diff --git a/messages/ar/base.php b/messages/ar/base.php
index e2ec87e..52018d5 100644
--- a/messages/ar/base.php
+++ b/messages/ar/base.php
@@ -1,80 +1,79 @@
- 'Created At' => 'أنشئت في',
- 'Created By' => 'تم وضعه بواسطة',
- 'Edit' => 'تحرير',
- 'Message' => 'الرسالة',
- 'Messages' => 'الرسائل',
- 'Pinned' => 'تثبيت',
- 'Search' => 'بحث',
- 'Subject' => 'عنوان الرسالة',
- 'Tags' => 'الأوسمة',
- 'Title' => 'العنوان',
- 'Unpin' => 'إلغاء التثبيت',
- 'Updated At' => 'تم التحديث في',
- 'Updated By' => 'تم التحديث بواسطة',
- 'User' => 'المستخدم',
- 'You' => 'أنت',
- 'Confirm tag deletion' => '',
- 'Edit conversation tags' => '',
- 'Edit tag' => '',
- 'Manage conversation tags' => '',
- 'Messenger module configuration' => '',
- 'A tag with the same name already exists.' => '',
- 'Add Tag' => '',
- 'Add participants' => '',
- 'Advanced Messages Search' => '',
- 'Allow others to send you private messages' => '',
- 'Allow users to start new conversations' => '',
- 'Conversation' => '',
- 'Conversation tags can be used to filter conversations and are only visible to you.' => '',
- 'Conversations' => '',
- 'Do you really want to delete this tag?' => '',
- 'Edit message...' => '',
- 'Filters' => '',
- 'Friday' => '',
- 'Here you can manage your private conversation tags.' => '',
- 'Is Originator' => '',
- 'Last Viewed' => '',
- 'Leave fields blank in order to disable a restriction.' => '',
- 'Manage Tags' => '',
- 'Mark Unread' => '',
- 'Max messages allowed per day' => '',
- 'Max number of messages allowed for a new user per day' => '',
- 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a new user per day' => '',
- 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a user per day' => '',
- 'Monday' => '',
- 'My Tags' => '',
- 'Participants' => '',
- 'Pin' => '',
- 'Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.' => '',
- 'Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.' => '',
- 'Receive private messages' => '',
- 'Saturday' => '',
- 'Seperate restrictions for new users' => '',
- 'Show menu item in top Navigation' => '',
- 'Start new conversations' => '',
- 'Sunday' => '',
- 'This user is already participating in this conversation.' => '',
- 'Thursday' => '',
- 'Today' => '',
- 'Tuesday' => '',
- 'Until a user is member since (days)' => '',
- 'Wednesday' => '',
- 'Write a message...' => '',
- 'Yesterday' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to reply to users {userNames}!' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with {userName}!' => '',
- 'You cannot send a message to yourself!' => '',
- 'You cannot send a message without recipients!' => '',
- 'You joined the conversation.' => '',
- 'You left the conversation.' => '',
- 'You\'ve exceeded your daily amount of new conversations.' => '',
- 'edited' => '',
- '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}' => '',
- '{username} joined the conversation.' => '',
- '{username} left the conversation.' => '',
+return array (
+ 'Confirm tag deletion' => '',
+ 'Edit conversation tags' => '',
+ 'Edit tag' => '',
+ 'Manage conversation tags' => '',
+ 'Messenger module configuration' => '',
+ 'A tag with the same name already exists.' => '',
+ 'Add Tag' => '',
+ 'Add participants' => '',
+ 'Advanced Messages Search' => '',
+ 'Allow others to send you private messages' => '',
+ 'Allow users to start new conversations' => '',
+ 'Confirm' => 'أكد',
+ 'Conversation' => '',
+ 'Conversation tags can be used to filter conversations and are only visible to you.' => '',
+ 'Conversations' => '',
+ 'Created At' => 'أنشئت في',
+ 'Created By' => 'تم وضعه بواسطة',
+ 'Do you really want to delete this tag?' => '',
+ 'Edit' => 'تحرير',
+ 'Edit message...' => '',
+ 'Filters' => '',
+ 'Friday' => 'الجمعة',
+ 'Here you can manage your private conversation tags.' => '',
+ 'Is Originator' => '',
