copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | content-type | ||
2025-03-03 |
bare metal release notes |
bare-metal |
release-note |
{: #release-notes}
Use the release notes to learn the latest updates to {{}} for the Classic infrastructure that are grouped by date. {: shortdesc}
{: #bare-metal-mar25}
{: #bare-metal-mar0325} {: release-note}
Add-on support for Rocky Linux
: Rocky Linux on {{}} now supports add-ons. For more information, see Rocky Linux Documentation{: external}.
{: #bare-metal-jan25}
{: #bare-metal-jan1525} {: release-note}
SAP profiles on RHEL 8.10
: Sapphire Rapids-based {{}} now support SAP profiles on RHEL 8.10.
{: #bare-metal-jan1425} {: release-note}
SAP-certfied profiles : Sapphire Rapids-based {{}} now support SAP-certified profiles.
{: #bare-metal-nov24}
{: #bare-metal-nov2524} {: release-note}
RHEL 9.4 for {{}} : {{}} now supports RHEL 9.4.
RHEL 9.4 for SAP CLX profiles : When you provision a bare metal server, you can now select RHEL 9.4 for SAP CLX profiles.
{: #bare-metal-nov1424} {: release-note}
NVMe OS boot drives now support Debian : When you provision a bare metal server with Debian, you can now select NVMe OS boot drives.
{: #bare-metal-nov1324} {: release-note}
NVMe OS boot drives now support Ubuntu : When you provision a bare metal server with Ubuntu, you can now select NVMe OS boot drives.
{: #bare-metal-oct24}
{: #bare-metal-oct2524} {: release-note}
RHEL 8.10 for SAP (Cascade Lake servers only). : {{}} now supports RHEL 8.10 for SAP workloads (Cascade Lake servers only).
{: #bare-metal-oct2324} {: release-note}
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 for SAP and SAP HANA (CLX profiles only) : {{}} now supports SUSE SLES 15 for SAP and SAP HANA (CLX profiles only).
{: #bare-metal-oct2224} {: release-note}
RHEL 8.10 : {{}} now supports RHEL 8.10.
{: #bare-metal-oct2124} {: release-note}
RHEL 9.2 for SAP and SAP HANA : {{}} now supports RHEL 9.2 for SAP and SAP HANA workloads.
{: #bare-metal-sep24}
{: #bare-metal-sep1024} {: release-note}
New add-on support for Ubuntu 22.04 : {{}} Classic infrastructure now supports cPanel, Plesk, and R1Soft for Ubuntu 22.04.
{: #bare-metal-aug24}
{: #bare-metal-aug2924} {: release-note}
SUSE SLES 15 SP4 for SAP : {{}} Classic infrastructure now supports SUSE SLES 15 SP4 for SAP workloads.
{: #bare-metal-aug2024} {: release-note}
RHEL 9.2 : {{}} now supports RHEL 9.2.
{: #bare-metal-aug0124} {: release-note}
Common RAID controller : {{}} now supports a common RAID controller for Sapphire Rapids-based Supermicro and Lenovo systems to help simplify configuration.
{: #bare-metal-jul24}
{: #bare-metal-jul1124} {: release-note}
Custom power profiles for VMware ESXi : {{}} now supports custom power profiles for VMware ESXi. ESXi offers different power management policy profiles to help you adjust your performance and power proportions. For more information, Host Power Management policies in ESXi{: external}.
{: #bare-metal-jul1024} {: release-note}
Ubuntu 24.04 : {{}} now supports Ubuntu 24.04. For more information, see Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat){: external}.
{: #bare-metal-mar24}
{: #bare-metal-mar2424} {: release-note}
NVMe support for RHEL, Rocky Linux, and CentOS : {{}} with NVMe SSD now supports RHEL, Rocky Linux, and CentOS. For more information about NVMe, see NVMe solid-state drives (SSD).
Support for CentOS Stream 9 : {{}} now supports CentOS Stream 9. For more information, see CentOS Stream 9{: external}.
{: #bare-metal-mar2224} {: release-note}
OSNEXUS (QuantaStor) 6.2 : OSNEXUS (QuantaStor) 6.2 is now available for {{}}. For more information, see IBM Cloud QuantaStor Provisioning Guide Overview{: external}.
{: #bare-metal-mar1324} {: release-note}
Intel® 'Speed Select' for the Sapphire Rapids processors : You can now select the available core count and clock speed of a 8474C processor when you order a Sapphire Rapids-based {{}}.
{: #bare-metal-jan24}
{: #bare-metal-jan2524} {: release-note}
Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU support (Select availability) : Intel Sapphire Rapids CPUs for bare metal servers are now available in only the DAL, MAD, TOK, TOR, and WDC regions. For more information, see Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU support.
