ABI boundaries, and while we don't think this impacts the livelihood of any_view, this evolutionary challenge should be kept in mind by WG21.


One of the major concerns of using type erasure is the performance cost of indirect function calls and their impact on the ability for the compiler to perform optimizations. With any_view, every iteration will have three indirect function calls:

it != last;

While it may at first seem prohibitive, it is useful to remember the context in which any_view is used and what the alternatives to it are.

A naive micro benchmark: iteration over vector vs any_view

Naively, one would be tempted to benchmark the cost of iterating over a std::vector and to compare it with the cost of iterating over any_view. For example, the following code:

  std::vector v = std::views::iota(0, state.range(0)) | std::ranges::to<std::vector>();
  for (auto _ : state) {
    for (auto i : v) {


  std::vector v = std::views::iota(0, state.range(0)) | std::ranges::to<std::vector>();
  std::ranges::any_view<int&> av(std::views::all(v));
  for (auto _ : state) {
    for (auto i : av) {


Benchmark                                           Time      Time vector         Time any_view
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/1024                  +3.4488            10423                 46371
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/2048                  +3.3358            21318                 92432
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/4096                  +3.4224            41864                185137
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/8192                  +3.4665            83019                370802
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/16384                 +3.4586           166596                742785
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/32768                 +3.4413           333311               1480349
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/65536                 +3.4166           667125               2946432
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/131072                +3.4295          1335405               5915230
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/262144                +3.4320          2665004              11811264
OVERALL_GEOMEAN                                  +3.4278                0                     0


Benchmark                                           Time     Time vector      Time any_view
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/1024                 +14.8383             315               4991
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/2048                 +14.9416             632              10075
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/4096                 +15.1943            1231              19942
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/8192                 +15.1609            2465              39835
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/16384                +13.8958            5386              80235
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/32768                +13.8638           10720             159341
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/65536                +13.6891           21772             319807
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/131072               +13.5340           44363             644768
[BM_vector vs. BM_AnyView]/262144               +13.5374           87600            1273476
OVERALL_GEOMEAN                                 +16.0765               0                  0

We can see that any_view is 3 to 16 times slower on iteration than std::vector. However, this benchmark is not a realistic use case. No one would create a vector, immediately create a type erased wrapper any_view that wraps it and then iterate through it. Similarly, no one would create a lambda, immediately create a std::function and then call it.

A slightly more realistic benchmark: A view pipeline vs any_view

Since any_view is intended to be used at an ABI boundary, a more realistic benchmark would separate the creation of the view in a different TU. Furthermore, most uses of any_view are expected to be with non-trivial view pipelines, not with e.g. a raw std::vector. As the pipeline increases in complexity, the relative cost of using any_view becomes smaller and smaller.

Let's consider the following example, where we create a moderately complex pipeline and pass it across an ABI boundary either with a any_view or with the pipeline's actual type:

// header file
struct Widget {
  std::string name;
  int size;

struct UI {
  std::vector<Widget> widgets_;
  std::ranges::transform_view<complicated...> getWidgetNames();

// cpp file
std::ranges::transform_view<complicated...> UI::getWidgetNames() {
  return widgets_ | std::views::filter([](const Widget& widget) {
           return widget.size > 10;
         }) |

And this is what we are going to measure:

  lib::UI ui = {...};
  for (auto _ : state) {
    for (auto& name : ui.getWidgetNames()) {

In the any_view case, we simply replace std::ranges::transform_view<complicated...> by std::ranges::any_view and we measure the same thing.


Benchmark                                                        Time      Time complicated    Time any_view
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/1024                  +0.4290                 78469           112130
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/2048                  +0.4051                159225           223729
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/4096                  +0.3568                331276           449466
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/8192                  +0.4022                639566           896817
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/16384                 +0.4148               1267196          1792804
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/32768                 +0.4293               2522849          3606022
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/65536                 +0.4199               5078713          7211428
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/131072                +0.4170              10142694         14372118
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/262144                +0.4358              20386564         29270816
OVERALL_GEOMEAN                                               +0.4120                     0                0


