Script which shows weather datas from the openweathermap-api in Scriptable for iOS in the lockscreen-widgets.
First of all, you need an API-key by OpenWeather out of your account. If you doesn't have an accountone, click here to sign up.
The current script version (1.1+
) uses now the API v3.0 endpoint.
Because openweathermap is shutting down version 2.5 on Oct. 14.
- Inline (current weather)
- Circular (current weather)
- Rectangular (current & forecast)
- Current & Forecast
- Clickable rows
- Detailview of each day
- Dialog, that shows the city ID
- Quick access to this GitHub Repo in the footer
Default value if null: 30;current
The number at the beginning means the refresh intervall of the widget.
The second value controls which datas will be shown (current or forecast)
const unit = 'metric' //Units of measurement: 'standard', 'metric' and 'imperial' units are available.
const unitSymb = '°' //Celsius
const unitSpeed = 'km/h'
const language = 'de' //learn more:
const standardParameter = '30;current'
The script asks you at the first run for your openweathermap API-Key.
It saves it in the 'Inline Weather' Directory at the Scriptable iCloud Folder as JSON file.
So it wont go lost after script updates.
The info widgets show existing errors. For example, if there is no internet connection or the API key is incorrect.
The Script updates itself1
It downloads a module from this github repo and saves it in the "Inline Weather" directory.
iCloud Drive/
├─ Scriptable/
│ ├─ Inline Weather/
│ │ ├─ module.js
│ │ ├─ apiKey.json <-- your successfully saved API-Key