+ 'Last Viewed' => '',
+ 'Leave fields blank in order to disable a restriction.' => '',
+ 'Manage Tags' => '',
+ 'Mark Unread' => '',
+ 'Max messages allowed per day' => '',
+ 'Max number of messages allowed for a new user per day' => '',
+ 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a new user per day' => '',
+ 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a user per day' => '',
+ 'Message' => 'الرسالة',
+ 'Messages' => 'الرسائل',
+ 'Monday' => 'الاثنين',
+ 'My Tags' => '',
+ 'Participants' => 'المشاركون',
+ 'Pin' => '',
+ 'Pinned' => 'تثبيت',
+ 'Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.' => '',
+ 'Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.' => '',
+ 'Receive private messages' => '',
+ 'Saturday' => 'السبت',
+ 'Search' => 'بحث',
+ 'Seperate restrictions for new users' => '',
+ 'Show menu item in top Navigation' => '',
+ 'Start new conversations' => '',
+ 'Subject' => 'عنوان الرسالة',
+ 'Sunday' => 'الأحد',
+ 'Tags' => 'الأوسمة',
+ 'This user is already participating in this conversation.' => '',
+ 'Thursday' => 'الخميس',
+ 'Title' => 'العنوان',
+ 'Today' => 'اليوم',
+ 'Tuesday' => 'الثلاثاء',
+ 'Unpin' => 'إلغاء التثبيت',
+ 'Until a user is member since (days)' => '',
+ 'Updated At' => 'تم التحديث في',
+ 'Updated By' => 'تم التحديث بواسطة',
+ 'User' => 'المستخدم',
+ 'Wednesday' => 'الأربعاء',
+ 'Write a message...' => '',
+ 'Yesterday' => '',
+ 'You' => 'أنت',
+ 'You are not allowed to reply to users {userNames}!' => '',
+ 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.' => '',
+ 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with {userName}!' => '',
+ 'You cannot send a message to yourself!' => '',
+ 'You cannot send a message without recipients!' => '',
+ 'You joined the conversation.' => '',
+ 'You left the conversation.' => '',
+ 'You\'ve exceeded your daily amount of new conversations.' => '',
+ 'edited' => '',
+ '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}' => '',
+ '{username} joined the conversation.' => '',
+ '{username} left the conversation.' => '',
diff --git a/messages/eu/base.php b/messages/eu/base.php
index e45ec7b..e2b98c4 100644
--- a/messages/eu/base.php
+++ b/messages/eu/base.php
@@ -1,80 +1,79 @@
- 'Edit' => 'Editatu',
- 'Message' => 'Mezua',
- 'Pinned' => 'Ainguratua',
- 'Search' => 'Bilatu',
- 'Subject' => 'Gaia',
- 'Title' => 'Izenburua',
- 'Unpin' => 'Ainguratu',
- 'User' => 'Erabiltzailea',
- 'You' => 'Zuk',
- 'Confirm tag deletion' => '',
- 'Edit conversation tags' => '',
- 'Edit tag' => '',
- 'Manage conversation tags' => '',
- 'Messenger module configuration' => '',
- 'A tag with the same name already exists.' => '',
- 'Add Tag' => '',
- 'Add participants' => '',
- 'Advanced Messages Search' => '',
- 'Allow others to send you private messages' => '',
- 'Allow users to start new conversations' => '',
- 'Conversation' => '',
- 'Conversation tags can be used to filter conversations and are only visible to you.' => '',
- 'Conversations' => '',
- 'Created At' => '',
- 'Created By' => '',
- 'Do you really want to delete this tag?' => '',
- 'Edit message...' => '',
- 'Filters' => '',
- 'Friday' => '',
- 'Here you can manage your private conversation tags.' => '',
- 'Is Originator' => '',
- 'Last Viewed' => '',
- 'Leave fields blank in order to disable a restriction.' => '',
- 'Manage Tags' => '',
- 'Mark Unread' => '',
- 'Max messages allowed per day' => '',
- 'Max number of messages allowed for a new user per day' => '',
- 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a new user per day' => '',
- 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a user per day' => '',
- 'Messages' => '',
- 'Monday' => '',
- 'My Tags' => '',
- 'Participants' => '',
- 'Pin' => '',
- 'Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.' => '',
- 'Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.' => '',