Benchmark                                                        Time      Time complicated    Time any_view
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/1024                  +0.8066                  3504             6330
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/2048                  +0.7136                  7339            12576
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/4096                  +0.6746                 14841            24853
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/8192                  +0.6424                 30177            49563
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/16384                 +0.6538                 60751           100468
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/32768                 +0.6524                121345           200514
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/65536                 +0.6582                240378           398604
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/131072                +0.6861                484220           816458
[BM_RawPipeline vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/262144                +0.6234                991733          1609940
OVERALL_GEOMEAN                                               +0.6782                     0                0

This benchmark shows that any_view is about 40% - 70% slower on iteration, which is much better than the previous naive benchmark. However, note that this benchmark is still not very realistic. First, the type of the view pipeline is in fact so difficult to write that nobody would do it. Second, writing down the type of the view pipeline causes an implementation detail (how the pipeline is implemented) to leak into the API and the ABI of this class, which is undesirable.

As a result, most people would instead copy the results of the pipeline into a container and return that from getWidgetNames(), for example as a std::vector<std::string>. This leads us to our last benchmark, which we believe is much more representative of what people would do in the wild.

A realistic benchmark: A copy of vector<string> vs any_view

As mentioned above, various concerns that are not related to performance like readability or API/ABI stability mean that the previous benchmarks are not really representative of what happens in the real world. Instead, people in the wild tend to use owning containers like std::vector as a type erasure tool for lack of a better tool. Such code would look like this:

// header file
struct UI {
  std::vector<Widget> widgets_;
  std::vector<std::string> getWidgetNames() const;

// cpp file
std::vector<std::string> UI::getWidgetNames() const {
  return widgets_ | std::views::filter([](const Widget& widget) {
           return widget.size > 10;
         }) |
         std::views::transform(&Widget::name) | std::ranges::to<std::vector>();


Benchmark                                                       Time      Time vector<string>    Time any_view
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/1024                  -0.5376                   238558           110316
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/2048                  -0.5110                   454350           222187
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/4096                  -0.4868                   886121           454774
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/8192                  -0.4766                  1729318           905041
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/16384                 -0.4834                  3462454          1788737
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/32768                 -0.4858                  7006102          3602475
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/65536                 -0.4777                 13741174          7176723
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/131072                -0.4792                 27501856         14321826
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/262144                -0.4838                 55950048         28883803
OVERALL_GEOMEAN                                              -0.4917                        0                0


Benchmark                                                       Time      Time vector<string>    Time any_view
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/1024                  -0.8228                    35350             6264
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/2048                  -0.8250                    71983            12596
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/4096                  -0.8320                   148942            25018
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/8192                  -0.8276                   291307            50234
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/16384                 -0.8304                   590026           100058
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/32768                 -0.8301                  1175121           199685
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/65536                 -0.8297                  2363963           402634
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/131072                -0.8340                  4841300           803467
[BM_VectorCopy vs. BM_AnyViewPipeline]/262144                -0.8463                 10412999          1600341
OVERALL_GEOMEAN                                              -0.8310                        0                0

With this more realistic use case, we can see that any_view is 50% - 80% faster. In our benchmark, 10% of the Widgets were filtered out by the filter pipeline and the name string's length is randomly 0-30. So some of strings are in the SBO and some are allocated on the heap. We maintain that this code pattern is very common in the wild: making the code simple and clean at the cost of copying data, even though most of the callers don't actually need a copy of the data at all.

In conclusion, we believe that while it's easy to craft benchmarks that make any_view look bad performance-wise, in reality this type can often lead to better performance by sidestepping the need to own the data being iterated over.

Furthermore, by putting this type in the Standard library, we would make it possible for implementers to use optimziations like selective devirtualization of some common operations like for_each to achieve large performance gains in specific cases.

Implementation Experience

any_view has been implemented in [@rangev3], with equivalent semantics as proposed here. The authors also implemented a version that directly follows the proposed wording below without any issue [@ours].


Feature Test Macro

  - id: rangev3
    citation-label: range-v3
    title: "range-v3 library"
      - family: Niebler
        given: Eric

  - id: ours
    citation-label: ours
    title: "A proof-of-concept implementation of `any_view`"
      - family: Xie
        given: Hui
      - family: Yilmaz
        given: S. Levent
      - family: Louis
        given: Dionne

    display: block;
    margin-block-start: 1em;
    margin-block-end: 1em;
    margin-inline-start: 40px;
    margin-inline-end: 40px;