You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
""" Args: proxies (dict, optional): Proxies to use. Format {"http":"proxy_here", "https":"proxy_here"}. Defaults to None. log_level (str, optional): Logging level : "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL". Defaults to "INFO". Returns: TweeterPy: TweeterPy object. """fromtweeterpyimportTweeterPytwitter=TweeterPy(log_level="INFO")
Example - Get User ID of a User
# By Deafult it uses a Guest Session.# Try to fetch data without login first, i.e. with a guest session. Use logged in sessions only if required.# If you want to use it with logged in session, use any one of the followings to generate a logged in session.# Multiple Ways of generating Sessions.># DON'T USE ALL THREE, JUST USE ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWINGS.# twitter.generate_session(auth_token="auth_token_here") #-- Use Auth-Token to Login# twitter.login(username=username, password=password, email=email, phone=phone) #-- Use credentials to login.# twitter.load_session() #-- Load session from local storage if u previously saved some session with twitter.save_session()print(twitter.get_user_id('elonmusk'))
Example - Get Data out of Nested Python Dict/List With User/Tweet Dataclasses (Easy Way)
fromtweeterpyimportTweeterPyfromtweeterpy.utilimportUser, Tweettwitter=TweeterPy()
# get tweetsuser_tweets=twitter.get_user_tweets("elonmusk",total=50)
# clean the dataTweet_1=Tweet(user_tweets['data'][0])
# get user datauser_data=twitter.get_user_data("elonmusk")
# clean the dataelon_musk=User(user_data)
elon_musk.dict() # if you want to have the data in a python dict.# IF YOU WANT TO HAVE MORE CONTROL OVER THE DATA OR MAYBE WANT TO FETCH SOME CUSTOM FIELDS, FEEL FREE TO CHECK find_nested_key function MENTIONED BELOW.
Example - Get Data out of Nested Python Dict/List (Manual Way)
# get tweets or other datauser_tweets=twitter.get_user_tweets("elonmusk",total=50)
# get data by keys from the nested python dict, just pass in the dataset and the key name you want to extract.# NOTE : THERE MIGHT BE MULTIPLE KEYS WITH THE SAME NAME. SAY ID (IT COULD BE ID OF TWEET OR A USER OR A THREAD CONVERSATION ETC.) TRY TO PASS A UNIQUE KEY, OR JUST PASS A DATASET WITH UNIQUE KEYS.# YOU CAN ALSO PASS NESTED KEYS IN A TUPLE IF THERE ARE MULTIPLE SIMILIAR KEYS IN THE DATASET. (CHECK BELOW)# Get all the username from the tweets.usernames=find_nested_key(user_tweets,"screen_name")
# Get text content from the tweets.tweets_text=find_nested_key(user_tweets,"full_text")
# Get tweets creation time.tweets_creation_time= [find_nested_key(tweet['content']['itemContent']['tweet_results']['result']['legacy'],"created_at") fortweetinuser_tweets['data']]
#----------------------- NESTED KEYS AS A TUPLE -------------------------# you can also give it direct keys' location as a tuple in a hierarchy order if you know exact locaction or if the dataset has multiple similar keys.user_tweets=twitter.get_user_tweets("elonmusk",total=50)
# Now say if you want to get tweet creation time which is stored in created_at key.# you will usually do find_nested_key(user_tweets,"created_at") if you take a look at the dataset, there are multiple created_at keys. One is for tweet datetime and other is for user account creation time."""This is the location to tweet creation time.user_tweets['data'][0]['content']['itemContent']['tweet_results']['result']['legacy']['created_at']This is the location to user account creation time.user_tweets['data'][0]['content']['itemContent']['tweet_results']['result']['core']['user_results']['result']['legacy']['created_at']"""# So we have to be a bit more specific with our nested_keys. We can pass it as a tuple.user_account_creation=find_nested_key(user_tweets,("user_results","result","legacy","created_at"))
#------------------------- NESTED KEYS AS A LIST -------------------------# you can also give it a list of keys, to find multiple datapoints in a dataset.user=twitter.get_user_data("elonmusk")
datapoints= ['name','screen_name','followers_count','friends_count','statuses_count','media_count','can_dm']
# Get multiple datapoints by passing a list of keys# user_details = find_nested_key(user,['screen_name','name'])user_details=find_nested_key(user,datapoints)
#------------- TUPLES INSIDE LIST OF KEYS TO BE MORE SPECIFIC -------------# There might be a situation when u get multiple results from a single key.# In our case it is for the "name" key in the datapoints list. One is for user full name (its inside legacy > name), the other is for the category name (its inside professional > category > name).# But you only wanted to get user's full name (which is inside legacy > name) but also the other values inside the datapoints list.# In such a case, you can use tuples inside a list as well.# See I specified a tuple for the "name" to be more specificdatapoints= [('legacy','name'),'screen_name','followers_count','friends_count','statuses_count','media_count','can_dm']
Update API manually
""" Update API endpoints, Features manually. Args: restore_cache (bool, optional): Set whether to restore offline (cached/old) version or online (latest) version of the API data. Defaults to True. Returns: bool: Returns True if the user is logged in. """
Check If User is Logged In
""" Check if the user is logged in. Returns: bool: Returns True if the user is logged in. """
Get Logged In User Details""" Returns logged in user information. Returns: dict: Currently logged in user's data. """
Save a Logged In Session
""" Save a logged in session to avoid frequent logins in future. Args: session (requests.Session, optional): requests.Session object you want to save. If None, saves current session by default. Defaults to None. session_name (str, optional): Session name. If None, uses currently logged in username. Defaults to None. Returns: path: Saved session file path. """
Restore Session from a Saved Session File
""" Load a saved session. Args: path (path, optional): File path to load session from. If None, shows a list of all saved session to choose from. Defaults to None. session (request.Session, optional): requests.Session object to load a saved session into. Defaults to None. Returns: requests.Session: Restored session. """
Generate a New Session (Guest Session OR With an Auth-Toekn)