- 'Receive private messages' => '',
- 'Saturday' => '',
- 'Seperate restrictions for new users' => '',
- 'Show menu item in top Navigation' => '',
- 'Start new conversations' => '',
- 'Sunday' => '',
- 'Tags' => '',
- 'This user is already participating in this conversation.' => '',
- 'Thursday' => '',
- 'Today' => '',
- 'Tuesday' => '',
- 'Until a user is member since (days)' => '',
- 'Updated At' => '',
- 'Updated By' => '',
- 'Wednesday' => '',
- 'Write a message...' => '',
- 'Yesterday' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to reply to users {userNames}!' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with {userName}!' => '',
- 'You cannot send a message to yourself!' => '',
- 'You cannot send a message without recipients!' => '',
- 'You joined the conversation.' => '',
- 'You left the conversation.' => '',
- 'You\'ve exceeded your daily amount of new conversations.' => '',
- 'edited' => '',
- '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}' => '',
- '{username} joined the conversation.' => '',
- '{username} left the conversation.' => '',
+return array (
+ 'Confirm tag deletion' => '',
+ 'Edit conversation tags' => '',
+ 'Edit tag' => '',
+ 'Manage conversation tags' => '',
+ 'Messenger module configuration' => '',
+ 'A tag with the same name already exists.' => '',
+ 'Add Tag' => '',
+ 'Add participants' => '',
+ 'Advanced Messages Search' => '',
+ 'Allow others to send you private messages' => '',
+ 'Allow users to start new conversations' => '',
+ 'Confirm' => 'Berretsi',
+ 'Conversation' => '',
+ 'Conversation tags can be used to filter conversations and are only visible to you.' => '',
+ 'Conversations' => '',
+ 'Created At' => 'Non sortua',
+ 'Created By' => 'Sortzailea',
+ 'Do you really want to delete this tag?' => '',
+ 'Edit' => 'Editatu',
+ 'Edit message...' => '',
+ 'Filters' => '',
+ 'Friday' => '',
+ 'Here you can manage your private conversation tags.' => '',
+ 'Is Originator' => '',
+ 'Last Viewed' => '',
+ 'Leave fields blank in order to disable a restriction.' => '',
+ 'Manage Tags' => '',
+ 'Mark Unread' => '',
+ 'Max messages allowed per day' => '',
+ 'Max number of messages allowed for a new user per day' => '',
+ 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a new user per day' => '',
+ 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a user per day' => '',
+ 'Message' => 'Mezua',
+ 'Messages' => '',
+ 'Monday' => '',
+ 'My Tags' => '',
+ 'Participants' => '',
+ 'Pin' => '',
+ 'Pinned' => 'Ainguratua',
+ 'Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.' => '',
+ 'Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.' => '',
+ 'Receive private messages' => '',
+ 'Saturday' => '',
+ 'Search' => 'Bilatu',
+ 'Seperate restrictions for new users' => '',
+ 'Show menu item in top Navigation' => '',
+ 'Start new conversations' => '',
+ 'Subject' => 'Gaia',
+ 'Sunday' => '',
+ 'Tags' => 'Etiketak',
+ 'This user is already participating in this conversation.' => '',
+ 'Thursday' => '',
+ 'Title' => 'Izenburua',
+ 'Today' => '',
+ 'Tuesday' => '',
+ 'Unpin' => 'Ainguratu',
+ 'Until a user is member since (days)' => '',
+ 'Updated At' => 'Hemen eguneratua',
+ 'Updated By' => 'Honek eguneratua',
+ 'User' => 'Erabiltzailea',
+ 'Wednesday' => '',
+ 'Write a message...' => '',
+ 'Yesterday' => '',
+ 'You' => 'Zuk',
+ 'You are not allowed to reply to users {userNames}!' => '',
+ 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.' => '',
+ 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with {userName}!' => '',
+ 'You cannot send a message to yourself!' => '',
+ 'You cannot send a message without recipients!' => '',
+ 'You joined the conversation.' => '',
+ 'You left the conversation.' => '',
+ 'You\'ve exceeded your daily amount of new conversations.' => '',
+ 'edited' => '',