{: #bare-metal-dec23}
{: #bare-metal-dec1523} {: release-note}
SSL Certificate Order is deprecated : As of 15 April 2024, the SSL Certificate Order is no longer available for purchase. As of 15 December 2024, SSL Certificate Order is no longer supported for new orders or reorders. Existing certificates that are not expired are still available for you to download, reissue, or revoke. For more information, see Deprecation of SSL Certificates. {: deprecated}
{: #bare-metal-dec0623} {: release-note}
Intel® Sapphire Rapids-based bare metal servers now support GPUs : When you provision an Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU-based bare metal server, you can now select GPUs.
{: #bare-metal-nov23}
{: #bare-metal-nov2723} {: release-note}
Mirrored M.2 NVMe OS boot drives now support VMWare ESXi : When you provision a bare metal server with VMWare ESXi, you can now select mirrored M.2 NVMe OS boot drives.
{: #bare-metal-oct23}
{: #bare-metal-oct2723} {: release-note}
Microsoft® SQL Server 2019 and 2022 : Classic infrastructure bare metal and virtual servers now support Microsoft SQL Server 2019{: external} and 2022{: external}.
{: #bare-metal-oct1323} {: release-note}
Intel SGX support for Sapphire Rapids-based Lenovo and Supermicro bare metal servers : Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU-based Lenovo and Supermicro bare metal servers now support Intel Software Guards Extensions (SGX). For more information about provisioning a bare metal server with SGX, see Provisioning a bare metal server with Intel® Software Guard Extension architecture.
{: #bare-metal-oct0923} {: release-note}
cPanel support for Rocky Linux 8 for Classic bare metal and virtual servers : Rocky Linux 8 now supports cPanel as an add-on for Classic bare metal and virtual servers. For more information about cPanel, see cPanel.
{: #bare-metal-jul23}
{: #bare-metal-jul1023} {: release-note}
Mirrored M.2 SATA boot drives (VMWare ESXi only) : You can now order mirrored M.2 SATA boot drives. To select this drive option, you need to select VMWare ESXi as the boot OS and the PCIe add-on.
{: #bare-metal-may23}
{: #bare-metal-may1523} {: release-note}
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) : IBM Cloud® server software now supports RHEL 9 as an OS option for bare metal servers. For more information, see the Bare metal servers tab in Supported operating systems for IBM Cloud® server software.
{: #bare-metal-may1123} {: release-note}
RAID controllers to support Intel Sapphire Rapids CPUs : Two new RAID controllers are available to support Intel Sapphire Rapids CPUs. For more information about RAID, see About RAID.
{: #bare-metal-mar23}
{: #bare-metal-mar2823} {: release-note}
Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU support (Beta) : Intel Sapphire Rapids CPUs now support Debian 11, Microsoft Windows 19 & 2022, Rocky Linux 8, Ubuntu 22.04. For more information, see Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU support.
{: #bare-metal-feb23}
{: #bare-metal-feb1423} {: release-note}
Ubuntu 22.04 : IBM Cloud® server software now supports Ubuntu 22.04 as an OS option for bare metal servers. For more information, see the Bare metal servers tab in Supported operating systems for IBM Cloud® server software.
{: #bare-metal-jan23}
{: #bare-metal-jan1023} {: release-note}
Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU support (Beta) : You can now select an Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU when you provision a bare metal server. For more information, see Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU support.
{: #bare-metal-jan0923} {: release-note}
Debian 11 : IBM Cloud® server software now supports Debian 11 as an OS option for bare metal servers. For more information, see the Bare metal servers tab in Supported operating systems for IBM Cloud® server software.
{: #bare-metal-mar22}
{: #bare-metal-mar0822} {: release-note}
Windows server 2022 : IBM Cloud® server software now supports Windows® server 2022 as an OS option for bare metal servers. For more information, see the Bare metal servers tab in Supported operating systems for IBM Cloud® server software.
{: #bare-metal-dec21}
{: #bare-metal-dec0221} {: release-note}
Custom image template add-ons : Custom image templates now support the following add-ons. For more information, see the supported add-ons section in About bare metal custom image templates.
- McAfee (free license add-on)
- MySQL (free license add-on)
- Microsoft SQL Server
- R1Soft client
: You can now migrate a bare metal server by using add-on software such as cPanel, MS SQL Server, Plesk, or R1Soft Backup Agent. For more information, see Migrating bare metal servers with add-on software.
{: #bare-metal-oct21}
{: #bare-metal-oct0521} {: release-note}
Intel Xeon 8260 CPU : You can now select the Intel Xeon 8260 CPU when you provision a bare metal server. For more information, see Bare metal server options.
{: #bare-metal-feb21}
{: #bare-metal-feb0121} {: release-note}
25 Gbps port space is now available : You can now use 25 Gbps port speed on select Cascade Lake processor servers. For more information about 25 Gbps port speed, see the 25 Gbps port speed section of the Bare Metal Servers Network options topic.
