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Gnosis-Safe Client Enterprise Version

Spring Boot Web3j/EVM interface for the Gnosis Safe contracts.
The Spring Boot web application provides Enterprise-grade User-, Rights- and Rolesmanagement, Authentication & Access Control.
All Gnosis-Safe relevant actions are delegated to the Smart Contract by web3j.



  • Java 11+
  • Maven 3+


  • Build with mvnw


  1. Install Hardhat
  2. Run npx hardhat node with mnemonic test test test test test test test test test test test junk (in .env)


  • Start with mvnw spring-boot:run

Gnosis Safe Client Interface API

For the complete API see ... on the locally running application.


Note: All steps described here are included in the REST test file, see 'Testing the Gnosis Safe API with VSCode'

The setup steps are not necessary for the core functionality.
Gnosis Safe and Token with allowance for the Safe can also be deployed separately.

Deploy Safe
POST http://localhost:8888/api/deploySafe HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json

@safeAddress = {{safeDto.response.body.address}}
Deploy Sample Token with allowance for Safe
POST http://localhost:8888/api/deploySampleToken?gnosisSafeAddress={{safeAddress}}&value=100 HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json

@tokenAddress = {{tokenDto.response.body.address}}

Utility: Create Owner Address from Seed

GET http://localhost:8888/api/createKey?seed=seedX HTTP/1.1

@ownerAddressX = {{keyDto.response.body.addressHex}}

Setup Safe for owner 1-3 (with 2/3 threshold)

PATCH http://localhost:8888/api/setupSafe HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json

   "safeAddress": "{{safeAddress}}",
   "owners": [
   "threshold": 2

Sign Transaction with key1 ("seed1")

Sign a transfer of 10 Tokens.

GET http://localhost:8888/api/signTransaction?seed=seed1&gnosisSafeAddress={{safeAddress}}&tokenAddress={{tokenAddress}}&to=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001&value=10

@signature1 = {{signatureDto1.response.body.signature}}

Send Transaction key1,sig1,key2,sig2

GET http://localhost:8888/api/sendTransaction?gnosisSafeAddress={{safeAddress}}&tokenAddress={{tokenAddress}}&to=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001&value=10&addressAndSignature={{ownerAddress1}};{{signature1}},{{ownerAddress2}};{{signature2}}

Testing the Gnosis Safe API with VS Code

All the steps above are included in the safe-script.http file in root directory.
To execute the tests, VS Code must be installed with the REST plugin.

Additional Information

Flatten & Compile Gnosis-Safe

  • Clone gnosis-safe project to folder ${gnosis.git}/contracts
  • Install remixd-server
  • Start remixd-server with folder ${gnosis.git}/contracts and URL
  • Open remix-ide
    • Install Flattener in Remix-IDE, Flatten GnosisSafe.sol
    • Connect to localhost
    • Load GnosisSafe.sol
    • Store flattened Solidity file under /src/main/resources/solidity
    • Build with mvn clean package