+ '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}' => '',
+ '{username} joined the conversation.' => '',
+ '{username} left the conversation.' => '',
diff --git a/messages/eu/forms_CreateMessageForm.php b/messages/eu/forms_CreateMessageForm.php
index 30cc66d..7053c04 100644
--- a/messages/eu/forms_CreateMessageForm.php
+++ b/messages/eu/forms_CreateMessageForm.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
'Message' => 'Mezua',
'Recipient' => '',
'Subject' => 'Gaia',
- 'Tags' => '',
+ 'Tags' => 'Etiketak',
diff --git a/messages/eu/views_mail_create.php b/messages/eu/views_mail_create.php
index 7a245ec..f281719 100644
--- a/messages/eu/views_mail_create.php
+++ b/messages/eu/views_mail_create.php
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
New message' => '',
- 'Add recipients' => '',
- 'Send' => '',
+return array (
+ 'New message' => '',
+ 'Add recipients' => '',
+ 'Send' => 'Bidali',
diff --git a/messages/eu/views_mail_show.php b/messages/eu/views_mail_show.php
index efa52dd..82009af 100644
--- a/messages/eu/views_mail_show.php
+++ b/messages/eu/views_mail_show.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
'Do you really want to delete this conversation?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this message?' => '',
'Do you really want to leave this conversation?' => '',
- 'Leave' => '',
+ 'Leave' => 'Zoaz',
'Leave conversation' => '',
'There are no messages yet.' => '',
'You are not allowed to participate in this conversation. You have been blocked by: {userNames}.' => '',
diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/base.php b/messages/pt-BR/base.php
index a8f2236..7a7c46f 100644
--- a/messages/pt-BR/base.php
+++ b/messages/pt-BR/base.php
@@ -1,80 +1,79 @@
Confirm tag deletion' => ' Confirmar exclusão da tag',
- 'Edit conversation tags' => ' Editar tags de conversa',
- 'Edit tag' => ' Editar tag',
- 'Manage conversation tags' => ' Gerenciar tags de conversa',
- 'A tag with the same name already exists.' => 'Já existe uma tag com o mesmo nome.',
- 'Add Tag' => 'Adicionar etiqueta',
- 'Add participants' => 'Adicionar participantes',
- 'Allow others to send you private messages' => 'Permitir que outros enviem mensagens privadas para você',
- 'Allow users to start new conversations' => 'Permitir que os usuários iniciem novas conversas',
- 'Confirm' => 'Confirmar',
- 'Conversation' => 'Conversação',
- 'Conversation tags can be used to filter conversations and are only visible to you.' => 'As tags de conversação podem ser usadas para filtrar conversas e são visíveis apenas para você.',
- 'Conversations' => 'Conversas',
- 'Created At' => 'Criado Em',
- 'Created By' => 'Criado Por',
- 'Do you really want to delete this tag?' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta tag?',
- 'Edit' => 'Editar',
- 'Edit message...' => 'Editar mensagem ...',
- 'Filters' => 'Filtros',
- 'Friday' => 'sexta-feira',
- 'Here you can manage your private conversation tags.' => 'Aqui você pode gerenciar suas tags de conversas privadas.',
- 'Is Originator' => 'É Originador',
- 'Last Viewed' => 'Última Visualização',
- 'Leave fields blank in order to disable a restriction.' => 'Deixe os campos em branco para desativar uma restrição.',
- 'Manage Tags' => 'Gerenciar tags',
- 'Max messages allowed per day' => 'Máximo de mensagens permitidas por dia',
- 'Max number of messages allowed for a new user per day' => 'Número máximo de mensagens permitido para um novo usuário por dia',
- 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a new user per day' => 'Número máximo de novas conversas permitidas para um novo usuário por dia',
- 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a user per day' => 'Número máximo de novas conversas permitidas para um usuário por dia',
- 'Message' => 'Mensagem',
- 'Messages' => 'Mensagens',
- 'Monday' => 'Segunda-feira',