{: #bare-metal-aug20}
{: #bare-metal-aug1220} {: release-note}
Intel Xeon 6250 CPU : You can now select the Intel Xeon 6250 CPU when you provision a bare metal server. For more information, see Bare metal server options.
{: #bare-metal-aug1020} {: release-note}
Custom images templates are now available : Image templates provide an imaging option for {{}}. With {{}} custom image templates, you can capture an image of a bare metal server to replicate its configuration with minimal changes in the order process. For more information, see About bare metal custom image templates.
{: #bare-metal-jul20}
{: #bare-metal-jul2220} {: release-note}
IBM Cloud Monitoring : {{}} collects basic Classic infrastructure and VPC virtual server metrics such as CPU usage, disk usage, network traffic, and memory. These metrics are stored in {{}}. For more information, see IBM Cloud Monitoring.
{: #bare-metal-may20}
{: #bare-metal-may1820} {: release-note}
NVM solid-state drives : Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) is a high-performance storage protocol that supports direct connection of the memory subsystem to the CPU through the PCIe interface. The NVMe protocol capitalizes on parallel, low-latency data paths to the underlying media. This protocol offers significantly higher performance and smaller latencies compared to traditional SAS and SATA protocols. For more information, see NVMe solid-state drives.
{: #bare-metal-mar20}
{: #bare-metal-mar2420} {: release-note}
AMD CPU support : When you provision a bare metal server, AMD EPYC® "Rome" generation CPUs are now an option. Rome generation processors are high-performance multiprocessors that are based on AMD's Zen 2 architecture. The EPYC "Rome" family offers several CPU options that offer up to 48 cores per socket. For more information, see the AMD CPU support section in Bare metal server options.
{: #bare-metal-feb20}
{: #bare-metal-feb1120} {: release-note}
Veeam backup for Office 365 : Veeam backup for Office 365 protects your Office 365 data by backing up your Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive for Business data. True data protection and RPO (recovery point objective) are not included with Office 365. Veeam provides a software-defined solution that protects Office 365, performs granular restores, and recovers data to anywhere. For more information, Veeam backup for Office 365.
{: #bare-metal-oct19}
{: #bare-metal-oct1019} {: release-note}
Network port redundancy : Port redundancy provides a networking failover by maintaining a primary and secondary network port. If the primary port fails, the secondary (redundant) port enables. For more information, see the network redundancy section of Bare metal server options.
{: #bare-metal-aug19}
{: #bare-metal-aug0519} {: release-note}
NVIDIA GPU support : For certain bare metal servers, you can add the processing power of NVIDIA® GPUs. When you select a bare metal server, look for GPU in the Features column on the provisioning page. For more information, see the NVIDIA GPU support section of Bare metal server options.
{: #bare-metal-apr19}
{: #bare-metal-apr0219} {: release-note}
Cascade Lake CPU support : You can choose from the following Intel® Xeon® Cascade Lake CPUs when you provision a bare metal server. For more information, see the Intel Cascade Lake CPU support section of Bare metal server options.
{: #bare-metal-mar19}
{: #bare-metal-mar2519} {: release-note}
Contract term pricing : {{}} gives you the option to lock-in a lesser price by signing a contract term. You can choose between either a 1-year or a 3-year contract. A contact term bare metal server is a great option if you know that you need hardware for the long term and makes sure that your resources are available throughout your term. When your term is over, you keep your contracted price on a month-to-month basis. For more information, see Contract term pricing for bare metal servers.
{: #bare-metal-apr18}
{: #bare-metal-apr0518} {: release-note}
Spare pools [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} : The Spare Pool screen in the {{}} allows users to manage the spare pool of devices associated with the account. Each device in the spare pool can be used as a backup device if more devices are needed.
{: #bare-metal-mar18}
{: #bare-metal-mar2618} {: release-note}
Intel Software Guard Extension : Intel® Software Guard Extension (SGX) is an architecture extension that is designed to increase security by using protected areas in memory that runs your sensitive code and data. For more information, see Intel Software Guard Extension.
{: #bare-metal-mar1618} {: release-note}
Block and file storage add-on : If you need extra storage, {{}} makes it easy. You can now order block and file storage (20 - 12,000 GB) when you provision a bare metal server. Your add-on storage isn't automatically connected to your bare metal server. You need to connect the add-on storage to your bare metal server after your server provisions. For more information, see the block and file storage add-on section of Bare metal server options.
{: #bare-metal-mar0218} {: release-note}
Custom bare metal servers : {{}} are single-tenant physical servers that provide you with performance and control with low-level access to the hardware resources. You can create a custom {{}}. For more information, see Building a custom Bare Metal Server.