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154 lines (120 loc) · 9.59 KB


File metadata and controls

154 lines (120 loc) · 9.59 KB


  • kSteam Library Queries! This all-new system interops with Steam Library Collections (while adding new filters), allowing to fetch user's game library with play time and license support.
  • Multi-license support! Now kSteam understands package licenses and can apply them to app queries - you can easily get information about multiple copies and who own them.


  • [breaking change]: ExtendedSteamClient now implements the new abstract SteamClient interface, while the old SteamClient is now internal and named SteamClientImpl.
  • [breaking change]: extension-client/published-files: all-new PublishedFile class that features more mapped variables and improved code style
  • [breaking change]: core: gRPC client authenticationClient renamed to authentication
  • core: move gRPC clients from extension-client's ExtendedSteamGrpcClients to SteamGrpcClients
  • extension-client/published-files: implemented getFilesAppList and getFiles
  • extension-client/published-files: implemented EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType and EWorkshopFileType enums
  • proto-common: merge protobuf files from core and extension-client
  • extension-client: implemented ClientCommunication for remote operations
  • core: add ClientCommService, FamilyGroupsService, GameNotesService, StoreService, MobileDeviceService, UserGameNotesService to SteamGrpcClients
  • proto-common: update to latest protobufs
  • proto-common: don't embed .proto files in JAR


  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard: getActiveSessions now returns an ActiveSessions object that separates current kSteam session and others
  • [breaking change] extension-client: implemented separate databases, "ks_shared.realm" for PICS and "ks_.realm" for user-specific items (personas, for example)
  • [breaking change] extension-client: Persona is now rebuilt, featuring built-in relationship indicator and new Status interface
  • [breaking change] core: trySignInSaved is now separated into trySignInSaved(SteamId) and trySignInSavedDefault()
  • core, extension-client/guard: replaced while (true) in flows with while (currentCoroutineContext().isActive)
  • extension-client/guard: fixed generation of revocation signature
  • core: add Account.getWebCookies for fetching required cookies to access secured Steam pages in a WebView
  • extension-client/guard: make MobileConfirmationItem.icon nullable to fix parsing when a confirmation does not have it (phone number changes)д
  • core-persistence: add secureGetSteamIds and improve secureContainsIdentity
  • core: implemented support for expired sessions
  • core: implemented auto-restoration of autologin
  • extension-client: implemented new rich presence formatter that automatically updates the database
  • extension-client: provide SteamRegexes to help QR scanning implementations


  • [breaking change] core: handler system was removed out in favour for static injection of subsystems
  • [breaking change] extension-client: due to handler system being removed, extension is now installed as a Kotlin extension for SteamClient (see extendToClient function)
  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard-management: AwaitingSession is now IncomingSession
  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard-management: IncomingSession and ActiveSession are now Serializable
  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard-management: reworked API to be more consistent
  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard: major refactor of creation/moving process, removing the state system
  • core: implement shared gRPC client storage
  • core: streamlined coroutines scope creation/usage
  • core: remove embedded libdeflate for native platforms multi-message support because Okio has support for gzip streams for K/N
  • core: improved performance by using an enum cache for EMsg and EResult
  • extension-client: implement shared gRPC client storage for easy invoking of supported autogenerated RPC interfaces
  • extension-client/guard: fixed generating signature for revoking sessions
  • extension-client/guard-management: added a method to revoke current session
  • update dependencies


  • core/account now tries to search Steam Guard code for all bound extensions
  • [breaking change] extension-client handler extensions for PICS/Library/Guard are now moved back to bruhcollective.itaysonlab.ksteam.handlers package


Literally everything here is changed, more like a rewrite from scratch, leaving ~25% of original codebase