- 'My Tags' => 'Minhas Tags',
- 'Participants' => 'Participantes',
- 'Pinned' => 'Fixado',
- 'Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.' => 'Receber notificações quando alguém abrir uma nova conversa.',
- 'Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.' => 'Receber notificações quando alguém lhe enviar uma mensagem.',
- 'Receive private messages' => 'Receber mensagens privadas',
- 'Saturday' => 'sábado',
- 'Search' => 'Procurar',
- 'Seperate restrictions for new users' => 'Restrições separadas para novos usuários',
- 'Show menu item in top Navigation' => 'Mostrar item de menu no topo Navegação',
- 'Start new conversations' => 'Iniciar novas conversas',
- 'Subject' => 'Assunto',
- 'Sunday' => 'domingo',
- 'Tags' => 'Tags',
- 'This user is already participating in this conversation.' => 'Este usuário já está participando desta conversa.',
- 'Thursday' => 'quinta-feira',
- 'Title' => 'Título',
- 'Today' => 'Hoje',
- 'Tuesday' => 'terça-feira',
- 'Unpin' => 'Desprender',
- 'Until a user is member since (days)' => 'Até que um usuário seja membro desde (dias)',
- 'Updated At' => 'Atualizado Em',
- 'Updated By' => 'Atualizado Por',
- 'User' => 'Usuário',
- 'Wednesday' => 'quarta-feira',
- 'Write a message...' => 'Escreve uma mensagem...',
- 'You' => 'Você',
- 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.' => 'Você não tem permissão para iniciar uma conversa com este usuário.',
- 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with {userName}!' => 'Você não tem permissão para iniciar uma conversa com {userName}!',
- 'You cannot send a message to yourself!' => 'Você não pode enviar uma mensagem para si mesmo!',
- 'You\'ve exceeded your daily amount of new conversations.' => 'Você excedeu sua quantidade diária de novas conversas.',
- '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}' => '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}',
- 'Messenger module configuration' => '',
- 'Advanced Messages Search' => '',
- 'Mark Unread' => '',
- 'Pin' => '',
- 'Yesterday' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to reply to users {userNames}!' => '',
- 'You cannot send a message without recipients!' => '',
- 'You joined the conversation.' => '',
- 'You left the conversation.' => '',
- 'edited' => '',
- '{username} joined the conversation.' => '',
- '{username} left the conversation.' => '',
+return array (
+ 'Confirm tag deletion' => 'Confirmar exclusão da tag',
+ 'Edit conversation tags' => 'Editar tags de conversação',
+ 'Edit tag' => 'Editar tag',
+ 'Manage conversation tags' => 'Gerenciar tags de conversa',
+ 'Messenger module configuration' => 'Configuração do módulo Messenger',
+ 'A tag with the same name already exists.' => 'Já existe uma tag com o mesmo nome.',
+ 'Add Tag' => 'Adicionar etiqueta',
+ 'Add participants' => 'Adicionar participantes',
+ 'Advanced Messages Search' => 'Pesquisa avançada de mensagens',
+ 'Allow others to send you private messages' => 'Permitir que outros enviem mensagens privadas para você',
+ 'Allow users to start new conversations' => 'Permitir que os usuários iniciem novas conversas',
+ 'Confirm' => 'Confirmar',
+ 'Conversation' => 'Conversação',
+ 'Conversation tags can be used to filter conversations and are only visible to you.' => 'As tags de conversação podem ser usadas para filtrar conversas e são visíveis apenas para você.',
+ 'Conversations' => 'Conversas',
+ 'Created At' => 'Criado Em',
+ 'Created By' => 'Criado Por',
+ 'Do you really want to delete this tag?' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta tag?',
+ 'Edit' => 'Editar',
+ 'Edit message...' => 'Editar mensagem ...',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filtros',
+ 'Friday' => 'sexta-feira',
+ 'Here you can manage your private conversation tags.' => 'Aqui você pode gerenciar suas tags de conversas privadas.',
