diff --git a/messages/lt/base.php b/messages/lt/base.php
index e4ea8545..8c9f0552 100644
--- a/messages/lt/base.php
+++ b/messages/lt/base.php
@@ -1,79 +1,78 @@
- 'Created At' => 'Sukurta (kada)',
- 'Created By' => 'Sukurta (kieno)',
- 'Edit' => 'Taisyti',
- 'Message' => 'Žinutė',
- 'Messages' => 'Žinutės',
- 'Participants' => 'Dalyviai',
- 'Search' => 'Ieškoti',
- 'Subject' => 'Tema',
- 'Tags' => 'Žymos',
- 'Title' => 'Pavadinimas',
- 'Updated At' => 'Atnaujinta (kada)',
- 'User' => 'Vartotojas',
- 'Confirm tag deletion' => '',
- 'Edit conversation tags' => '',
- 'Edit tag' => '',
- 'Manage conversation tags' => '',
- 'Messenger module configuration' => '',
- 'A tag with the same name already exists.' => '',
- 'Add Tag' => '',
- 'Add participants' => '',
- 'Allow others to send you private messages' => '',
- 'Allow users to start new conversations' => '',
- 'Conversation' => '',
- 'Conversation tags can be used to filter conversations and are only visible to you.' => '',
- 'Conversations' => '',
- 'Do you really want to delete this tag?' => '',
- 'Edit message...' => '',
- 'Filters' => '',
- 'Friday' => '',
- 'Here you can manage your private conversation tags.' => '',
- 'Is Originator' => '',
- 'Last Viewed' => '',
- 'Leave fields blank in order to disable a restriction.' => '',
- 'Manage Tags' => '',
- 'Mark Unread' => '',
- 'Max messages allowed per day' => '',
- 'Max number of messages allowed for a new user per day' => '',
- 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a new user per day' => '',
- 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a user per day' => '',
- 'Monday' => '',
- 'My Tags' => '',
- 'Pin' => '',
- 'Pinned' => '',
- 'Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.' => '',
- 'Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.' => '',
- 'Receive private messages' => '',
- 'Saturday' => '',
- 'Seperate restrictions for new users' => '',
- 'Show menu item in top Navigation' => '',
- 'Start new conversations' => '',
- 'Sunday' => '',
- 'This user is already participating in this conversation.' => '',
- 'Thursday' => '',
- 'Today' => '',
- 'Tuesday' => '',
- 'Unpin' => '',
- 'Until a user is member since (days)' => '',
- 'Updated By' => '',
- 'Wednesday' => '',
- 'Write a message...' => '',
- 'Yesterday' => '',
- 'You' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to reply to users {userNames}!' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with {userName}!' => '',
- 'You cannot send a message to yourself!' => '',
- 'You cannot send a message without recipients!' => '',
- 'You joined the conversation.' => '',
- 'You left the conversation.' => '',
- 'You\'ve exceeded your daily amount of new conversations.' => '',
- 'edited' => '',
- '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}' => '',
- '{username} joined the conversation.' => '',
- '{username} left the conversation.' => '',
+return array (
+ 'Confirm tag deletion' => 'Patvirtinti žymos ištrynimą',
+ 'Edit conversation tags' => 'Redaguoti pokalbio žymas',
+ 'Edit tag' => 'Redaguoti žymą',
+ 'Manage conversation tags' => 'Tvarkyti pokalbių žymas',
+ 'Messenger module configuration' => 'Messenger modulio konfigūracija',
+ 'A tag with the same name already exists.' => 'Tokia žyma jau egzistuoja.',
+ 'Add Tag' => 'Pridėti žymą',
+ 'Add participants' => 'Pridėti dalyvius',
+ 'Allow others to send you private messages' => 'Leisti kitiems siųsti jums privačias žinutes',
+ 'Allow users to start new conversations' => 'Leisti naudotojams pradėti naujus pokalbius',
+ 'Confirm' => 'Patvirtinti',
+ 'Conversation' => 'Pokalbis',
+ 'Conversation tags can be used to filter conversations and are only visible to you.' => 'Pokalbių žymos gali būti naudojamos pokalbiams filtruoti ir yra matomos tik jums.',
+ 'Conversations' => 'Pokalbiai',
+ 'Created At' => 'Sukurta (kada)',
+ 'Created By' => 'Sukurta (kieno)',
+ 'Do you really want to delete this tag?' => 'Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią žymą?',
+ 'Edit' => 'Taisyti',
+ 'Edit message...' => 'Redaguoti žinutę...',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filtrai',
+ 'Friday' => 'Penktadienis',
+ 'Here you can manage your private conversation tags.' => 'Čia galite tvarkyti privačių pokalbių žymas.',
