3.3.3 (2016-04-03)
3.3.2 (2016-04-03)
3.3.1 (2016-03-26)
3.3.0 (2016-03-21)
- bottomsheet: add fixed position (04cc4fb)
- deps: add again ngSocket dependency (2bae8c5)
- deps: remove duplicate angular-local-storage (d4d7f48)
- docs: fix workflow doc (8f0af5d)
- electron: increase window width (31f7784)
- env: remove sandbox (236f4a2)
- build: use local resources for frontend deps (0417d49)
3.2.0 (2016-02-15)
- deps: AngularJS 1.5.0 (83c1304)
3.1.0 (2016-02-04)
- charts: fix trade arrows for current trades (a485339)
- quotes: fix the order of instruments list (99878d1)
- build: add snyk tool to test script (28a7e82)
- build: remove grunt (094291c)
- charts: add buy/sell arrows for trades (f3238ec)
- quotes: add sparkline to quotes view (35774e5)
- sparkline: add sparkline directive (83e394f)
3.0.0 (2016-01-07)
- order dlg: check when pips are undefined (5e8c5ab)
- order dlg: fix layout margin for order dialog (9b1ae34)
2.7.1 (2015-12-19)
- deps: Material 1.0.1 (62d9357)
2.7.0 (2015-12-17)
- charts: add workaround for selects glitch (93cc6fe)
- default: fix next/previous tab (fe1f677)
- dialogs: fix dialogs due Material update (3e35fca)
- dialogs: use textContent instead of content (fef8a50)
- header: fix progress circular (94c17b4)
- order dlg: fix instruments and limit selects (71a1d35)
- tabs: fix tabs background (5ca0f1a)
- tests: session service tests (57ed8d0)
- build: update grunt-conventional-changelog 5.0.0 (2f48e21)
- deps: Angular 1.5.0-rc.0, Material 1.0.0-rc7 (61bd25b)
- deps: AngularJS 1.4.8 (1f88665)
- deps: Material 1.0.0 (42f749f)
- deps: Material 1.0.0-rc5, Ang 1.5.0-beta.2 (2d0a855)
- deps: Material 1.0.0-rc6 (ca2e465)
- deps: update AngularJS 1.4.6 (8e854b8)
- deps: update AngularJS 1.4.7 (e68e49c)
- deps: update Material 0.11.1 (631d507)
- deps: update Material 0.11.2 (80d7b48)
- deps: update Material 0.11.3 (8d15d89)
- deps: update Material 0.11.4 (a6a1d5a)
- deps: update Material 1.0.0-rc1 (8aa6ed0)
- deps: update Material 1.0.0-rc2 (b0cb1d1)
- deps: update Material 1.0.0-rc2 again (9b34465)
- deps: update Material 1.0.0-rc3 (8d310d1)
- deps: update Material 1.0.0-rc4 (2728d8c)
2.6.0 (2015-09-13)
- Material: fix header buttons and progress (7c6b94c)
- start: fix again start script (04b89ef)
- start: fix again start script after adding git attributes (50695e8)
- start: fix again start script with LF eol (ef285fb)
- start: fix start script (dbda41b)
- deps: update Material 0.11.0 (ebb8d91)
2.5.0 (2015-09-05)
- api: add orderbook api (cf41662)
2.4.1 (2015-09-05)
- CHANGELOG: fix manually tag mismatch (e9e5199)
2.4.0 (2015-09-05)
- build: fix grunt-conventional-changelog release (da67af2)
- build: add conventional-changelog (9b042f4)
- Added throttling (1 req / 500ms) to OANDA api requests.
- Updated eslint-plugin-angular 0.7.0.
- Fixed instrument and granularity select boxes in order dialog.
- Added bold style to price text in chart.
- Removed labs folder (see argo-trading plugins in npmjs site).
- Updated AngularJS 1.4.4, Material 0.10.1.
- Updated other deps.
- Fixed linter errors.
- Fixed linter errors.
- Added pips info to plugin activation.
- Updated AngularJS 1.4.2.
- Updated Material 0.10.1-rc1.
- Updated other deps.
- Updated AngularJS 1.4.0.
- Updated Material 0.9.6.
- Updated ui router 0.2.15.
- Updated other deps.
- Added support for plugins.
- Fixed eol for start script (see #4).
- Updated deps.
- Removed experimental package node-svm due to compiling issues with io.js 2.0.0.
- Removed screenshot from README (see the site).
- Updated material 0.9.0.
- Updated ui router 0.2.14.
- Added specs.
- Added a shadow below the toolbar.
- Tuned again tabs refresh.
- Added padding and margin to the dialogs.
- Added details for view docs.
- Updated chai 2.3.0.
- Updated AngularJS 1.4.0-rc.1.
- Updated eslint 0.20.0, grunt-eslint 12.0.0.
- Added npm version badge.
- Added color classes to profit, pl in activity view.
- Added favicon.ico and argo logo.
- Added md-dynamic-height to the tabs.
- Updated body-parser 1.12.3.
- Removed useless spaces and blank lines in README.
- Updated features in README.
- Moved spinner loading to the toolbar.
- Updated README with io.js 1.8.x and material 0.9.x.
- Fixed spinner loading if the browser tab is hidden.
- Added a screenshot and features list to the README.
- Added test setup and initial specs.
- Updated deps.
- No negative values to bounds, profits and stops in the order dialog.
- Fixed again filling order in PIPS mode (see #2).
- Fixed order dialog pips.
- Fixed access token param.
- Fixed rate limit error.
- Added refresh timestamp to the account summary.
- Fixed instruments list for quotes, charts views and order dialog.
- Added color to trades profit.
- Added spread to the quotes view.
- Fixed pips calculation using real info.
- Added settings view with instrument list.
- Added header view doc.
- Added spinner when loading a view.
- Added updating the summary account when there is an event.
- Fixed x axis scale for feeding values.
- Added current price and distance in orders view.
- Added current price and profit pips in trades view.
- Added closing order and trade.
- Added error message for sending order.
- Fixed path for static files.
- First version published to npm repository.
- Added sticky header to the tab views.
- Added text alignment right to flex fields.
- Fixed limit and market order send.
- Added executed order message.
- Added sending order.
- Added exposure view.
- Added news view.
- Added change chart by instrument and granularity.
- Reviewed views style.
- Added Arimo font.
- Added positions view.
- Added orders view.
- Added highlighter to quotes view.
- Added toast for general messages to the user.
- Added activity view.
- Added trades view.
- Added charts view.
- Added quotes view.
- Added token dialog.
- Added account view.
- Added prices and events streaming.
- Added basic docs.
- Added skeleton layout for frontend interface.
- Initial release.