+ 'Is Originator' => 'É Originador',
+ 'Last Viewed' => 'Última Visualização',
+ 'Leave fields blank in order to disable a restriction.' => 'Deixe os campos em branco para desativar uma restrição.',
+ 'Manage Tags' => 'Gerenciar tags',
+ 'Mark Unread' => 'Marcar como não lido',
+ 'Max messages allowed per day' => 'Máximo de mensagens permitidas por dia',
+ 'Max number of messages allowed for a new user per day' => 'Número máximo de mensagens permitido para um novo usuário por dia',
+ 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a new user per day' => 'Número máximo de novas conversas permitidas para um novo usuário por dia',
+ 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a user per day' => 'Número máximo de novas conversas permitidas para um usuário por dia',
+ 'Message' => 'Mensagem',
+ 'Messages' => 'Mensagens',
+ 'Monday' => 'Segunda-feira',
+ 'My Tags' => 'Minhas Tags',
+ 'Participants' => 'Participantes',
+ 'Pin' => 'Fixar',
+ 'Pinned' => 'Fixado',
+ 'Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.' => 'Receber notificações quando alguém abrir uma nova conversa.',
+ 'Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.' => 'Receber notificações quando alguém lhe enviar uma mensagem.',
+ 'Receive private messages' => 'Receber mensagens privadas',
+ 'Saturday' => 'Sábado',
+ 'Search' => 'Procurar',
+ 'Seperate restrictions for new users' => 'Restrições separadas para novos usuários',
+ 'Show menu item in top Navigation' => 'Mostrar item de menu no topo Navegação',
+ 'Start new conversations' => 'Iniciar novas conversas',
+ 'Subject' => 'Assunto',
+ 'Sunday' => 'Domingo',
+ 'Tags' => 'Tags',
+ 'This user is already participating in this conversation.' => 'Este usuário já está participando desta conversa.',
+ 'Thursday' => 'Quinta-feira',
+ 'Title' => 'Título',
+ 'Today' => 'Hoje',
+ 'Tuesday' => 'Terça-feira',
+ 'Unpin' => 'Desprender',
+ 'Until a user is member since (days)' => 'Até que um usuário seja membro desde (dias)',
+ 'Updated At' => 'Atualizado Em',
+ 'Updated By' => 'Atualizado Por',
+ 'User' => 'Usuário',
+ 'Wednesday' => 'Quarta-feira',
+ 'Write a message...' => 'Escreva uma mensagem...',
+ 'Yesterday' => 'Ontem',
+ 'You' => 'Você',
+ 'You are not allowed to reply to users {userNames}!' => 'Você não tem permissão para responder aos usuários {userNames}!',
+ 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.' => 'Você não tem permissão para iniciar uma conversa com este usuário.',
+ 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with {userName}!' => 'Você não tem permissão para iniciar uma conversa com {userName}!',
+ 'You cannot send a message to yourself!' => 'Você não pode enviar uma mensagem para si mesmo!',
+ 'You cannot send a message without recipients!' => 'Você não pode enviar uma mensagem sem destinatários!',
+ 'You joined the conversation.' => 'Você entrou na conversa.',
+ 'You left the conversation.' => 'Você saiu da conversa.',
+ 'You\'ve exceeded your daily amount of new conversations.' => 'Você excedeu sua quantidade diária de novas conversas.',
+ 'edited' => 'editado',
+ '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}' => '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}',
+ '{username} joined the conversation.' => '{username} entrou na conversa.',
+ '{username} left the conversation.' => '{username} saiu da conversa.',
diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/models_Message.php b/messages/pt-BR/models_Message.php
index 1252f6d..5d5a30b 100644
--- a/messages/pt-BR/models_Message.php
+++ b/messages/pt-BR/models_Message.php
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
'Nova mensagem de {senderName}',
- 'New conversation from {senderName}' => '',
+return array (
+ 'New conversation from {senderName}' => 'Nova conversa de {senderName}',
