Issues or PRs related to the expression API
Features or general enhancements
Issues or PRs related to Flink
Issues related to output formats
Geospatial related functionality
Issues or PRs related to visualizing ibis expresssions using graphviz
Bugs that are hard to reproduce
The Apache Impala backend
Issues or PRs related to ibis's internal APIs
Issues related to input and/or output
The Microsoft SQL Server backend
Issues that need concerted focus and effort to address holistically
Issues that need to be (re)confirmed as still buggy
This issue needs a concrete use case written in the issue description
PRs or issues related to adding new backends
Issues or PRs related to nix
A bug report or issue than cannot be reproduced as reported
Issues that can be addressed by someone less familiar with ibis
Issues related to ibis's performance
The Apache PySpark backend
Questions about the library
Rabbit hole. Enter at your own risk.
Issues or PRs related to refactoring the codebase