""" Generate a twitter session. With/Without Login. Args: auth_token (str, optional): Generate session with an auth-token. If auth_token is None (Default Behaviour), generates a guest session without login. Defaults to None. Returns: requests.Session: requests.Session Object. """
Log into an account
login(username=None, password=None, email=None, phone=None, mfa_secret=None, **kwargs)
""" Log into an account. Args: username (str, optional): Twitter username. Defaults to None. password (str, optional): Password. Defaults to None. email (str, optional): Twitter email. Defaults to None. phone (str, optional): Twitter phone. Defaults to None. mfa_secret (str, optional): Twitter MFA Secret Token to generate TOTP code. Defaults to None. """
Get User ID of a Twitter User
""" Get user ID of a twitter user. Args: username (str): Twitter username. Returns: str: User ID. """
Get User Details i.e. username, fullname, bio etc. -- LOGIN REQUIRED
""" Extracts user details like username, userid, bio, website, follower/following count etc. Args: user_id (str/int): User ID. Returns: dict: User information. """
Get User Details i.e. username, fullname, bio etc. and Verification Badge Details
""" Extracts user details as same as get_user_info method. Except this one returns info about blue tick verification badge as well. Args: username (str): Twitter username. Returns: dict: User information. """
Get Mutiple Users' Details -- LOGIN REQUIRED
""" Get user information of multiple twitter users. Args: user_ids (list): List of twitter users' IDs. Returns: list: Multiple users data. """
Get User's Tweets
get_user_tweets(user_id, with_replies=False, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get Tweets from a user's profile. Args: user_id (int): User ID. with_replies (bool, optional): Set to True if want to get the tweets user replied to, from user's profile page. Defaults to False. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Get User Media Posts -- LOGIN REQUIRED
get_user_media(user_id, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get media from a user's profile. Args: user_id (int): User ID. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Get Details of a Tweet Post
get_tweet(tweet_id, with_tweet_replies=False, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get Tweets from a user's profile. Args: tweet_id (int): Tweet ID. with_tweet_replies (bool, optional): Set to True if want to get the tweets replies as well. Defaults to False. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Only applicable if with with_tweet_replies is True. Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Tweet data. """
Get Tweets Liked by a User -- LOGIN REQUIRED
get_liked_tweets(user_id, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get Tweets liked by a user. Args: user_id (int): User ID. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Get Tweets from Home Timeline -- LOGIN REQUIRED
get_user_timeline(end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get tweets from home timeline (Home Page). Args: end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Get Tweets from a Tweet List (Tweet Lists are Available on Twitter Mobile App) -- LOGIN REQUIRED
get_list_tweets(list_id, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get tweets from a Tweets List. Args: list_id (str/int): Tweets List ID. (Can be extracted from twitter mobile app.) end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Get Tweets from a Topic Page -- LOGIN REQUIRED
get_topic_tweets(topic_id, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get tweets from a Topic. Args: topic_id (str/int): Topic ID. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Perform a Search -- LOGIN REQUIRED
search(search_query, end_cursor=None, total=None, search_filter=None, pagination=True)
""" Get search results. Args: search_query (str): Search term. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) Number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. search_filter (str, optional): Type of search you want to perform. Available filters - Latest , Top , People , Photos , Videos. Defaults to 'Top'. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Get User's Followers/Followings/Mutual Followers -- LOGIN REQUIRED
get_friends(user_id, follower=False, following=False, mutual_follower=False, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get User's follower, followings or mutual followers. Args: user_id (int): User ID. follower (bool, optional): Set to True if want to extract User's follower. Defaults to False. following (bool, optional): Set to True if want to extract User's following. Defaults to False. mutual_followers (bool, optional): Set to True if want to extract mutual follower. Defaults to False. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Check User's Profile Category -- LOGIN REQUIRED
""" Extracts profile category of a Professional/Business twitter profile. Can also be extracted from get_user_info and get_user_data methods. Args: user_id (int): User ID. Returns: dict: User profile category information. """
Get List of Users Who Liked The Specified Tweet -- LOGIN REQUIRED
get_tweet_likes(tweet_id, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Returns data about the users who liked the given tweet post. Args: tweet_id (int): Tweet ID. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Get List of Users Who Re-Tweeted The Specified Tweet -- LOGIN REQUIRED
get_retweeters(tweet_id, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Returs data about the users who retweeted the given tweet post. Args: tweet_id (int): Tweet ID. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """
Get Highlight Tweets from a User's Profile
get_user_highlights(user_id, end_cursor=None, total=None, pagination=True)
""" Get highlights from a user's profile. Args: user_id (int): User ID. end_cursor (str, optional): Last endcursor point. (To start from where you left off last time). Defaults to None. total (int, optional): Total(Max) number of results you want to get. If None, extracts all results. Defaults to None. pagination (bool, optional): Set to False if want to handle each page request manually. Use end_cursor from the previous page/request to navigate to the next page. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: Returns data, cursor_endpoint, has_next_page """