  • [breaking change] massive persistence rework, saved storage from earlier kSteam versions IS NOT COMPATIBLE (including Steam Guard)
  • re-enable support for macOS/iOS compilation
  • [breaking change] massive rework of extension architecture, simplifying everything to "core"-"implementation" model
  • [breaking change] introduce core-persistence for managing saved user data
  • core/unifiedmessages: provide a custom Wire client implementation for simplifying API requests
  • [breaking change] core/account: now uses secure persistence
  • extension-client: introduce Realm Mobile Database for persisting personas, collections, game metadata
  • extension-client/persona: optimize flows by using Realm queries
  • [breaking change] extension-client/pics: key-value DB is not required anymore
  • [breaking change] extension-client/pics: massive rework of querying, caching and storing to minimize extra requests
  • extension-client/guard: now uses secure persistence


  • [breaking change] Disable support for macOS/iOS compilation, effectively making kSteam a JVM/Android-only library
  • [breaking change] RPC calls now use Wire's gRPC custom client implementation instead of manually passing request/response adapters. This also enables usage of Steam-defined services directly.
  • extension-pics: support for 64-bit app IDs, making the client not crashing if providing folders with non-Steam applications
  • update dependencies
  • streamline the version updating procedure by introducing version catalogs
  • synchronized protobufs with the latest provided by Steam


  • Matches Cobalt 1.0-prototype build


  • extension-core/news: implement getUpcomingEvents and getUpcomingEvents
  • extension-core/news: extract friend activity to UserNews handler
  • extension-core/news: rework ActivityFeedEntry to be more UI-compliant
  • extension-core/news: other fixes and improvements
  • core/webapi: reworked API wrappers to be more modern and Kotlin-friendly
  • rewrite logging transport, now message value computation is done lazily (and is more likely to be removed by R8/Proguard)
  • streamline build process
  • provide android artifacts as well, with Compose stability bindings and logcat output


  • [breaking change] redone CMClientState featuring new AwaitingAuthorization state (connected as a guest) and renamed Logging to Authorizing + Idle to Offline
  • core: improved CMClientState exposing
  • core: introduce extractAccountIdFromSteam and toSteamId extensions for Long and Int
  • core: fixed rare Web API call crash
  • core/player: make getAchievementsProgress and getTopAchievements public (proto API only for now)
  • extension-pics: optimized database lists, fixing CallbackSuspendableMap must be initialized first! crash
  • extension-core/news: finalized parameters for getUserNews, introduced UserNewsFilterScenario
  • extension-core/news
  • updated kotlin from 1.8.20 to 1.8.21
  • updated kotlinx-coroutines from 1.7.0-RC to 1.7.1
  • updated kotlinx-serialization from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1
  • updated wire from 4.6.0 to 4.7.2
  • updated ktor from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1


  • [breaking change] updated wire from 4.5.3 to 4.6.0 (library consumers must also update wire to avoid issues)
  • [breaking change] extension-pics: fixed JSON exception when Steam can give absolutely random order values for collections (Int -> Double)
  • core: redone sign in process to extract Steam ID from JWT token (fixes QR login - btw I think that there is an easier way to know SteamID in QR logins...)
  • synchronized protobufs
  • updated ktor, kotlinx-serialization and coroutines


  • [breaking change] Kotlin Multiplatform support for jvm, ios (arm64/simulatorArm64/x64), tvos (arm64/simulatorArm64/x64) and macos (arm64/x64)
  • [breaking change] core: rootFolder is replaced from File of JVM to Path of okio
  • [breaking change] core, extension-core, extension-guard, extension-pics: removed AndroidX @Immutable/@Stable annotations from models, this will lead to recomposition issues if used directly in Jetpack Compose (wrap them in UI state objects)
  • [breaking change] extension-guard: migrated from custom protobuf to .mafile-style JSON files (migration tools are provided in a separate module named extension-guard-proto-migration)
  • [breaking change] core: ktorProxyConfig removed in favor of specifying your own Ktor HttpClient using ktor { } function in kSteam { } initializator
  • core: refactored a lot of internal I/O-related code
  • core: added SteamClientConfiguration.AuthPrivateIpLogic.Generate option for signing in (enabled by default on Apple platforms)
  • extension-guard: rewritten java.nio/javax.crypto (bytebuffer/hmac) usages with okio
  • extension-pics: collections are now filtered based on actual owned appids
  • extension-pics: optimize metadata updating
  • replaced implementation with api inside kSteam modules to prevent ClassNotFoundException