+ 'Is Originator' => 'Yra iniciatorius',
+ 'Last Viewed' => 'Paskutinį kartą žiūrėta',
+ 'Leave fields blank in order to disable a restriction.' => 'Norėdami išjungti apribojimą, laukus palikite tuščius.',
+ 'Manage Tags' => 'Tvarkyti Žymas',
+ 'Mark Unread' => 'Pažymėti kaip neperskaitytą',
+ 'Max messages allowed per day' => 'Maksimalus leistinas žinučių skaičius per dieną',
+ 'Max number of messages allowed for a new user per day' => 'Didžiausias leistinas naujo naudotojo žinučių skaičius per dieną',
+ 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a new user per day' => 'Didžiausias leistinas naujo naudotojo naujų pokalbių skaičius per dieną',
+ 'Max number of new conversations allowed for a user per day' => 'Didžiausias leistinas naudotojo naujų pokalbių skaičius per dieną',
+ 'Message' => 'Žinutė',
+ 'Messages' => 'Žinutės',
+ 'Monday' => 'Pirmadienis',
+ 'My Tags' => 'Mano žymos',
+ 'Participants' => 'Dalyviai',
+ 'Pin' => 'Segtukas',
+ 'Pinned' => 'Prisegta',
+ 'Receive Notifications when someone opens a new conversation.' => 'Gauti pranešimus, kai kas nors pradeda naują pokalbį.',
+ 'Receive Notifications when someone sends you a message.' => 'Gauti pranešimus, kai kas nors siunčia jums žinutę.',
+ 'Receive private messages' => 'Gauti privačių žinučių',
+ 'Saturday' => 'Šeštadienis',
+ 'Search' => 'Ieškoti',
+ 'Seperate restrictions for new users' => 'Atskiri apribojimai naujiems naudotojams',
+ 'Show menu item in top Navigation' => 'Rodyti meniu elementą viršuje Navigacija',
+ 'Start new conversations' => 'Pradėkite naujus pokalbius',
+ 'Subject' => 'Tema',
+ 'Sunday' => 'Sekmadienis',
+ 'Tags' => 'Žymos',
+ 'This user is already participating in this conversation.' => 'Šis naudotojas jau dalyvauja pokalbyje.',
+ 'Thursday' => 'Ketvitadienis',
+ 'Title' => 'Pavadinimas',
+ 'Today' => 'Šiandien',
+ 'Tuesday' => 'Antradienis',
+ 'Unpin' => 'Atsegti',
+ 'Until a user is member since (days)' => 'Kol naudotojas yra narys nuo (dienų)',
+ 'Updated At' => 'Atnaujinta (kada)',
+ 'Updated By' => 'Atnaujinta',
+ 'User' => 'Vartotojas',
+ 'Wednesday' => 'Trečiadienis',
+ 'Write a message...' => 'Rašyti žinutę',
+ 'Yesterday' => 'Vakar',
+ 'You' => 'Jūs',
+ 'You are not allowed to reply to users {userNames}!' => 'Jums neleidžiama atsakyti naudotojams {userNames}!',
+ 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with this user.' => 'Jums neleidžiama pradėti pokalbio su šiuo naudotoju.',
+ 'You are not allowed to start a conversation with {userName}!' => 'Jums neleidžiama pradėti pokalbio su {userName}!',
+ 'You cannot send a message to yourself!' => 'Negalite siųsti žinutės sau!',
+ 'You cannot send a message without recipients!' => 'Nurodykite gavėjus!',
+ 'You joined the conversation.' => 'Prisijungėte prie pokalbio',
+ 'You left the conversation.' => 'Palikote pokalbį',
+ 'You\'ve exceeded your daily amount of new conversations.' => 'Viršijote dienos naujų pokalbių limitą.',
+ 'edited' => 'keista',
+ '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}' => '{n,plural,=1{# other} other{# others}}',
+ '{username} joined the conversation.' => '{username} prisijungė prie pokalbio.',
+ '{username} left the conversation.' => '{username} paliko pokalbį.',
diff --git a/messages/lt/forms_InviteRecipientForm.php b/messages/lt/forms_InviteRecipientForm.php
index 9dde1947..e02d1b07 100644
--- a/messages/lt/forms_InviteRecipientForm.php
+++ b/messages/lt/forms_InviteRecipientForm.php
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
- 'You are not allowed to send user {name} is already!' => '',
- 'You cannot send a email to yourself!' => '',
- 'Recipient' => 'Gavėjas',
+return array (
+ 'Recipient' => 'Gavėjas',
+ 'User {name} is already participating!' => 'Vartotojas {name} jau dalyvauja!',
+ 'You are not allowed to send user {name} is already!' => 'Jums neleidžiama siųsti vartotojo {name} jau yra!',
+ 'You cannot send a email to yourself!' => 'Negalite sau siųsti el. laiško!',
diff --git a/messages/lt/models_Message.php b/messages/lt/models_Message.php
index cb78d02a..19b00072 100644
--- a/messages/lt/models_Message.php
+++ b/messages/lt/models_Message.php
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
'Nauja žinutė nuo {senderName}',
- 'New conversation from {senderName}' => '',