+ 'New message from {senderName}' => 'Nova mensagem de {senderName}',
diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/views_emails_NewMessage.php b/messages/pt-BR/views_emails_NewMessage.php
index 74fba00..366a28d 100644
--- a/messages/pt-BR/views_emails_NewMessage.php
+++ b/messages/pt-BR/views_emails_NewMessage.php
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
New message' => 'Nova mensagem',
- 'Reply now' => 'Responder agora',
- 'New conversation' => '',
+return array (
+ 'New conversation' => 'Nova conversa',
+ 'New message' => 'Nova mensagem',
+ 'Reply now' => 'Responder agora',
diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/views_emails_NewMessageEntry.php b/messages/pt-BR/views_emails_NewMessageEntry.php
index 11aa013..c68eec5 100644
--- a/messages/pt-BR/views_emails_NewMessageEntry.php
+++ b/messages/pt-BR/views_emails_NewMessageEntry.php
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- '{senderName} sent you a new message in {conversationTitle}' => '',
+return array (
+ '{senderName} created a new conversation {conversationTitle}' => '{senderName} criou uma nova conversa {conversationTitle}',
+ '{senderName} sent you a new message in {conversationTitle}' => '{senderName} lhe enviou uma nova mensagem em {conversationTitle}',
diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/views_mail_show.php b/messages/pt-BR/views_mail_show.php
index 2518ad8..af3d6b8 100644
--- a/messages/pt-BR/views_mail_show.php
+++ b/messages/pt-BR/views_mail_show.php
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
Confirm deleting conversation' => 'Confirmar apagar conversa',
- 'Confirm leaving conversation' => 'Confirmar deixar conversa',
- 'Confirm message deletion' => 'Confirmar apagar mensagem',
- 'Add user' => 'Adicionar usuário',
- 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar',
- 'Delete' => 'Apagar',
- 'Delete conversation' => 'Apagar conversa',
- 'Do you really want to delete this conversation?' => 'Você quer realmente apagar esta conversa?',
- 'Do you really want to delete this message?' => 'Você realmente quer apagar esta mensagem?',
- 'Do you really want to leave this conversation?' => 'Você quer realmente sair desta conversa?',
- 'Leave' => 'Sair',
- 'Leave conversation' => 'Deixar conversa',
- 'There are no messages yet.' => 'Não há mensagens ainda.',
- 'You are not allowed to participate in this conversation. You have been blocked by: {userNames}.' => '',
+return array (
+ 'Confirm deleting conversation' => 'Confirmar a exclusão da conversa',
+ 'Confirm leaving conversation' => 'Confirmar saída da conversa',
+ 'Confirm message deletion' => 'Confirmar exclusão da mensagem',
+ 'Add user' => 'Adicionar usuário',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar',
+ 'Delete' => 'Apagar',
+ 'Delete conversation' => 'Apagar conversa',
+ 'Do you really want to delete this conversation?' => 'Você quer realmente apagar esta conversa?',
+ 'Do you really want to delete this message?' => 'Você realmente quer apagar esta mensagem?',
+ 'Do you really want to leave this conversation?' => 'Você quer realmente sair desta conversa?',
+ 'Leave' => 'Sair',
+ 'Leave conversation' => 'Deixar conversa',
+ 'There are no messages yet.' => 'Não há mensagens ainda.',
+ 'You are not allowed to participate in this conversation. You have been blocked by: {userNames}.' => 'Você não tem permissão para participar desta conversa. Você foi bloqueado por: {userNames}.',
diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/views_mails_UserInviteSpace.php b/messages/pt-BR/views_mails_UserInviteSpace.php
index 07446ce..c5b1c97 100644
--- a/messages/pt-BR/views_mails_UserInviteSpace.php
+++ b/messages/pt-BR/views_mails_UserInviteSpace.php
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
'Registe-se agora',
+ 'Sign up now' => 'Registre-se agora',