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Building instructions

Beefweb has two distinctive parts: server plugin (backend) and web user interface (frontend).

Server plugin is built using cmake and web interface is built using webpack.

webpack is fully integrated into CMake build process, but could be run manually if only want to work on frontend only.

Additionally building frontend requires node runtime and yarn package manager. Those should be available in PATH.


Currently tested with Linux x86_64 and gcc. Other systems and compilers might or might not work.


$ mkdir -p build/Release
$ cd build/Release
$ cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


$ cmake --build . --parallel

Create .tar.xz package:

$ cpack

ddb_beefweb-*.tar.xz will be created in build/Release.

Create .deb package:

$ cpack -G DEB

deadbeef-beefweb_*.deb will be created.

ENABLE_DEADBEEF_SINGLE_DIR option affects directory layout inside package, make sure it is ON when creating .tar.xz and OFF when creating .deb

If you want to develop backend change Release to Debug in the commands above and add -DENABLE_TESTS=ON to cmake parameters.


Visual Studio is used to build backend. Currently tested with VS2022 Community.

During installation make sure to choose Desktop development with C++ workload.

Recent versions of VS include CMake, there is no need to install it separately.

patch program should be available in PATH.

Alternatively you can install it locally:

> scripts\install\patch.cmd

The command above will download and unpack patch.exe to apps\patch.

Open Visual Studio command prompt, navigate to project directory, run the following commands:


> mkdir build\Release
> cd build\Release
> cmake ..\.. -A x64

This command creates Visual Studio solution beefweb.sln, which could be built in VS in usual way. If you want to build 32-bit version replace x64 with Win32 in cmake command above.

Alternatively you can build from console:

> cmake --build . --config Release

And create package:

> cpack -C Release

foo_beefweb-*.zip will be created in build\Release directory. Change extension to .fb2k-component to install into foobar2000.

If you want to develop backend change Release to Debug in the commands above and add -DENABLE_TESTS=ON to cmake parameters.

Note: due to build system limitations you need to have separate build directories for each build type (Debug, Release, etc).

Investigating build issues

If one of the ext_xxx projects fails to build usually this means issues with external project (downloading or building).

See build/<BUILD_TYPE>/cpp/extlibs-root/src/ext_xxx-stamp directory for various .log files.

Building backend only

To build backend only pass -DENABLE_JS=OFF to cmake command during configuration.

Building frontend only

It is possible to build frontend only.

Install packages (in js directory):

$ yarn install

Build frontend Release version (in js/webui directory):

$ yarn build --env buildType=Release

buildType could be any CMake build type. If not specified defaults to Debug.

By default webui artifacts are written to the following directories:





Currently all non-Debug build types produce the same output, the only difference is the output directory.

To override output directory use --env outputDir=path/to/dir parameter.

It is possible to run webpack in watch mode, where any changes are continuously rebuilt:

$ yarn watch

This command supports --env buildType and --env outputDir with the same defaults.

Running API tests

Full build needs to be performed before running API tests.

curl should be available in PATH.

Additionally player binaries should be installed:

> scripts\install\foobar2000.cmd v2.24-x64


$ scripts/install/ v1.9

These commands download player distribution package and unpack it to apps/<PLAYER>/<VERSION>.

Now it is possible to run tests (in js/api_tests directory):

$ yarn test

This command supports various parameters via environment variables:

BEEFWEB_TEST_BUILD_TYPE - which build type to use (defaults to Debug)

BEEFWEB_TEST_FOOBAR2000_VERSION - foobar2000 version to use (defaults to v2.24-x64)

BEEFWEB_TEST_DEADBEEF_VERSION - DeaDBeeF version to use (defaults to v1.9)

These two variables could be useful if you don't want to use default directory layout build/<BUILD_TYPE>:

BEEFWEB_BINARY_DIR - CMake binary directory (defaults to build/<BUILD_TYPE>)

BEEFWEB_BINARY_DIR_BASE - parent of CMake binary directories for all build types (defaults to build)

When both are specified BEEFWEB_BINARY_DIR takes precedence.

If the specified path is not absolute it is resolved relative to source code root directory.

When building frontend these two variables could be used instead of --env outputDir.