+return array (
+ 'New conversation from {senderName}' => 'Naujas pokalbis {senderName}',
+ 'New message from {senderName}' => 'Nauja žinutė nuo {senderName}',
diff --git a/messages/lt/views_emails_NewMessage.php b/messages/lt/views_emails_NewMessage.php
index c955369a..1caa2efa 100644
--- a/messages/lt/views_emails_NewMessage.php
+++ b/messages/lt/views_emails_NewMessage.php
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
New message' => 'Nauja žinutė',
- 'Reply now' => 'Atsakyti dabar',
- 'New conversation' => '',
+return array (
+ 'New conversation' => 'Naujas pokalbis',
+ 'New message' => 'Nauja žinutė',
+ 'Reply now' => 'Atsakyti dabar',
diff --git a/messages/lt/views_emails_NewMessageEntry.php b/messages/lt/views_emails_NewMessageEntry.php
index 11aa0134..08200335 100644
--- a/messages/lt/views_emails_NewMessageEntry.php
+++ b/messages/lt/views_emails_NewMessageEntry.php
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- '{senderName} sent you a new message in {conversationTitle}' => '',
+return array (
+ '{senderName} created a new conversation {conversationTitle}' => '{senderName} sukūrė naują pokalbį {conversationTitle}',
+ '{senderName} sent you a new message in {conversationTitle}' => '{senderName} atsiuntė jums naują žinutę {conversationTitle}',
diff --git a/messages/lt/views_mail_create.php b/messages/lt/views_mail_create.php
index bc39c531..28c06260 100644
--- a/messages/lt/views_mail_create.php
+++ b/messages/lt/views_mail_create.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
New message' => 'Nauja žinutė',
- 'Add recipients' => '',
+ 'Add recipients' => 'Pridėti gavėjų',
'Send' => 'Išsiųsti',
diff --git a/messages/lt/views_mail_index.php b/messages/lt/views_mail_index.php
index 38eeb2bf..209ecf98 100644
--- a/messages/lt/views_mail_index.php
+++ b/messages/lt/views_mail_index.php
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
'Kol kas nėra žinučių.',
- 'Conversations' => '',
+return array (
+ 'Conversations' => 'Pokalbiai',
+ 'There are no messages yet.' => 'Kol kas nėra žinučių.',
diff --git a/messages/lt/views_mail_show.php b/messages/lt/views_mail_show.php
index 633aeeca..29c7e435 100644
--- a/messages/lt/views_mail_show.php
+++ b/messages/lt/views_mail_show.php
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
Confirm deleting conversation' => 'Patvirtinti pokalbio pašalinimą',
- 'Confirm leaving conversation' => 'Patvirtinti išėjimą iš pokalbio',
- 'Confirm message deletion' => 'Patvirtinti žinutės pašalinimą',
- 'Add user' => 'Pridėti vartotoją',
- 'Cancel' => 'Atšaukti',
- 'Delete' => 'Ištrinti',
- 'Do you really want to delete this conversation?' => 'Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį pokalbį?',
- 'Do you really want to delete this message?' => 'Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią žinutę?',
- 'Do you really want to leave this conversation?' => 'Ar tikrai norite palikti šį pokalbį?',
- 'Leave' => 'Palikti',
- 'There are no messages yet.' => 'Kol kas nėra žinučių.',
- 'Delete conversation' => '',
- 'Leave conversation' => '',
- 'You are not allowed to participate in this conversation. You have been blocked by: {userNames}.' => '',
+return array (
+ 'Confirm deleting conversation' => 'Patvirtinti pokalbio pašalinimą',
+ 'Confirm leaving conversation' => 'Patvirtinti išėjimą iš pokalbio',
+ 'Confirm message deletion' => 'Patvirtinti žinutės pašalinimą',
+ 'Add user' => 'Pridėti vartotoją',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Atšaukti',
+ 'Delete' => 'Ištrinti',
+ 'Delete conversation' => 'Ištrinti pokalbį',
+ 'Do you really want to delete this conversation?' => 'Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį pokalbį?',
+ 'Do you really want to delete this message?' => 'Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią žinutę?',
+ 'Do you really want to leave this conversation?' => 'Ar tikrai norite palikti šį pokalbį?',
+ 'Leave' => 'Palikti',
+ 'Leave conversation' => 'Palikti pokalbį',
+ 'There are no messages yet.' => 'Kol kas nėra žinučių.',
+ 'You are not allowed to participate in this conversation. You have been blocked by: {userNames}.' => 'Jums neleidžiama dalyvauti šiame pokalbyje. Jus užblokavo: Užblokuotas esate užsiregistravęs: {userNames}.',