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{: #Instrument-your-app} Last updated: 19 February 2019 {: .last-updated}
##Initialize the {{}} Client SDK
Initialize the {{}} Client SDK in your application code to record usage analytics and application sessions, using your API Key value.
- Android
BMSClient.getInstance().initialize(getApplicationContext(), BMSClient.REGION_US_SOUTH); // You can change the region
Analytics.init(getApplication(), "your_app_name_here", "your_api_key_here", hasUserContext, collectLocation, Analytics.DeviceEvent.ALL);
{: codeblock}
The bluemixRegion parameter specifies which {{}} deployment you are using, for example, BMSClient.REGION_US_SOUTH
Set the value for hasUserContext
to true or false. If false (default value), each device is counted as an active user.
Set the value for collectLocation
to true or false. If true the device location data will be sent as part of the Appsession log.
- iOS
Initialize the Client SDK inside your application code to record usage analytics and application sessions, using your API Key value.
BMSClient.sharedInstance.initialize(bluemixRegion: BMSClient.Region.usSouth) // You can change the region
Analytics.initialize(appName: "your_app_name_here", apiKey: "your_api_key_here", hasUserContext: false, collectLocation: true, deviceEvents: deviceEvents: .lifecycle, .network)
{: codeblock}
The bluemixRegion parameter specifies which IBM Cloud deployment you are using, for example, BMSClient.Region.usSouth
or BMSClient.Region.unitedKingdom
Set the value for hasUserContext
to true or false. If false (default value), each device is counted as an active user.
Set the value for collectLocation
to true or false. If true the device location data will be sent as part of the Appsession log.
- Cordova
Initialize the Client SDK inside your application code to record usage analytics and application sessions, using your API Key value.
var appName = "your_app_name_here";
var apiKey = "your_api_key_here";
BMSClient.initialize(BMSClient.REGION_US_SOUTH); // You can change the region
BMSAnalytics.initialize(appName, apiKey, hasUserContext, collectLocation, [BMSAnalytics.ALL])
{: codeblock}
The bluemixRegion parameter specifies which IBM Cloud deployment you are using, for example, BMSClient.REGION_US_SOUTH
Set the value for hasUserContext
to true or false. If false (default value), each device is counted as an active user.
Set the value for collectLocation
to true or false. If true the device location data will be sent as part of the Appsession log.
- Web
Initialize the Client SDK inside your application code to record usage analytics and application sessions, using your API Key value.
var appName = "your_app_name_here";
var apiKey = "your_api_key_here";
{: codeblock}
The bluemixRegion
parameter specifies which {{}} deployment you are using. Set the value for hasUserContext
to true
or false
. If false (default value), each device is counted as an active user.Set the instanceId
to your service instanceId, its a alphanumeric string which you get from the browser url for your service instance after the string "" and upto "/".
Note : The name that you select for your application (your_app_name_here
) displays in the {{}} console as the application name. The application name is used as a filter to search for application logs in the dashboard. When you use the same application name across platforms (for example, Android and iOS), you can see all logs from that application under the same name, regardless of which platform the logs were sent from.
##Send App Data to the {{}} service
Send recorded usage analytics to the {{}} service. A simple way to test your analytics is to run the following code when your application starts:
- Android
Use the Analytics.send()
method to send analytics data to the server. You can place the Analytics.send()
method anywhere in the onCreate
method of the main activity in your Android application, or in a location that works best for your project.
You can insert Analytics.send()
- iOS
Use the Analytics.send
method to send analytics data to the server. You can place the Analytics.send
method anywhere in the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
method of your application delegate, or in a location that works best for your project.
- Cordova
Use the BMSAnalytics.send
method to send analytics data to the server. Place the BMSAnalytics.send
method in a location that works best for your project.
- Web
Use the BMSAnalytics.send
method to send analytics data to the server. Place the BMSAnalytics.send
method in a location that works best for your project.
Go through the Instrumenting your application topic to learn about additional {{}} capabilities, such as logging, network requests, location logging and crash analytics.
Your next step is to Compile and run the application on your emulator or device.